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Their Lycan Queen

Chapter 134
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Part 2 Chapter 52

Ares POV

Maya had taken control of Melinda somehow and now they are burning down the town, Daniel rushed off in his lycan form and jumped right through the fire to land in front of Melinda. I couldn’t see exactly what he was doing but it took a couple of minutes when I heard Nora’s scream inside my mind.

I took a leap up to one of the building’s roofs and saw Daniel and Melinda. Daniel was burning, Maya had put him on fire and Melinda used wind magic to keep the fire still. I saw and smelt him burning but he refused to scream.

I ran across the roofs and jumped down just to land behind Maya and she wasn’t expecting that and neither did she expect my next move. I remember how Melinda taughtdefensive magic and I put up a shield so Maya couldn’t touchand at the stI took her life.

I drove my claws through her chest and ripped out her heart and I looked as her eyes stared atin shock before they bechollow and she collapsed on the ground. The fire that surrounded Daniel and the town died out. And Melinda dropped to the ground.

I caught Melinda before she fell completely and I felt her heart beat even if her eyes were closed.

“How is she?” Daniel growls and I look at him, his fur is almost burned off but I don’t care.

“Mark her in your lycan form” I say to him and he stares at me.

“I know, it’s not something we are supposed to do but it’s the only way

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

to override the darkness in her. I feel that she is missing a piece, give sof it back to her” I say and his eyes light up and he nods and takes Melinda fromcarefully.

I help him and sweep her hair to her back, exposing her n*eck and his other mark to him. I watch as he sniffs the skin and licks her there before he looks atand then he closes his eyes and marks her all over again.

I see her blood coming from the mark and I stick my finger into Ari’s snout and he releases her and I glare at him.

“Thanks” he growls and I shake my head just in tto see Melinda twitch and then she screams.

“It’s okay Melinda” I say and she opens her eyes and looks around in panic.

“No, Maya she is.. here.. fire.. and.. and..” Melinda talks so fast that I am having trouble following her.

“No, I killed Maya and Daniel brought you back but you will feel a bit dizzy so just let him carry you” I say and she stares at me.

“How did you kill her?” she asks and I look behindat her sister’s


She looks the way that I am watching and she sighs in relief.

“Her blood is poisonous, she did it herself. She was hoping that Daniel would rip her throat out and mark her at the stso he would feel her death twice” Melinda whispers and I stare at Maya’s dead b*dy in disgust.

“Well, what should we do about her now? Burn her?” I ask Melinda and turn to look at her but I notice that she has either fainted or fallen

asleep. Either way she must have been exhausted.

*Prince Ares, burn Maya’s b*dy but bringher heart, please* Mariah’s voice was crystal clear in my mind and I flinched a bit.

Sure. Burn the witch but save her heart, just perfectly normal. A normal day, yep. Witches are scary.

I take up her heart and order Anton to burn her b*dy and a villager comes out with a lighter and another one with gasoline.

“Is she dead?” another woman says and I can see her standing in front of me. I don’t like the air around her but I nod my head at her.

“Good, then perhaps our lives can go back to normal.” she says and I tilt my head as I watch her.

“Are you one of this kingdom’s witches?” I ask of her and she nods her head while narrowing her eyes at me.

“Okay” I say and shrug and walk past her and I can feel her stare at my back as I walk away.

Strange people in this strange kingdom, I think and I shake my head as I make way to go back to Mariah.

Nora’s POV

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I felt him burn, I felt his pain and his silent scream but I let out my scream instead. I was by Helios’ side when I felt it, I screamed my lungs off and Helios tried to touchbut he hissed as though he could feel the fire on my skin.

I semi shifted and I scratched at my own skin with my claws as I felt the need to try to get rid of the flames. How can I feel the flames? I know it is Daniel that is burning by instinct but why am I burning as well.

*Daniel isn’t feeling the pain but we are as we are twin souls. And Ari and I.. We are more than that…* Aurelie whimpers as she too can feel their pain.

“Nora try to breathe slowly, the pain will go away, Ares is trying to fix it right this moment. It’s Mayas doing. Please hang on” I hear Helios plead toand I feel his worry.

Then the pain goes away and the heat as well and I can finally breathe, I hope Daniel is okay.

“Shh, Ares killed Maya and Melinda and Daniel is safe, I promise” Helios says and he hugsand I hiss in pain.

“Yeah you have almost clawed your skin off in sparts” Helios growls and I look down.

Blood is streaming down my arms and legs. But I don’t have tto care about that now, instead I take up my cell phone with trembling hands and try to make it work but I forgot to shift back and I accidentally push my claw right through the screen.

“Oh” I said and felt sad.

“It’s okay, Nora. I will buy you another one, do you want to ring Ares?” Helios asks and I nod my head at him.

He picks up his own phone and I can see him make the call, it rings for a very long tand he doesn’t pick up and I start to feel nervous.

I get up and try not to get too nervous when I suddenly scream out in frustration but what I didn’t expect was a portal next to me. It looked strange, but I thought that was the first tI saw one as well.

A hand comes out of it and Helios screams my nwhen the hand suddenly grabsand pullsthrough. I threw up at the motion of

going through it but I felt happy as I looked up and I thought it would be Ares but instead.

I stare at him in shock when he grabs my shoulders and suddenly and very fast bends his head down and marks me. King Isaac