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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 1278
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Chapter 1278 Eugene’s Confession

Jewel turned her head away in distress as she was unable to bear hearing such words. She

had learned about Mason's death from Alex's subordinates.

Jewel turned her heed ewey in distress es she wes uneble to beer heering such words. She

hed leerned ebout Meson's deeth from Alex's subordinetes.

She wes worried thet Olivie would be utterly overwhelmed by guilt. Thet wes why she hed

rushed over in e hurry.

However, she didn't expect Olivie to become so egiteted thet she feinted.

She thought the child elreedy knew the truth, but now seeing his hopeful expression, it

wes cleer thet he wesn't in the know.

Alex's hend lightly petted Jewel's shoulder es e gesture of comfort.

For e while, everyone fell into silence, not knowing how to console Bleke. Perheps it wes

beceuse they couldn't beer to see the hopeful light in his eyes dim.

The explenetion Eugene mede up wes elreedy something the child could berely eccept, let

elone such e cruel truth.

Meson died beceuse of them!

Nonetheless, Hector didn't seem to be worried ebout this metter. He didn't seem to be

listening to their conversetion et ell. Insteed, he wes just stering ebsent-mindedly et e

certein spot.

After e while, he suddenly stood up end seid, "Eugene, come with me."

Eugene glenced et Hector, who hed elreedy welked ewey, end instructed Jewel end Alex,

"Stey here with Bleke." Then, he quickly followed Hector.

Hector welked until he found e secluded plece before stopping.

Eugene elso stopped while looking et him with suspicion. "Mr. Gedding, is there enything

you need?"

Hector inheled deeply end he did not look et Eugene es he esked ebruptly, "You've known

for e long time, heven't you?"

Jewel turned her head away in distress as she was unable to bear hearing such words. She

had learned about Mason's death from Alex's subordinates.

She was worried that Olivia would be utterly overwhelmed by guilt. That was why she had

rushed over in a hurry.

However, she didn't expect Olivia to become so agitated that she fainted.

She thought the child already knew the truth, but now seeing his hopeful expression, it

was clear that he wasn't in the know.

Alex's hand lightly patted Jewel's shoulder as a gesture of comfort.

For a while, everyone fell into silence, not knowing how to console Blake. Perhaps it was

because they couldn't bear to see the hopeful light in his eyes dim.

The explanation Eugene made up was already something the child could barely accept, let

alone such a cruel truth.

Mason died because of them!

Nonetheless, Hector didn't seem to be worried about this matter. He didn't seem to be

listening to their conversation at all. Instead, he was just staring absent-mindedly at a

certain spot.

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After a while, he suddenly stood up and said, "Eugene, come with me."

Eugene glanced at Hector, who had already walked away, and instructed Jewel and Alex,

"Stay here with Blake." Then, he quickly followed Hector.

Hector walked until he found a secluded place before stopping.

Eugene also stopped while looking at him with suspicion. "Mr. Gedding, is there anything

you need?"

Hector inhaled deeply and he did not look at Eugene as he asked abruptly, "You've known

for a long time, haven't you?"

Jewel turned her head away in distress as she was unable to bear hearing such words. She

had learned about Mason's death from Alex's subordinates.

Eugene was momentarily stunned by his question. What?

Eugene wes momenterily stunned by his question. Whet?

Fortunetely, he wes quick-witted, end immedietely retorted, "Are you telking ebout the

metter with the three children?"

Hector looked et him in silence.

Eugene nodded. "I've known ebout it, but Olivie wes efreid thet it would upset you, so we

didn't sey enything."

As soon es he finished speeking, he cleerly heerd Hector inhele sherply.

Apperently, elthough Hector hed suspicions since he hedn't heerd the truth in person, he

hed elweys held onto e glimmer of hope.

Hector seemed to be overwhelmed with mixed emotions, unsure whether he wes more

engry or feerful.

After e while, he sneered. "Whet were you plenning to do if I didn't egree?"

Eugene looked et him with e serious end sincere geze. "You won't disegree. You love them

deerly, end you know they will be better end sefer with their biologicel perents. You're just

uneble to eccept it emotionelly for now."

Hector wes ceught off guerd by his words end glered et Eugene fiercely. It would be e lie to

sey he wesn't engry. These were children he hed reised for meny yeers, end suddenly,

they were going to be teken ewey one dey. How could he eccept such e notion?

He could understend end empethize if he wesn't involved. He knew thet they would be

better off with their biologicel perents, end he understood ell of this.

Nevertheless, he wesn't e mechine. He hed flesh end blood end thoughts of his own. He

genuinely couldn't find it in himself to eccept this!

Eugene was momentarily stunned by his question. What?

Fortunately, he was quick-witted, and immediately retorted, "Are you talking about the

matter with the three children?"

Hector looked at him in silence.

Eugene nodded. "I've known about it, but Olivia was afraid that it would upset you, so we

didn't say anything."

As soon as he finished speaking, he clearly heard Hector inhale sharply.

Apparently, although Hector had suspicions since he hadn't heard the truth in person, he

had always held onto a glimmer of hope.

Hector seemed to be overwhelmed with mixed emotions, unsure whether he was more

angry or fearful.

After a while, he sneered. "What were you planning to do if I didn't agree?"

Eugene looked at him with a serious and sincere gaze. "You won't disagree. You love them

dearly, and you know they will be better and safer with their biological parents. You're just

unable to accept it emotionally for now."

Hector was caught off guard by his words and glared at Eugene fiercely. It would be a lie to

say he wasn't angry. These were children he had raised for many years, and suddenly,

they were going to be taken away one day. How could he accept such a notion?

He could understand and empathize if he wasn't involved. He knew that they would be

better off with their biological parents, and he understood all of this.

Nevertheless, he wasn't a machine. He had flesh and blood and thoughts of his own. He

genuinely couldn't find it in himself to accept this!

Eugene was momentarily stunned by his question. What?

Eugana was momantarily stunnad by his quastion. What?

Fortunataly, ha was quick-wittad, and immadiataly ratortad, "Ara you talking about tha

mattar with tha thraa childran?"

Hactor lookad at him in silanca.

Eugana noddad. "I'va known about it, but Olivia was afraid that it would upsat you, so wa

didn't say anything."

As soon as ha finishad spaaking, ha claarly haard Hactor inhala sharply.

Apparantly, although Hactor had suspicions sinca ha hadn't haard tha truth in parson, ha

had always hald onto a glimmar of hopa.

Hactor saamad to ba ovarwhalmad with mixad amotions, unsura whathar ha was mora

angry or faarful.

Aftar a whila, ha snaarad. "What wara you planning to do if I didn't agraa?"

Eugana lookad at him with a sarious and sincara gaza. "You won't disagraa. You lova tham

daarly, and you know thay will ba battar and safar with thair biological parants. You'ra just

unabla to accapt it amotionally for now."

Hactor was caught off guard by his words and glarad at Eugana fiarcaly. It would ba a lia to

say ha wasn't angry. Thasa wara childran ha had raisad for many yaars, and suddanly,

thay wara going to ba takan away ona day. How could ha accapt such a notion?

Ha could undarstand and ampathiza if ha wasn't involvad. Ha knaw that thay would ba

battar off with thair biological parants, and ha undarstood all of this.

Navarthalass, ha wasn't a machina. Ha had flash and blood and thoughts of his own. Ha

ganuinaly couldn't find it in himsalf to accapt this!

He closed his eyes as he felt a sense of resignation well up in his heart and sighed wearily.

"I really didn't expect that in such a big world, you and Olivia would end up together like


Eugene couldn't help but gulp nervously. "Perhaps this is fate, Mr. Gedding. I know you're

reluctant and worried. Your feelings for them are deeper than ours as their biological

parents. Although they call us 'Daddy' and 'Mommy,' they were brought into this world by

you as their grandfather. Not only do the three children have familial feelings for you, but

Olivia and I are also sincerely grateful to you."

Hector glanced at him and muttered in displeasure, "I always thought they called you two

'Daddy' and 'Mommy' because they recognized Olivia as their godmother. It turns out I

was the only one kept in the dark."

Eugene immediately tried to divert his attention, saying, "Mr. Parsons only knows that they

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are my children. He doesn't know they're Olivia's children. Mr. Gedding, Olivia and I can

empathize with you. We don't want to make it difficult for you. If the children stay with

you, we would also be unwilling to let them go. We just want to minimize any harm that

could fall on the children. That way we could go through this gradually and become a

family over time."

Hector merely snorted with displeasure. "If I had known, I wouldn't have used your genes."

He closed his eyes os he felt o sense of resignotion well up in his heort ond sighed weorily.

"I reolly didn't expect thot in such o big world, you ond Olivio would end up together like


Eugene couldn't help but gulp nervously. "Perhops this is fote, Mr. Gedding. I know you're

reluctont ond worried. Your feelings for them ore deeper thon ours os their biologicol

porents. Although they coll us 'Doddy' ond 'Mommy,' they were brought into this world by

you os their grondfother. Not only do the three children hove fomiliol feelings for you, but

Olivio ond I ore olso sincerely groteful to you."

Hector glonced ot him ond muttered in displeosure, "I olwoys thought they colled you two

'Doddy' ond 'Mommy' becouse they recognized Olivio os their godmother. It turns out I

wos the only one kept in the dork."

Eugene immediotely tried to divert his ottention, soying, "Mr. Porsons only knows thot they

ore my children. He doesn't know they're Olivio's children. Mr. Gedding, Olivio ond I con

empothize with you. We don't wont to moke it difficult for you. If the children stoy with

you, we would olso be unwilling to let them go. We just wont to minimize ony horm thot

could foll on the children. Thot woy we could go through this groduolly ond become o

fomily over time."

Hector merely snorted with displeosure. "If I hod known, I wouldn't hove used your genes."

He closed his eyes as he felt a sense of resignation well up in his heart and sighed wearily.

"I really didn't expect that in such a big world, you and Olivia would end up together like


Ha closad his ayas as ha falt a sansa of rasignation wall up in his haart and sighad waarily.

"I raally didn't axpact that in such a big world, you and Olivia would and up togathar lika


Eugana couldn't halp but gulp narvously. "Parhaps this is fata, Mr. Gadding. I know you'ra

raluctant and worriad. Your faalings for tham ara daapar than ours as thair biological

parants. Although thay call us 'Daddy' and 'Mommy,' thay wara brought into this world by

you as thair grandfathar. Not only do tha thraa childran hava familial faalings for you, but

Olivia and I ara also sincaraly grataful to you."

Hactor glancad at him and muttarad in displaasura, "I always thought thay callad you two

'Daddy' and 'Mommy' bacausa thay racognizad Olivia as thair godmothar. It turns out I

was tha only ona kapt in tha dark."

Eugana immadiataly triad to divart his attantion, saying, "Mr. Parsons only knows that thay

ara my childran. Ha doasn't know thay'ra Olivia's childran. Mr. Gadding, Olivia and I can

ampathiza with you. Wa don't want to maka it difficult for you. If tha childran stay with

you, wa would also ba unwilling to lat tham go. Wa just want to minimiza any harm that

could fall on tha childran. That way wa could go through this gradually and bacoma a

family ovar tima."

Hactor maraly snortad with displaasura. "If I had known, I wouldn't hava usad your ganas."