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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 528
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He then take out a spear from a shell as he thrust it towards Shadowslash.

“Torpedo Thrust!” Suddenly a powerful attack came crashing down towards Shadowslash as he felt the water seems to squeeze him.

His eyes narrows as he lets out a roar and used his sword technique.

“Heaven Splitting Slash!” It is the twin technique he had managed to learn from training his earth splitting slash.

The two attacks slams with each other as the entire area around them seems to tremble as the water caused the beasts to feel a bit disarray.

The marine beasts that behind the three mermen started to become active as they let’s out a loud roar and started charging towards the group that have followed Shadowslash.

Shadowslash expression changed as he realised that he was targeted by the spear wielding merman so he was preoccupied without him these 9 Xiantian marine beasts would tear all of his subordinates apart.


Without any choice he could only summon all of his clones to try and stall the 9 Xiantian marine beasts while he try to finish his target quickly.

The three mermen were surprised to see the 9 figures appearing besides Shadowslash they aren’t shocked because of their sudden appearance since they have encountered beings like Shadowslash who could summon copies of him.

What shocked them is how lifelike they are if they did not see that these 10 individuals appearing because of Shadowslash they would never been able to figure out that they are just clones.

As these clones appeared they immediately charged towards the 9 Xiantian marine beasts.

Shadowslash on the other hand threw himself towards the three mermen as he opens his mouth and spat out his [Dragon Breath] once again.

The three mermen were startled to see that Shadowslash have challenged the three of them all by himself.

They let out a sneer just as the other two mermen were about to attack their leader the one that wields the spear spoke “Stand back this battle is between the two of us”.

He then charged towards Shadowslash just as the two was about to collide the entire surrounding become pitch black as all the senses from the spear wielding merman was rub off.

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The other two mermen have already retreated to a safe distance to watch the battle and yet they were still engulf in the darkness.

The spear wielding merman let’s out a snort and shouted “Hahaha to think that you a dragon have a unique domain ability compared to your kind very interesting”.

“However I am Lukas of the great spearfish mermaid clan this petty domain wouldn’t be able to stop me!”.

Boom! His aura exploded as his muscle started becoming bigger as he grew twice as large as before he then started spinning his spear above him as the water started to converge towards him creating a cyclone underwater.

“Wrathful Storm!”.

Shadowslash was having a hard time keeping himself from being pulled towards the harsh and violent cyclone he had also orders his clone to bring his subordinates away as he realized that they were of no use and have become a burden to him.

‘Sh*t I never thought that those from the Aqua Race Clan would be extremely powerful’ Realising that he was increasingly becoming closer and closer towards the cyclone he got incredibly anxious.

Suddenly the cyclone stops as the spear wielding merman looks a bit dazed as he looks towards to his side and Shadowslash saw it was actually the other two mermen.

He was shocked to think that these three mermen were still able to communicate in his [Darkness Domain].

He knew he had underestimated the Aqua Race Clan without hesitation he and his clone switch place as he fled while his clone swam towards his domain influence.

The nine Xiantian marine beasts were also influenced by the [Darkness Domain] Shadowslash then used his illusion to influence them.

He then led them to charge towards the three mermen he had also invoked their inner beastial madness as he is worried that the three mermen youth still have methods to control them.

As he escapes the battle he lead his subordinates to a much shallower area he looks at the heavily injured Murderous Glutton Orca bring carried by it’s body the Primordial Megalodon.

He quickly brought the Murderous Glutton Orca to his arm as he started feeding eat this action was the best course of action he could do since this Murderous Glutton Orca has a peculiar innate ability.

———————————————————————— Name: Left Guardian Orca

Title: [Devourer]

Race: Marine Mammal

Specie: Murderous Glutton Orca

Grade: Transcendent

Gender: Male

Level: Early Stage of 1st Gate of Xiantian Realm

Attributes: Water/Strength

Energy: Vital Qi (Peak Stage of Earth Tier): 50,000

Transcendent Strength: 500

Transcendent Agility: 250

Transcendent Endurance: 1,000

Transcendent Intelligence: 100

Elemental Energy: [Water Energy: Late Earth Tier], [Devouring Qi: Early Phase of Law], [Vital Qi: Peak Stage of Earth Tier]

Mana (Peak Stage of Mortal Tier): 6,000

Skills: [Steel Piercing Pressure Blast], [Titanic Crash], [Echo Blast], [Tsunami], [Whirlpool Devour]

Racial Trait: [Glutton], [Glutton Indulgent], [Behemoth Body], [Innate Teamwork With Same Specie]

Passive Abilities: [Behemoth Stomach], [Enhanced Intelligence], [Sensitive Senses Towards Water Element]

Active Abilities: [Supersize]

Super Ability: [Mad Devour]


The ability [Glutton Indulgent] is like a rapid recovery ability for the Murderous Glutton Orca all he just need is to devour a large amount of food.

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Shadowslash was shocked to discover that the injury that the Murderous Glutton Orca have suffered is extremely heavy.

After all the Murderous Glutton Orca has an extremely tough defence he might not have an external armor like Ziggy but his fat is extremely tough even he would have a hard time inducing such injury to it.

What he did not know is that the three mermen spent more than a month hunting this Murderous Glutton Orca because of its exceptional defence.

Also as long as they could breed more like him they would obtain a powerful army with powerful defence and have extremely great cooperation between each other.

Shadowslash actually wanted to the same thing too bad he still haven’t found any female killer whale big enough to attract Left Guardian Orca.

He had named the Murderous Glutton Orca as Left Guardian Orca because he was guarding he left part of this beach while the Primordial Megalodon was called Right Guardian Megalodon.

After feeding Left Guardian Orca with large amount of reserve food he was carrying finally he was recovering rapidly as his wounds started to disperse and the holes in his body started to disappear while his bones started to recover also.

Shadowslash clicked his tongue still couldn’t get through his Left Guardian’s ability to recover but because of this he was quite assured of the safety of his territory.

He then told his other subordinates to return to their base he also warned his Right Guardian to be careful his combat ability might be much more powerful compared to the Left Guardian but it’s survival capability is truly a difference between heaven and earth compared to the Left Guardian.

Right Guardian Megalodon nodded as he swam back to his territory so that his safety would be much more secured Shadowslash told his Inner Core Rank subordinates to patrol around the area.

Shadowslash on the other hand left his two dragon clones to monitor the area while he flew back to hide base clearly deep in thought.

This is the first time he had really fought a true member of the Aqua Race Clan all he fought during this few months are sub branch of the Aqua Race Clan they are considered members of the clan but they are also considered as branches or subordinates of the true members of the Aqua Race Clan.

Shadowslash finally realised why the true members of the Aqua Race Clan are not only intelligent but they are also incredibly powerful.

If his enemy haven’t stop his attack he would have been pulled to the cyclone even though he wouldn’t be defeated immediately he knew for a fact his defence isn’t as tough as his Left Guardian so he would be heavily injured if not maimed by the three mermen.

After returning back to his base he immediately went to his room and sat in a meditative pose while he was cultivating the truth is he was controlling his clone that he left in the battlefield.

He had managed to achieve this method of cultivation because of Hentai it would be responsible for monitoring his main body while he went to play with the body of his clone.

When he opens his eyes he realized that he was back on the battlefield but because of the power of the three mermen his domain was destroyed as the three were now fighting with their nine summoned Xiantian marine beasts.

He saw that the nine Xiantian beasts were actually in the verge of dying they are no match against the full force of three youth mermen.

Shadowslash burns with battle intent he wanted to know how strong these three youth from the Aqua Race Clan.

(Yesterday was my father’s birthday which was also his and mom’s anniversary so I am sorry for forgetting to update yesterday).