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You're Out Daddy

Chapter 383
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Chapter 383

When Thalia reached the airport and got onto the airplane, her expression darkened.

She frowned when she saw her tiny seat. “Anthony Watson, did you have to be so stingy? Why on

earth would you get economy seats?” complained Thalia before she pressed the button to hail the


Seeing that, Anthony turned to her and demanded, “What are you doing?”

“I'm getting an upgrade. I haven't flown in economy class since I was eighteen!” said Thalia.

“How may I help you?” asked the smiling stewardess who made her way there at that moment.

Thalia was about to answer when Anthony spoke up first. “Please get us some bottled water.”

Confused, Thalia stared at him.

“Okay, please wait for a moment,” replied the stewardess before leaving.

Thalia glared at Anthony. “Why did you ask for water? I told you I don't want this seat.”

“My daddy is in first class right now,” replied Anthony.

Thalia froze. She had forgotten all about Kenneth being on the same plane.

“If we upgrade and go there now, he will see us,” answered Anthony.

“We've already gotten onto the plane, so it shouldn't matter that he's not happy with us being here. He

can't exactly get the plane to turn around,” retorted Thalia.

“No, but he'll force us to take the next flight back as soon as we land,” answered Anthony in all


Thalia stopped talking for a moment after hearing that response.

It did sound like something Kenneth would do.

Still, she was uncomfortable. “D*mn it. I never fly economy unless it was necessary for the mission.”

“I know this is tough for you. Please bear with it for just a bit. I'm sure Benjamin will go all out to help

you if you are ever in need in the future.”

Thalia arched a brow. “Anthony Watson, do you see me as an idiot?”

Anthony, who was sitting beside Thalia, frowned in exasperation after hearing that.

“Umm, no,” replied Anthony.

“Then will you help me if I'm ever in need?”

“Of course, I will. Should the day come, I won't even complain as I help,” promised Anthony.

“That's it?”

“I'll do whatever it takes.”

Thalia kept staring.

“I'll help both financially and work in person.”


“Oy, you're crossing a line here, Thalia.”

Thalia reached out to press the button and call the stewardess again. Anthony stopped her

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immediately. “Okay, okay, you win. I won't complain, will do anything necessary, help financially and

work in person, and obey every word you say.”

Thalia grinned in amusement when she heard that. She nodded in satisfaction before glancing in his

direction. “That's better. That's a good attitude for a kid. You should keep this up.”

Anthony took a deep breath.

Anthony took a deep breath.

He kept reminding himself to stay calm. Don't stoop to her level. She's just a bully who is too dumb to

win an argument any other way.

Anthony turned to Thalia and grinned when that thought ran through his mind.

“Hey, don't insult me in your mind. I can tell when you do that,” warned Thalia.

“I would never,” denied Anthony who was still smiling evilly.

“Uh-huh... be good now,” ordered Thalia before she reached out to stroke his tiny head. “It's late, and I

need my beauty sleep, so be quiet.” After saying that, Thalia fished an eye mask out of nowhere, put it

on, and lay down in a comfortable position to sleep.

“I'll sleep now, too,” said Anthony as he turned to Benjamin.

Benjamin nodded. “Okay.”

“What about you?”

“Nope. I'm not tired, so I won't go to sleep yet. Just ignore me,” replied Benjamin.

Anthony didn't pry. He simply put on his eye mask and drifted off.

Time always seemed to travel ridiculously slowly when on the plane.

Thalia didn't know how long she slept, but she was aching everywhere and wasn't comfortable. The

tiny space was so irritating that she almost lost her temper.

She took her eye mask off in frustration and was feeling horrible when she suddenly caught Benjamin

doodling away on the table.

“Benjamin, you're still up?” said Thalia.

“I took a nap earlier and am not tired now.”

Thalia inched forward when she noticed how he was doodling without even looking away. “What are

you drawing?”

When she saw what he drew, however, she was stunned. “Hold on. Let me see that,” said Thalia before

she took the sketchbook away from Benjamin.

The second she saw the blueprint of a gun, her eyes bulged. “D-Did you draw this?”

Benjamin thought nothing of it, so he nodded. “Yeah.”

“Seriously, of all the things to copy, did you have to learn how to draw a blueprint for a gun?”

“It's not a copy. I designed it myself,” replied Benjamin.

Thalia was momentarily stunned. “You designed this?”

“Yeah,” replied Benjamin.

In disbelief, Thalia stared at the boy for a bit before flipping through the sketchbook. The more she saw,

the more excited and disbelieving she was.

“Are you sure you designed all of this?” asked Thalia in an uncertain tone.

She had seen him in the act of doodling, but she still couldn't believe what she knew was true.

Benjamin nodded once more. “Yes, I'm sure. The earlier ones are from a few years ago, so those

designs are a little childish.”

Thalia was speechless.

A few years ago? You're still a kid! A few years ago meant you were just a baby at the time! What the

hell is wrong with this family? Is everyone a genius or something?

Thalia felt as though someone had shoved an invisible apple down her throat and made it impossible

for her to utter a single word.

Her speechlessness made sense since she knew many countries would regard those blueprints as

national treasures.

She flipped through the pages some more and got to a page that captivated her. The design on the

page made her ask, “What is...?”

Benjamin inched over. “That's not a gun; it's just a weapon I'm designing. So far, I've only gotten the

outline ready. I haven't decided how everything will work yet.”

Thalia asked, “Have you ever seen blueprints like this before?”

Benjamin shook his head.

“Then how did you get the idea for these blueprints?”

“There are tons of stuff on the dark web, and some of those websites have blueprints to show you how

to build your own gun. I examined them and thought that they were ineffective, so I designed my own

for fun,” replied Benjamin.

Thalia was silent when she heard that.

For fun? How nonchalant can he get?

It was at that moment that Thalia suddenly realized something scary. Taking them out on a trip is like

having two time bombs strapped to me!

Thalia truly didn't know what would happen if the rest of the world discovered how talented the two

boys were.

She quickly closed the sketchbook, scanned the surroundings, then looked right into Benjamin's eyes.

“Benjamin, promise me that you will never show this to anyone.”

“Why? Are these designs good?” asked Benjamin.

Thalia's reaction and expression told Benjamin that he was incredible, but he wasn't sure if he had

interpreted everything correctly. After all, those were just his doodles and were something he drew as a


Thalia blinked, appearing exasperated when she said, “Benjamin, please don't look at me like that.

That innocent, confused look just makes me feel inadequate and infuriatingly jealous.”

“Sorry, I didn't mean to do that,” replied Benjamin.

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Thalia bit her lip as she looked at him. “I don't know how to tell you this, Benjamin, but every country in

this world is in urgent need of blueprints like these. You have turned into an asset so valuable that you

are more than something mere organizations would fight for. Do you understand what that means?”

Tholio wos speechless.

A few yeors ogo? You're still o kid! A few yeors ogo meont you were just o boby ot the time! Whot the

hell is wrong with this fomily? Is everyone o genius or something?

Tholio felt os though someone hod shoved on invisible opple down her throot ond mode it impossible

for her to utter o single word.

Her speechlessness mode sense since she knew mony countries would regord those blueprints os

notionol treosures.

She flipped through the poges some more ond got to o poge thot coptivoted her. The design on the

poge mode her osk, “Whot is...?”

Benjomin inched over. “Thot's not o gun; it's just o weopon I'm designing. So for, I've only gotten the

outline reody. I hoven't decided how everything will work yet.”

Tholio osked, “Hove you ever seen blueprints like this before?”

Benjomin shook his heod.

“Then how did you get the ideo for these blueprints?”

“There ore tons of stuff on the dork web, ond some of those websites hove blueprints to show you how

to build your own gun. I exomined them ond thought thot they were ineffective, so I designed my own

for fun,” replied Benjomin.

Tholio wos silent when she heord thot.

For fun? How noncholont con he get?

It wos ot thot moment thot Tholio suddenly reolized something scory. Toking them out on o trip is like

hoving two time bombs stropped to me!

Tholio truly didn't know whot would hoppen if the rest of the world discovered how tolented the two

boys were.

She quickly closed the sketchbook, sconned the surroundings, then looked right into Benjomin's eyes.

“Benjomin, promise me thot you will never show this to onyone.”

“Why? Are these designs good?” osked Benjomin.

Tholio's reoction ond expression told Benjomin thot he wos incredible, but he wosn't sure if he hod

interpreted everything correctly. After oll, those were just his doodles ond were something he drew os o


Tholio blinked, oppeoring exosperoted when she soid, “Benjomin, pleose don't look ot me like thot.

Thot innocent, confused look just mokes me feel inodequote ond infuriotingly jeolous.”

“Sorry, I didn't meon to do thot,” replied Benjomin.

Tholio bit her lip os she looked ot him. “I don't know how to tell you this, Benjomin, but every country in

this world is in urgent need of blueprints like these. You hove turned into on osset so voluoble thot you

ore more thon something mere orgonizotions would fight for. Do you understond whot thot meons?”