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Their Lycan Queen

Chapter 3
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Chapter 3

The next day “Happy birthday, Nora.” my m om and dad say as I walk into the kitchen. “Thanks” I say and smile. Mo m has made my favorite breakfast. I take a seat at the table and start to eat. “So, Nora, I need you to be hfor at least two hours before the ball begins.” mo m says and I roll my eyes. “It doesn’t matter mo m. No one will want to haveas their mate anyway. Remember I am worthless sinceand my wolf can’t even shift.” I say but jump up when my dad slams both of his fists down onto the table “Stop this at once Nora. You should know not to listen to the brats in this pack and especially the alphas spoiled daughter.” I smile at my dad while mo m gasps and my parents start to argue but I tune them out as I feel the mindlink open up. *Nora? Are you up? Happy birthday. I was wondering if you could cover, sof the guys are bored out of their minds without your presence* I chuckle at Ben and my parents glance atbut I just shake my head. *Thanks Ben. Sure givean hour to get there, I need to shower and change out of my pajamas. How do you guys feel about a tour of the pack?* *That would be fun, the twins are eager to find their mate* *Aren’t you?* I ask Ben. *See you soon, Nora* Ben answersand closes off the mindlink. “Well, Nora, should do whatever she wants today,” Dad says as I listen to them. Mo m nods and gives me a hug and smiles. say thanks for the food and hurry back to my room for a shower. I lay out sclothes on my b*d, a pair of panties, shorts and a tank top. I dress quickly and put on my shoes, say goodbye to my parents and walk out of the packhouse when I feel my wolf wake up.

“Oh Nora, wait up.” Emily shouts. I stop and turn around to face her. “My dad wantedto go with you since the lycans already have met you so you can introduce me”Emily says with a

wicked smile. “Fine but I am walking there, do you think you can handle that?” I ask and look at her up and down. She is dressed in a short dress and high heels. “Walk? No stu pid Nora, we will drive there in my new car that I got from my dad last week.” Emily says and sweeps her long blonde hair over her shoulder. Fine, fine, the princess is in charge again. I followed her to the silver car and took the seat next to the driver. Just as I was about to put my seatbelt on I noticed we weren’t alone, in the backseat sat the triplets. The triplets are Emily’s new friends or whatever you wanna call them, Josie, Jane and Joan. All of them have green eyes and blonde curly hair, they follow Emily’s orders and are just as horrible as her. “Emily, do you have your parents permission to bring them with us?” I ask and look at her as she sits on the driver seat but she just smiles and shrugs at me. Oh how fun this will be, I will get in trouble if she hasn’t got any permission. Sigh. Halfway to the mansion Emily started to slow down the car and I sensed that there was something wrong with this situation. “You know, Nora. Dad toldthat if you don’t shift tonight on the fullmoon, he is going to kick you out of the pack and turn you rogue tomorrow. He was going to do it tonight but m om pleaded not to do it on your birthday so you got one more day, isn’t he nice? You should thank him on your knees, you know.” Emily laughs and so does the triplets. I glare at her but say nothing and then I turn my head toward the window just as I notice that one of the triplets, Joan, is leaning forward and I turn my head slightly in her direction but it was a mistake. I didn’t get the tto react before I was thrown out of the car and rolled onto the gravel. Da mn.

Joan distractedwhile Josie opened the door and Jane unclipped my seatbelt while Emily accelerated and pushedout of the car at the stime. I scratch up both my arms and my legs, I bounce my head in the road and groan as I skid to a halt. Emily shouts as she drives away while the triplets laugh. “Now you will fit in perfectly with the rogues” So da mn childish, what are they? four years old or what? Sigh. “I saw everything. Are you okay Nora?” Ben’s voice is heard and I jump slightly as I realize that he was closer than I thought. I turn around and look up just to stare right up at a fully shifted lycan. They are huge. Ben’s lycan are gray and his eyes are black as he looks down at me. I feel for my wolf but she just yawns at him, bored. “Ben? Wow, your lycan is huge!” I am impressed. “What? Oh, right, I was on a run when my lycan sensed that your wolf was closed and he guided me here and I both saw and heard what those girls did to you. So if you excuse me.” Ben said and without effort liftedup in his arms. I yelped from the sudden movement but put my arms around his neck, well almost anyway, when he suddenly started running towards the mansion. We cinto the backyard and I notice Andrei standing there with a pair of shorts. He smiles when he notices us — and I smile back at him. “Nora, you are finally here but why are you hurt when you cto us? Chere so I can help and treat your wounds.” Andrei says and holds out his arms for me. But before I could protest and explain that I don’t need help, Ben handedover to Andrei and took the shorts from him. Fascinating I watched as Ben shifted back and I felt a bit sad over the fact that I most probably wouldn’t ever be able to shift. “Don’t be sad, Nora. You will shift one day, I promise. But right now, please stop gawking at Ben or Daniel will be sad. He likes you a lot and I think he would like to choose you as his chosen mate.”

Andrei tries to comfort me. “Wait. What? But he can’t takeas his chosen mate, I will die if he marks me.” I say and stare at Andrei. “Yeah we know. But there are ways around that. We have all agreed to take you with us to the lycan kingdom tomorrow night so you will never be rogue.” Ben explains and I stare at him. Happiness bubbled up inside ofand I felt a tear slip down my cheek. Andrei and Ben walked inside withand stopped in the kitchen to tend to my wounds. While Ben walked to the bathroom to fetch a towel and Andrei worked on getting the gravel out of my wounds, I noticed that the place was ominously quiet. “Where are the others?” I ask just as Ben comes back with a small green towel and a jar. “Oh they are waiting for you outside but we should hurry because Daniel is beyond pissed off” Andrei says while Ben takes som balm from the jar and starts to tend to my wounds. I feel my wounds start to tingle and the skin gets warm. I looked at them and noticed them closing way faster than I have ever healed before. I gape at the sight of it before looking at Andrei and Ben. “It’s homemade, you will probably feel a little bit of a high a bit later but maybe not, we will see.” Ben says while Andrei chuckles and I nod. I was just about to say that it would be fun but I closed my mouth as a high pitched scream rang out. I jumped down from the table and almost crashed right into Ben as he didn’t move. “What was that? What is going on?” I ask almost in panic and look around. “Yeah, cand hold ontoif you want and I will show you” Andrei sighs and holds out his arm which I take. I like touching someone that doesn’t ha teor treatlike I’m a vermine. We walk out of the front door and I gasp at the sight before me. Daniel, Grey and Lukas have all shifted while the others stand around and look angry. Before them are the triplets and Emily kneeling on the ground in absolute terror. I release Andrei and walk up to the brown lycan that my

wolf tellsis Daniel and I touch his arm gently. He turns his head away from Emily and looks down at me and for a moment it feels like tis standing still and it’s just the two of us. “What are you doing out here like this? I thought I was going to show you guys around?” I ask with a smile. But before he could answer me, Emily’s annoyingly, sickly sweet voice laced with terror was heard. “Nora, you.. help.. us.. or I will.. tell my dad about.. this..” she stuttered “Ben mindlinked us and told us what they did to you so you see, Daniel here got real angry and lost control of his lycan. When the brats conto the grounds he forced them into submission right here.” Linus explained in a boring but. angry voice. I turn my head and glare at Ben. I would’ve handled this myself but no of course he couldn’t do that, sigh. Ben just stared at Emily in shock and I looked at Emily but she kept. her eyes on me. I will be da mned if they aren’t mates, not way in he ll that I will move to the lycan kingdom now. I sigh and crouch down and hold my head in my hands. Daniel bends down and picksup in his arms and once again I am in the arms of a lycan. “You-who re.. is this why.. you aren’t.. helping us?.. Have you.. had s*x.. with all of them?.. Slut..” Emily spits out through gritted teeth. She earns herself a loud ringing of growls as all the guys. growl at her including Ben. She lets out a scream when she is smashed with their auras and the triplets cry even harder. Emily snaps her head up and looks around until her eyes land on Ben and she all but screams. “Mate”