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Universal Power System

Chapter 97 Tremors!
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[Lightning Strike has been activated]

Yellow snakes of lightning condensed in Mako's arm as he thrust it forward to be released inches away from Leon's body. Leon had used up everything he had in that last move and now couldn't even process the fact that a Mako was about to make his move.

He stood there with his arms extended outward while Mako delivered his strongest lightning strike to Leon's stomach.


The lightning left the tip of Mako's hands with fury and instantly collided with Leon's abdomen. The force was strong enough to launch him a couple of feet in the air as the lightning coursed through his body, delivering shocks in all his joints. His nerves were on fire from being stimulated all over and Leon could feel pain all over his body at once.

The attack didn't last long at all and Leon landed a couple of feet away from Mako; gasping for air. Steam once again rose from his body as the lightning was also able to evaporate any water that was on his skin.

After delivering the final strike, Mako also collapsed onto the ground and was about to be knocked unconscious from exhaustion. His eyes slowly closed away and his vision slowly became dark all the while his ears continued to ring as notification sounds kept on repeating in his head.




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[At the military headquarters]

All the high officials were quiet as they were carefully observing the live chaotic fight. The room fell silent as they watched Mako dodge Leon's final attack and then deliver his own final strike.

As soon as the footage ended with the two boys collapsing on the ground and Bill rushing toward them to make sure they were okay, the entire room resounded with sounds of clapping as all the officers stood up from their chairs and clapped at the brilliant fight they got to observe.

They were all truly impressed by both the capabilities and skills that they displayed during the fight. The main commander ordered extra points to be added to both Leon's and Mako's accounts which were quite nice.

Mako and Leon didn't know this but both of these boys hadn't been doing much on the island since arriving, since they both had a different goal in mind that took priority over anything else. This led them to be quite behind in the scoreboard as neither of them hadn't done much to earn points. This bonus allowed them to get back into the game as they were now in a decent position on the scoreboard.

After the small applauding session, the higher officials took their seats once again and got back to work as they still had to monitor everything that was going on the island.

"Sir, I believe we have a problem!" A man wearing the same uniform as Brigadier Jones but with fewer medals approached the main commander in a hurry.

"What is it, sergeant?" The commander asked.

The sergeant pulled out a massive piece of paper that looked like a map. He started pointing at a couple of different things and cross-referencing them with a journal that he had also brought.

"The cave where the two boys fought isn't really closed off as they would have thought. Indeed there is a dead end, but that is just a thin wall that walls that small cave from a giant cave." The sergeant explained.

"The giant cave is the place where the Terra Beatles had made their breeding ground and they are naturally strong with all the offspring being High Level and their King might be even stronger. During the cadet's battle, they released powerful moves that shook the cave violently a couple of times and even created craters in the walls." The sergeant added.

"If the beasts got alerted by all that noise and chaos then I am sure they will start moving toward the cadets' location. Given their numbers and the condition of the cadets, I don't think they will be able to fight against such a big threat." The sergeant finished explaining his concern to the main commander.

The commander had a thoughtful expression on his face as he was in deep thought, thinking about what would be the correct move.

After a few minutes of thinking, the main commander made his decision.

"We can't interfere with whatever is happening on the island. Those are the rules of this test and we can't change them even if there is a promising cadet involved. Tell the patrolling officers to carefully monitor the area and be ready to jump in at a moment's notice to extract them if things go wrong." The main commander announced his decision.

All the other officers nodded their heads in agreement with the main commander's decision and quickly got back to observing the sectors that they were assigned to.


[Back in the cave]

The day went by in a flash and the roles had been reversed as this time it was Bill who was taking care of both of the injured boys. Since they had run out of High tier healing pills, they just had to make do with lower-quality ones which meant that their recovery time was longer.

Bill had spent the day gathering food and water and got back to the cave by sunset. Mako had told him about everything that had happened after he was poisoned and included all things that he had found in the loot crates. It was quite easy to set up the laser trap again and that relieved some stress from Bill as he could rest easy knowing that his friends were safe.

Even after he got back from gathering supplies, Mako and Leon still hadn't woken up but their bodies looked a lot better as the healing pills had still done their job. It was only a matter of time until they came to and Bill decided that it would be best to start working on getting the food ready because he was sure that they would be hungry after waking up.

Bill didn't have the fire ability so he had to get the fire going the old fashion way and it was a bit more difficult than it looked. He was just grateful that Mako had taken the time to teach him all this before the test so that he wouldn't be dependent on him.

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However, cooking the fish wasn't one of Bill's strengths as he had burnt the first batch of fish that he had set on the fire to grill. A lot of black smoke started to rise from the burnt fish and made him cough a lot. He was worried that the smoke would cause Mako and Leon to choke so he quickly used his wind ability to direct all the smoke out of the cave.

Looking at the burnt fish, Bill was quite embarrassed as he couldn't believe how hard it was to get something cooked right and he felt bad for devouring all of Mako's cooked meals without even saying thanks considering all the hard work it took to make those meals.

The burnt fish still gave off a bad smell so Bill decided to take them out of the cave. He walked toward the entrance of the cave and using his Earth ability made a small hole in the ground to throw all the burnt fish. He covered the hole with dirt so that the smell of the fish won't come out anymore which would be dangerous considering there were beasts on the island that fed on flesh.

The roaming beasts could be attracted to the smell of the burnt fish which may lead them to find the cave entrance.

As soon as Bill was done properly disposing of all the fish, he made his back inside the cave but he had only taken a couple of steps before the entire cave started to shake violently.

Bill quickly rushed inside to make sure his friends were safe and sure enough, they were still laying on the ground unconscious.

"What's happening?" Bill said as the entire cave continued to shake.

Thinking that it might be an earthquake or something, Bill quickly made a barrier of Earth around their small area covering both Mako and Leon alongside all of their things. He also formed a strong durable roof on top of the barrier to protect them in case the cave did end up collapsing.

He entered the barrier as well and closed it all completely. He continued to use his Earth's ability to reinforce the walls and roof to make sure the collapsed cave wasn't able to break the barrier and crush them.

Sweat rolled down Bill's face as he continued to use his ability to its limit but suddenly, the cave stopped shaking. The ground underneath him had stabilized and no more sounds were coming from outside.

'Phew!' Bill let out a sigh of relief as he could finally relax. He still couldn't understand why the cave began to suddenly shake but he was sure that the tremors were most likely caused by a small earthquake and that he was lucky that the cave didn't collapse.

Thinking it was safe Bill opened a space in the wall to walk out and create a pathway for air to get in because when he formed the room, it was sealed shut which meant they could last in there for long because of the limited air inside.

He walked out from his barrier to assess the damage to the cave, but what he witnessed in front of him was something he could have never imagined.