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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 227
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Chapter 77: Theo

I took Ayla’s hand and joined Harden and Cooper outside Malcolm’s interrogation room as

Cooper was hanging up his phone.

“I knew I recognized this guy,” he said. “I can’t believe it took us this long to make the

connection to Charles Anderson. You said this is his nephew?”

I nodded. “Yeah, but from what I can tell, the relation isn’t common knowledge. The only

reason I found out was

because his sister let it slip during one of her clumsy attempts to seduce me.”

“Well, he’s popped up in almost every pack over the last couple of years,” Cooper said.

“But he’s not always there in association with Charles company, and he often uses an alias

in those cases. So it took us some time to make a connection, but we still couldn’t tie him

to Charles definitively. Until now, at least.”

I looked at Malcolm through the glass, holding back the storm of emotions boiling within


“I’m going to have to start a war, aren’t I?” I asked quietly. “I’m not letting him live.”

“My suggestion – call an urgent Gathering,” Cooper said. “We know there has to be Alphas

involved in this. However, I don’t think any are as directly involved as the leaders, but

there are some who have at least turned a blind eye to their practices. You need to offer

them the option to back out. To turn


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against the Waar Pak Society. Allow us to set up provisions to hunt the participants down.”

“You think that would actually work?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t expect a perfect outcome,” Harden said. “But it’s probably your best option.

Including all the other Alphas in this matter supports you and Ayla’s claim against the

Waar Pak allegations. And, if anything, it will help us identify our enemies.”

“Our enemies?” I asked a little bitterly. “The fact that I’ve already gained enemies is bad

enough. I can’t let you take them as yours as well.”

Ayla squeezed my hand. “Theo’s right,” she said. “As far as we know, no other pack knows

about your connection to this. It may be better for you to arrive with the rest of them. To

show neutrality. This is our fight.”

Harden smiled at Ayla. “As I told you before, my dear,” Harden stated, “your father was a

close friend. I despise the Waar Pak‘ s ideals. Anyone who stands with their beliefs, stands

against me and my pack. If fighting this battle helps protect Jack’s daughter, well, that’s

just a bonus.”

I saw the tears start to form in Ayla’s eyes before she embraced Harden. He chuckled as

he patted her back. She swiped her eyes as she pulled away.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized sheepishly. “I’m a little emotional these days.”

“Nothing to be sorry about,” he replied. “In fact, I think you should be one to call the

gathering, Ayla.”


“Me?” Ayla replied in confusion. “Can I even do that? It’s an Alpha Gathering.”

“The Lunas will surely be there as well,” Cooper said. “Or, at least, they will be informed of

what is going on by their mates. Their opinions will have weight. And yes, a Luna has

every right to call a Gathering. I agree with Harden. It’s a bold move that may work well in

our favor.”

I rubbed Ayla’s back in support. I had every faith that she could do this. I even sensed an

eagerness beneath the hesitation coming through our bond. She needed to do this.

My attention returned to Malcolm.

“In the meantime,” I began, “what are we going to do with him? He has information we

need, but we can’t harm him. Not before the other Alphas arrive.”

“I could command him,” Ayla said.

“No,” I asserted. “I don’t want you in there with him. Malcolm is smart. Sleazy and

obnoxious, too, yes, but still smart. I’d be too worried he’d use whatever happened in

there against you if the Alphas request his testimony. If Harden and Cooper agree that we

shouldn’t wait, then I can handle this.”

“Like you said,” Cooper said, “we can’t use drastic techniques. But I think it would be wise

to get what we can out of him as soon as possible.”

I nodded. “Harden, my mother has left with my father, would you mind helping Ayla call

the Gathering?”

“It would be my pleasure,” he confirmed.

Offering Ayla his arm, he led her away. I watched them go, feeling the urgency of the

upcoming events looming over me. I would make our world safe for her. Even if it was the

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last thing I did. She deserved that more than anything. And I would start by taking care of

Malcolm Neal.

I entered the interrogation room, letting every ounce of my Alpha energy permeate the

space. Malcolm recoiled from the weight of it and I didn’t bother hiding the pleasure it

gave me to see. I sat in front of him and waited. I knew Malcolm. He was smart, but I knew

that if you gave him enough rope, he’d eventually hang himself with it.

And I had time to be patient.

But something told me he didn’t. It wasn’t long before he began to speak.

“I suppose it’s no use to reason with you?”

“This isn’t a business negotiation, Malcolm,” I said flatly.

“That’s debatable,” he said brazenly.

My energy pulsed forcefully through the air, sending Malcolm farther back into his chair.

But I didn’t let my anger take over. I remained quiet.

“I won’t talk,” he said.

Still no response.

“But I am curious,” he stated. “Your man, Hawkins, he really did believe you were having

doubts about that charming mate of yours. I wonder how much of that was an act to catch

us and how much was real.”

The corner of my mouth twitch upward. Whether he believed I had doubts or not, he

wouldn’t actually try to turn me against Ayla now. But he would appear to try to get

information from

1. me.

That’s what I was counting on.