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Universal Power System

Chapter 124 Face Your Demons
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Leon took a deep breath, looking out towards the calm waters of the lake. He turned towards Mako and said, "I want to apologize for my behavior with you during all the times that we have met. I know I've been kind of a jerk, but recently I remembered why I became like this in the first place."

Mako nodded, indicating he was listening.

"Me and my mother were involved in a tragic accident a couple of years ago during which she ended up losing her life, and it was all because of my father," Leon continued. "He was to blame as even though he was so powerful he turned out to be a coward in the face of danger."

Mako's expression softened as he listened, nodding in understanding. "I'm sorry to hear that, Leon," he said. "However, I already know what happened to your mother."

Leon turned toward Mako in shock as this was a story that nobody except the ones involved could have known.

"Your father told me about your mother's unfortunate passing when I first met him in his office, and when you attacked me," Mako explained.

"Oh, yeah... I remember that," Leon said, looking down at his hands. "I didn't want to kill you that day, I was just so angry when you were able to defeat Enzo for the second time that I just had to take revenge."

Mako placed a comforting hand on Leon's shoulder. "Don't worry, Leon, I have already forgiven you. We're all in this together, and we need to support each other and that includes you."

Leon continued to stare Mako in the eyes with amazement as he thought back to when he woke up next to Bill in the cave. It was still hard for Leon to believe but what Bill had said to him that day was all true indeed.

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"Mako is the type of character that always has a big heart for all people, even those who are oblivious to it, and he is like the giver of second chances." Bill's comments continued to resound in Leon's head.

Finally, Leon looked away and grunted, "No, There is no hope for someone like me, I have done so much ever since that fateful day that I don't deserve to be forgiven."

Mako could see the pain and self-loathing in Leon's eyes and knew he had to do something to help him. He put his hand under Leon's chin, turning his face back to look at him.

"Leon, everyone deserves a second chance, including you. You made mistakes in the past, but that doesn't define who you are. You can choose to make things right, to be a better person, and to honor your mother's memory by doing good in the world."

Leon looked at Mako, his eyes welling up with tears. "I don't know if I can do that, Mako. I've done so many terrible things and hurt so many people. More than that, I don't know why but I have been getting this weird gut feeling inside me that I have hurt Him."

Mako looked at Leon with a face of worry as he had to do something quickly. "You know, your father didn't really go into the details of what had happened during the accident. Why don't you tell me the entire story the way you remember it and let's see if you truly did miss something."

Leon wasn't a big fan of the suggestion as he had already revisited that entire memory in his nightmares. He didn't want to go through that again as it felt like ripping off a bandage over a fresh wound.

However, Mako continued to try and persuade him, making the argument that he had to man up and face his demons if he wanted things to change or else he would be stuck like this forever and would also be a coward; A coward who wasn't brave enough to face his past.

Mako's last sentence had done the trick because if there was one thing that Leon didn't want to be labeled as would be a coward.


During the next half an hour, Leon narrated the entire line of events that took place four years ago. Mako listened with utmost attention as Leon told him a bit about his childhood and the events leading up to the accident, how the accident took place and the aftermath of it all.

Mako was left speechless after Leon had gone through a rollercoaster of emotions while reopening his childhood trauma to him.

"In the end, it was because of his cowardice that my mother got killed and I couldn't respect him for that at all. I decided to become a rebel. I began doing the exact opposite of what this man had wanted me to do. I began abusing my ability and became closely associated with the Dark Raven's "Clean-up Crew" members." Leon said.

"Even though I was the son of one of the richest people in Emerald City, I wanted to have nothing to do with him and eventually he left me alone to do as I please with only enforcing a couple of rules which I still did follow. This was why I didn't have any power weapons or armor on me when I entered the test and these additional abilities were forcibly given to me by my father otherwise I would have entered with only the speed ability." Leon concluded.

There was a small period of silence between the two boys where Mako was processing all the information that Leon had given him.

After some time, Mako started to ask some questions. "But Leon, how can you be sure your father just decided to run away when he still saved you afterward from all those men? Don't you think that if your father truly did get away from them, then those men would use you as a bargaining chip against him?"

Leon tried to instantly reply to Mako's question as he raised his voice, but before a single word came out of his mouth, his brain registered the question completely and he tried to think of a valid answer.

Mako's question did make sense after all, because if Paul had indeed run just as Leon was knocked out, then he wouldn't have woken up in his own bed. The one undeniable fact was that Paul did save Leon.

After a couple of seconds of no reply from Leon, Mako took his cue and began to expand on his theory.

"A couple of things don't add up in your story, Leon. First of all, those men were only able to bypass the telekinesis field around the car, once he was stabbed. Secondly, if he was a real coward, he would have escaped and abandoned you and your mother from the get-go; why do you think, he risked his life while battling so many strong people at once?" Mako began to theorize.

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"Lastly, from what I heard from your father, he claimed that your mother was caught in the crossfire of one of the abilities and had perished on the spot with nothing he could do to save her," Mako added.

Leon was at a loss for words as he truly didn't have the answer to any of Mako's questions. He had never engaged in a real conversation with his father ever since that day and he had never given him the chance to explain himself.

"Leon, I know you have been through a lot. Trust me, I know how you feel, I lost my grandmother when I was fourteen too and the pain is beyond words. However, I still do believe that there is a potential misunderstanding between you and your father. No father would care for a child who he wanted to abandon in the first place, and then bear all the things that his rebellious mind came up with." Mako said.

"I mean just look at the state of your father now. The grief of losing both his wife and son has completely broken him and made him an alcoholic. There is only one solution to all of this and that is for you to visit your father once this is over and talk to him. Talk to him and find out the truth once and for all."

Mako's words were like knives that were stabbing Leon's heart. He wanted to refuse everything he was saying just like he did when he was fourteen but now he was much more mature and actually tried to find a flaw in Mako's reasoning, he couldn't find any reason to deny Mako's words and his advice.

However, this meant that he would agree with what he is saying and would have to face his father. Leon's entire body began to shiver as the fear that he once had for his father reemerged from deep within. He didn't even know how he could even approach him now, after pushing him away for so long.

Mako could notice Leon shiver just as he had suggested for him to have a real conversation with his father and find out the truth. Seeing Leon distressed like this, Mako pulled him in for a hug, reassuring him that it was going to be alright

Leon took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. "Thank you, Mako. You have no idea what your words mean to me."

Mako patted Leon's shoulder. "Anytime, Leon. Just remember, we're all in this together. We'll support you through this, no matter what."

Leon nodded, a small smile forming on his face. For the first time in a long time, he felt a glimmer of hope, a sense of purpose. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to try. He wanted to break free from these chains of hatred and uncover the truth.

Mako and Leon had just finished their conversation when Leon suddenly noticed something moving amongst the tall grass and heading over toward the campfire.

"Mako... What's that?" Leon said as he pointed at something in the darkness behind Mako.