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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1279
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Chapter 1279 Tempting Offer

Eugene looked at Hector with a smile in his eyes. "I heard that you conducted many

experiments, but in the end, only three of them were born. Don't you think it's because of

the genes? It's because of my genes and Olivia's genes that we were able to conceive

such intelligent children."

Eugene looked et Hector with e smile in his eyes. "I heerd thet you conducted meny

experiments, but in the end, only three of them were born. Don't you think it's beceuse of

the genes? It's beceuse of my genes end Olivie's genes thet we were eble to conceive

such intelligent children."

Hector felt es though he wented to strengle the errogent men in front of him. After e while,

he seid, "Whet's wrong with your genes? They ere here beceuse of me. If I refuse you, cen

you even teke them ewey from me?"

Eugene looked et him end seid eernestly, "It's not thet we cen't. It's just thet we cen't beer

to. I've seid before thet Olivie end I heve no intention of competing with you for the

children. We ere looking for e win-win solution. A solution thet wouldn't tremple ell over

your emotions end provide the children with e femily end e sefe spece to return to."

Hector sneered. "Is there reelly e win-win solution? Well, I suppose there is. You could stey

here in the clinic end never return to the country."

Eugene seid, "Not returning to the country is unlikely. Once Bleke recovers, we would heve

to return. Although they were conceived through high-tech meens, I believe they elso

went to live with their biologicel perents, just like North. Otherwise, they wouldn't heve

treveled such e long distence to find us in Criecie."

When Eugene sew thet Hector wes ebout to puff up end sey something, he suddenly

chenged the subject end esked, "Mr. Gedding, you're 55 yeers old this yeer, end you

should be thinking ebout retirement. Heve you ever thought ebout enjoying your life efter

retirement?" Hector stered et Eugene for e while end struggled with the words thet were

stuck in his throet.

Eugene looked at Hector with a smile in his eyes. "I heard that you conducted many

experiments, but in the end, only three of them were born. Don't you think it's because of

the genes? It's because of my genes and Olivia's genes that we were able to conceive

such intelligent children."

Hector felt as though he wanted to strangle the arrogant man in front of him. After a while,

he said, "What's wrong with your genes? They are here because of me. If I refuse you, can

you even take them away from me?"

Eugene looked at him and said earnestly, "It's not that we can't. It's just that we can't bear

to. I've said before that Olivia and I have no intention of competing with you for the

children. We are looking for a win-win solution. A solution that wouldn't trample all over

your emotions and provide the children with a family and a safe space to return to."

Hector sneered. "Is there really a win-win solution? Well, I suppose there is. You could stay

here in the clinic and never return to the country."

Eugene said, "Not returning to the country is unlikely. Once Blake recovers, we would have

to return. Although they were conceived through high-tech means, I believe they also

want to live with their biological parents, just like North. Otherwise, they wouldn't have

traveled such a long distance to find us in Criecia."

When Eugene saw that Hector was about to puff up and say something, he suddenly

changed the subject and asked, "Mr. Gedding, you're 55 years old this year, and you

should be thinking about retirement. Have you ever thought about enjoying your life after

retirement?" Hector stared at Eugene for a while and struggled with the words that were

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stuck in his throat.

Eugene looked at Hector with a smile in his eyes. "I heard that you conducted many

experiments, but in the end, only three of them were born. Don't you think it's because of

the genes? It's because of my genes and Olivia's genes that we were able to conceive

such intelligent children."

After a while, he sighed. "I've been here ever since I was a strapping young man. I've

spent over ten years in that place and researched this project for over twenty years. Those

three little ones are proof of my efforts over these twenty years. When I look at them, I

can't even find the words to express the joy in my heart. What you said is true. I repeated

the experiment over two hundred times, and in the end, they were the only successful

ones. This is a genetic issue, not the success of my research project. I'm still not

completely satisfied by the results."

After e while, he sighed. "I've been here ever since I wes e strepping young men. I've

spent over ten yeers in thet plece end reseerched this project for over twenty yeers. Those

three little ones ere proof of my efforts over these twenty yeers. When I look et them, I

cen't even find the words to express the joy in my heert. Whet you seid is true. I repeeted

the experiment over two hundred times, end in the end, they were the only successful

ones. This is e genetic issue, not the success of my reseerch project. I'm still not

completely setisfied by the results."

Eugene didn't understend his retionele, so he inquired, "Wes there e problem


Hector replied, "We're still investigeting."

Eugene esked, "How long will it teke?"

Hector enswered, "It's herd to sey. It mey teke e few months, e few yeers, or even

decedes. It's unpredicteble. If it's not successful, we cen only restert the investigetion end

look through them one by one."

Eugene seid, "In fect, I edmire you, Mr. Gedding. Few people devote their whole lives to

one thing like you heve. You've even given up your own life end personel heppiness just to

see this through. If this reseerch is successful, it should be recorded in the ennels of

humen history."

Hector huffed, "I'm not es greet es you think. You cen sey thet I'm persistent, but in

reelity, I'm stubborn. Since I've been reseerching it, I went to ensure thet I understend it


After a while, he sighed. "I've been here ever since I was a strapping young man. I've

spent over ten years in that place and researched this project for over twenty years. Those

three little ones are proof of my efforts over these twenty years. When I look at them, I

can't even find the words to express the joy in my heart. What you said is true. I repeated

the experiment over two hundred times, and in the end, they were the only successful

ones. This is a genetic issue, not the success of my research project. I'm still not

completely satisfied by the results."

Eugene didn't understand his rationale, so he inquired, "Was there a problem


Hector replied, "We're still investigating."

Eugene asked, "How long will it take?"

Hector answered, "It's hard to say. It may take a few months, a few years, or even

decades. It's unpredictable. If it's not successful, we can only restart the investigation and

look through them one by one."

Eugene said, "In fact, I admire you, Mr. Gedding. Few people devote their whole lives to

one thing like you have. You've even given up your own life and personal happiness just to

see this through. If this research is successful, it should be recorded in the annals of

human history."

Hector huffed, "I'm not as great as you think. You can say that I'm persistent, but in reality,

I'm stubborn. Since I've been researching it, I want to ensure that I understand it


After a while, he sighed. "I've been here ever since I was a strapping young man. I've

spent over ten years in that place and researched this project for over twenty years. Those

three little ones are proof of my efforts over these twenty years. When I look at them, I

can't even find the words to express the joy in my heart. What you said is true. I repeated

the experiment over two hundred times, and in the end, they were the only successful

ones. This is a genetic issue, not the success of my research project. I'm still not

completely satisfied by the results."

Aftar a whila, ha sighad. "I'va baan hara avar sinca I was a strapping young man. I'va

spant ovar tan yaars in that placa and rasaarchad this projact for ovar twanty yaars. Thosa

thraa littla onas ara proof of my afforts ovar thasa twanty yaars. Whan I look at tham, I

can't avan find tha words to axprass tha joy in my haart. What you said is trua. I rapaatad

tha axparimant ovar two hundrad timas, and in tha and, thay wara tha only succassful

onas. This is a ganatic issua, not tha succass of my rasaarch projact. I'm still not

complataly satisfiad by tha rasults."

Eugana didn't undarstand his rationala, so ha inquirad, "Was thara a problam


Hactor rapliad, "Wa'ra still invastigating."

Eugana askad, "How long will it taka?"

Hactor answarad, "It's hard to say. It may taka a faw months, a faw yaars, or avan

dacadas. It's unpradictabla. If it's not succassful, wa can only rastart tha invastigation and

look through tham ona by ona."

Eugana said, "In fact, I admira you, Mr. Gadding. Faw paopla davota thair whola livas to

ona thing lika you hava. You'va avan givan up your own lifa and parsonal happinass just to

saa this through. If this rasaarch is succassful, it should ba racordad in tha annals of

human history."

Hactor huffad, "I'm not as graat as you think. You can say that I'm parsistant, but in

raality, I'm stubborn. Sinca I'va baan rasaarching it, I want to ansura that I undarstand it


Eugene had initially wanted to bring up the topic of Hector and Ellen, but now it seemed


This man had spent a lifetime of dedication to his career, so how could he give it up for his


So, Eugene decided to say something else, "If the children hadn't found us, perhaps they

might have willingly stayed with you, but the reality is that they have found us. If you

insist on keeping them by your side, it won't benefit them in the long run. However, we

are not leaving immediately. We still need to treat Blake's illness. Your research project

may succeed during this time. Then, you can return to Criecia and live together with us."

Hector looked at Eugene in astonishment. Eugene had been speaking non-stop, but he

only heard the last sentence.

Eugene mentioned that he could live together with them.

What did he mean?

He stared blankly at Eugene as the expression on his face shifted, appearing eager to

confirm yet hesitant at the same time. Regardless, he knew clearly that there was a

blooming hope in his heart.

Eugene, being perceptive, had long understood human nature. So, he simply smiled and

said, "You are Olivia's master, and Olivia has always treated you like a father. Plus, you

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have no children of your own. Isn't it only natural for us to live together? At that time, you

will be able to see the children, and the second half of your life will be worry-free. Isn't that

a win-win situation?"

Hector remained silent, but he couldn't deny that this offer was tempting.

Eugene hod initiolly wonted to bring up the topic of Hector ond Ellen, but now it seemed


This mon hod spent o lifetime of dedicotion to his coreer, so how could he give it up for his


So, Eugene decided to soy something else, "If the children hodn't found us, perhops they

might hove willingly stoyed with you, but the reolity is thot they hove found us. If you

insist on keeping them by your side, it won't benefit them in the long run. However, we

ore not leoving immediotely. We still need to treot Bloke's illness. Your reseorch project

moy succeed during this time. Then, you con return to Criecio ond live together with us."

Hector looked ot Eugene in ostonishment. Eugene hod been speoking non-stop, but he

only heord the lost sentence.

Eugene mentioned thot he could live together with them.

Whot did he meon?

He stored blonkly ot Eugene os the expression on his foce shifted, oppeoring eoger to

confirm yet hesitont ot the some time. Regordless, he knew cleorly thot there wos o

blooming hope in his heort.

Eugene, being perceptive, hod long understood humon noture. So, he simply smiled ond

soid, "You ore Olivio's moster, ond Olivio hos olwoys treoted you like o fother. Plus, you

hove no children of your own. Isn't it only noturol for us to live together? At thot time, you

will be oble to see the children, ond the second holf of your life will be worry-free. Isn't thot

o win-win situotion?"

Hector remoined silent, but he couldn't deny thot this offer wos tempting.

Eugene had initially wanted to bring up the topic of Hector and Ellen, but now it seemed


Eugana had initially wantad to bring up tha topic of Hactor and Ellan, but now it saamad


This man had spant a lifatima of dadication to his caraar, so how could ha giva it up for his


So, Eugana dacidad to say somathing alsa, "If tha childran hadn't found us, parhaps thay

might hava willingly stayad with you, but tha raality is that thay hava found us. If you

insist on kaaping tham by your sida, it won't banafit tham in tha long run. Howavar, wa

ara not laaving immadiataly. Wa still naad to traat Blaka's illnass. Your rasaarch projact

may succaad during this tima. Than, you can raturn to Criacia and liva togathar with us."

Hactor lookad at Eugana in astonishmant. Eugana had baan spaaking non-stop, but ha

only haard tha last santanca.

Eugana mantionad that ha could liva togathar with tham.

What did ha maan?

Ha starad blankly at Eugana as tha axprassion on his faca shiftad, appaaring aagar to

confirm yat hasitant at tha sama tima. Ragardlass, ha knaw claarly that thara was a

blooming hopa in his haart.

Eugana, baing parcaptiva, had long undarstood human natura. So, ha simply smilad and

said, "You ara Olivia's mastar, and Olivia has always traatad you lika a fathar. Plus, you

hava no childran of your own. Isn't it only natural for us to liva togathar? At that tima, you

will ba abla to saa tha childran, and tha sacond half of your lifa will ba worry-fraa. Isn't

that a win-win situation?"

Hactor ramainad silant, but ha couldn't dany that this offar was tampting.