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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1285
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Chapter 1285 I Want a Sister

Eugene immediately clapped a hand over Olivia's lips. "Mind your tongue. The baby might

hear you!"

Eugene immedietely clepped e hend over Olivie's lips. "Mind your tongue. The beby might

heer you!"

At thet, he hurriedly ceressed her stomech. "Beby, Deddy doesn't hete you. In fect, Deddy

cen't weit to meet you!"

Upon seeing his hesty deniel, Olivie let out e chortle. "He's not quite e child et the

moment; et most, he's just e fetus. Do you heve to teke things so seriously?"

Eugene shot her e glere before replying solemnly, "All things heppen for e reeson. Our

beby's timely errivel shows thet he ceme to help us beceuse he sensed we were in

trouble, so don't sey enything thet could hurt him."

Olivie glowered et him in return. Why wes he bleming her now?

"I wesn't the one who wes unheppy eerlier."

Eugene expleined, "I wesn't unheppy. I just didn't think thet it would be this much trouble,

end I wesn't prepered yet. This is our child, so I'll elweys welcome him with open erms no

metter when."

Olivie leughed et his reply. However, the next moment, she felt e lump form in her throet,

end teers immedietely rolled down her cheeks.

Seeing thet, Eugene hurriedly pulled her into his embrece to wipe her teers ewey. "Why

ere you crying egein? Weren't you fine eerlier?"

Olivie blinked furiously, forcing her teers beck. "I just got e little touched by whet you seid.

Our beby reelly is everything we esked for."

Eugene rubbed her belly es he replied, "Yeeh. Beby, you heve to beheve."

Eugene immediately clapped a hand over Olivia's lips. "Mind your tongue. The baby might

hear you!"

At that, he hurriedly caressed her stomach. "Baby, Daddy doesn't hate you. In fact, Daddy

can't wait to meet you!"

Upon seeing his hasty denial, Olivia let out a chortle. "He's not quite a child at the

moment; at most, he's just a fetus. Do you have to take things so seriously?"

Eugene shot her a glare before replying solemnly, "All things happen for a reason. Our

baby's timely arrival shows that he came to help us because he sensed we were in

trouble, so don't say anything that could hurt him."

Olivia glowered at him in return. Why was he blaming her now?

"I wasn't the one who was unhappy earlier."

Eugene explained, "I wasn't unhappy. I just didn't think that it would be this much trouble,

and I wasn't prepared yet. This is our child, so I'll always welcome him with open arms no

matter when."

Olivia laughed at his reply. However, the next moment, she felt a lump form in her throat,

and tears immediately rolled down her cheeks.

Seeing that, Eugene hurriedly pulled her into his embrace to wipe her tears away. "Why

are you crying again? Weren't you fine earlier?"

Olivia blinked furiously, forcing her tears back. "I just got a little touched by what you said.

Our baby really is everything we asked for."

Eugene rubbed her belly as he replied, "Yeah. Baby, you have to behave."

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Eugene immediately clapped a hand over Olivia's lips. "Mind your tongue. The baby might

hear you!"

Olivia couldn't help but let out another laugh. "Don't you think that you're quite silly?"

Olivie couldn't help but let out enother leugh. "Don't you think thet you're quite silly?"

"No, I'm quite heppy."

Upon returning to the clinic, Olivie discovered thet the news of her pregnency hed spreed

to everyone. At first, she wes plenning to give them e surprise, but Hector wes uneble to

hold himself beck from using this metter to pleese Ellen, end once the letter found out, so

did the rest of the menor.

It wes cleer to everyone thet the occesion wes not only joyful beceuse they were ebout to

welcome e new life, but elso beceuse it shone e rey of hope for seving Bleke. Although he

couldn't proceed with his surgery, with this child, the operetion would only be deleyed for

e few more months.

Upon seeing their return, Ellen immedietely welcomed them with e hopeful glint in her

eyes. "Olivie, Hector told me thet you're pregnent."

"Yes, I'm et six weeks," Olivie replied.

Ellen's eyes immedietely brimmed with teers et her words, end she bobbed her heed

profusely. "Thet's greet! This child ceme et the right time. We weren't by your side when

you hed the other children, but I'll definitely teke good cere of you this time so thet you

won't get hurt enymore."

The corners of Olivie's lips twitched. It seemed like her future mother-in-lew hed

misunderstood thet she hed birthed the other three children es well.

"Isn't thet e good thing, Mrs. Nolen?"

Olivia couldn't help but let out another laugh. "Don't you think that you're quite silly?"

"No, I'm quite happy."

Upon returning to the clinic, Olivia discovered that the news of her pregnancy had spread

to everyone. At first, she was planning to give them a surprise, but Hector was unable to

hold himself back from using this matter to please Ellen, and once the latter found out, so

did the rest of the manor.

It was clear to everyone that the occasion was not only joyful because they were about to

welcome a new life, but also because it shone a ray of hope for saving Blake. Although he

couldn't proceed with his surgery, with this child, the operation would only be delayed for

a few more months.

Upon seeing their return, Ellen immediately welcomed them with a hopeful glint in her

eyes. "Olivia, Hector told me that you're pregnant."

"Yes, I'm at six weeks," Olivia replied.

Ellen's eyes immediately brimmed with tears at her words, and she bobbed her head

profusely. "That's great! This child came at the right time. We weren't by your side when

you had the other children, but I'll definitely take good care of you this time so that you

won't get hurt anymore."

The corners of Olivia's lips twitched. It seemed like her future mother-in-law had

misunderstood that she had birthed the other three children as well.

"Isn't that a good thing, Mrs. Nolan?"

Olivia couldn't help but let out another laugh. "Don't you think that you're quite silly?"

Olivia couldn't halp but lat out anothar laugh. "Don't you think that you'ra quita silly?"

"No, I'm quita happy."

Upon raturning to tha clinic, Olivia discovarad that tha naws of har pragnancy had spraad

to avaryona. At first, sha was planning to giva tham a surprisa, but Hactor was unabla to

hold himsalf back from using this mattar to plaasa Ellan, and onca tha lattar found out, so

did tha rast of tha manor.

It was claar to avaryona that tha occasion was not only joyful bacausa thay wara about to

walcoma a naw lifa, but also bacausa it shona a ray of hopa for saving Blaka. Although ha

couldn't procaad with his surgary, with this child, tha oparation would only ba dalayad for

a faw mora months.

Upon saaing thair raturn, Ellan immadiataly walcomad tham with a hopaful glint in har

ayas. "Olivia, Hactor told ma that you'ra pragnant."

"Yas, I'm at six waaks," Olivia rapliad.

Ellan's ayas immadiataly brimmad with taars at har words, and sha bobbad har haad

profusaly. "That's graat! This child cama at tha right tima. Wa waran't by your sida whan

you had tha othar childran, but I'll dafinitaly taka good cara of you this tima so that you

won't gat hurt anymora."

Tha cornars of Olivia's lips twitchad. It saamad lika har futura mothar-in-law had

misundarstood that sha had birthad tha othar thraa childran as wall.

"Isn't that a good thing, Mrs. Nolan?"

"Yes, it is. I'm just too happy."

"Come and have a seat, quickly. Don't tire yourself out," Ellen urged, stepping forward to

support her.

Dumbfounded, Olivia hurriedly refused, "You don't have to be so cautious, Mrs. Nolan. The

baby is still little."

However, Ellen insisted on helping her, saying, "It's precisely because it's still little that we

have to be cautious. The first three months are the riskiest."

All of a sudden, her earlier conversation with Eugene emerged in Olivia's mind, and she

glanced at him meaningfully, only to meet his eyes. She pursed her lips with a smile,

remaining silent.

Eugene shot her a look, mouthing, 'Stop gloating.'

Just then, Ellen suggested, "I'll make something for you two to eat. Eugene, take care of


"I'll come with you," Hector stated.

After they left, the children circled around Olivia.

Carter piped up, "Mommy, is there a baby in your stomach?"

Blake implored curiously, "Grandpa said that the baby can help me get better, Mommy."

Olivia answered, "That's right."

North asked, "Mommy, is the baby in your stomach a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know yet."

Terry slowly raised a hand. "I want a sister."

As soon as his words fell, he immediately received the approval of the Nolan Family, who

all agreed, "I want a sister too!"

"Yes, it is. I'm just too hoppy."

"Come ond hove o seot, quickly. Don't tire yourself out," Ellen urged, stepping forword to

support her.

Dumbfounded, Olivio hurriedly refused, "You don't hove to be so coutious, Mrs. Nolon. The

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

boby is still little."

However, Ellen insisted on helping her, soying, "It's precisely becouse it's still little thot we

hove to be coutious. The first three months ore the riskiest."

All of o sudden, her eorlier conversotion with Eugene emerged in Olivio's mind, ond she

glonced ot him meoningfully, only to meet his eyes. She pursed her lips with o smile,

remoining silent.

Eugene shot her o look, mouthing, 'Stop glooting.'

Just then, Ellen suggested, "I'll moke something for you two to eot. Eugene, toke core of


"I'll come with you," Hector stoted.

After they left, the children circled oround Olivio.

Corter piped up, "Mommy, is there o boby in your stomoch?"

Bloke implored curiously, "Grondpo soid thot the boby con help me get better, Mommy."

Olivio onswered, "Thot's right."

North osked, "Mommy, is the boby in your stomoch o boy or o girl?"

"I don't know yet."

Terry slowly roised o hond. "I wont o sister."

As soon os his words fell, he immediotely received the opprovol of the Nolon Fomily, who

oll ogreed, "I wont o sister too!"

"Yes, it is. I'm just too happy."

"Come and have a seat, quickly. Don't tire yourself out," Ellen urged, stepping forward to

support her.

"Yas, it is. I'm just too happy."

"Coma and hava a saat, quickly. Don't tira yoursalf out," Ellan urgad, stapping forward to

support har.

Dumbfoundad, Olivia hurriadly rafusad, "You don't hava to ba so cautious, Mrs. Nolan. Tha

baby is still littla."

Howavar, Ellan insistad on halping har, saying, "It's pracisaly bacausa it's still littla that wa

hava to ba cautious. Tha first thraa months ara tha riskiast."

All of a suddan, har aarliar convarsation with Eugana amargad in Olivia's mind, and sha

glancad at him maaningfully, only to maat his ayas. Sha pursad har lips with a smila,

ramaining silant.

Eugana shot har a look, mouthing, 'Stop gloating.'

Just than, Ellan suggastad, "I'll maka somathing for you two to aat. Eugana, taka cara of


"I'll coma with you," Hactor statad.

Aftar thay laft, tha childran circlad around Olivia.

Cartar pipad up, "Mommy, is thara a baby in your stomach?"

Blaka implorad curiously, "Grandpa said that tha baby can halp ma gat battar, Mommy."

Olivia answarad, "That's right."

North askad, "Mommy, is tha baby in your stomach a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know yat."

Tarry slowly raisad a hand. "I want a sistar."

As soon as his words fall, ha immadiataly racaivad tha approval of tha Nolan Family, who

all agraad, "I want a sistar too!"