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The Legacy System

Chapter 461 - 461: Confront
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The servants driving the cars most probably didn't understand why they were ordered to do something like this, especially when the life of a person was involved, but they had no other chance.

Li Yao had personally contacted the person driving that car and ordered to not stop even Gods or Demons blocked the path if they didn't want to suffer her rage and wrath.

Knowing her background and temper these servants felt that it was better to actually face police, judges, and jail than suffer the wrath of that demon.

Everything became clear really soon though, as one after the other each and every one of the drivers started reporting unknown cars, and armed people blocking their path.

Each and every one of them was taken out of the car and fully checked, together with their car before they were left alone.

While they didn't know who these guys were and why they were doing this, Eric and Li Yao understood it perfectly, the Ye family had made their move.

It was clear that they had already received information on the situation and conditions of Young Master Gao Jian, and also that they didn't want him to get cured and recover.

While Li Yao might think of them as only trying to cause trouble for her Li family, Eric understood that the scheme and plan were much bigger than that.

After all, with the death of Young Master Gao Jian, Li YunMu would most probably try to raise her possible grandson as the next heir of the Gao family.

The next step would most probably be the help of the Gao family and businesses towards the Ye family to create a foothold in Longgang city, and after their backstabbing towards the Li family.

Who knew what kind of methods would they try to overpower and subdue Li YunMu to their side, but most probably her grandson would be involved in all that.

Looking at the number of these guys that suddenly appeared, and their strength it was clear that they had already infiltrated the city quite some time ago.

Everything had played according to their plans, including the wipeout of the Weng family, which gave them a possible cut from the cake that was Longgang City.

The only problem and unwanted variable were most probably Cui Xie, and the one that was behind Cui Xie, Eric.

As for Eric himself, he had decided to just accept the fruits of the Ye family's efforts and slowly turn the Wenzhou Prefecture into his base.

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Even though it would be only for a short period of one year before he disappeared into his Nightless Stone City, he still had to make sure that he completed his preparations.

At the moment, the young Chef Chen and the beauty Li Yao actually weren't in any of the cars that left the mansion earlier.

No, they were actually using the supply truck that had left 30 seconds later and were now heading towards Cui Xie's mansion.

As for why did they knew his current location, it was due to the call that young Chef Chen had made to Cui Xie himself as they got on the road.

Since Eric was the coach, the player, and the ball himself, it would be weird if he wasn't able to manage that much.

Furthermore, he made it look like Cui Xie was actually interested in the guy that called him, and not much with the Gao family, or Li YunMu.

If he wanted to play this plan perfectly he had to make sure that he was a key role in the relationships between the two parties.

Like that, even if Li YunMu tried something stupid later, she would still be unable to make a move on him. As for Cui Xie, there was no way he was going to make a move against the person holding his life.

It was clear that the enemy didn't seem to have grasped the possibility of the two of them hiding in the supply truck, so they reached their goal quickly.

Furthermore, since it was the supply truck that furnished even the Cui Mansion, the truck was allowed entrance after a quick check-up.

Those guys were unable to do anything in front of the Cui Mansion, as they were unable to bear the costs.

Right now the Cui siblings and Cui Xie especially were considered as one of the overlords of the Longgang City, if the Ye family picked a fight with them then their foothold would be broken.

Even a powerful dragon is unable to subdue a local snake!

For that reason, half of Eric's mission was already completed the moment he reached the Cui Mansion and entered inside.

The situation he found inside though was a bit complicated, as Cui Xie wasn't the only one he was forced to meet.

There were two more people in the room that held a resemblance to Cui Xie, and Cui La's features, but clearly more arrogant and prideful than the two of them.

"Nephew Xie this is a great opportunity for you to come and pay respects to your ancestors once again!

Not only that but the Patriarch said that he is willing to give you the position of your father, and even arrange the marriage of your sister with the Young Master of the Ye family!"

The one who said that was a potbelly middle-aged man with long black hair and a big nose. Eric couldn't help but think that his nose was big due to being kept up all the time.

The other guy wasn't saying anything as he seemed to be evaluating the situation in front of him, and they seemed to be winning the debate seeing what Cui Xie was thinking.

In their eyes, it was impossible for Cui Xie to actually dare and not accept their offer. After all, he was just a lucky young brat, that was getting what he had lost. 

Power and status!

They thought that he was still the brat that had left the Cui family and had sworn to one day turn back and prove them wrong. Their proposal should satisfy their ego.

But as Cui Xie seemed to be weighing down on their offer, the door opened, and young Chef Chen and Li Yao entered the room.

The two of them didn't seem to have any intention of greeting them before the young Chef went in front of Cui Xie bowed down slightly and said,

"Young Master Xie, I am the one who spoke with you through the phone!

I know about the bad blood between you and the Gao family, but I don't believe that you want to actually see Young Master Gao Jian dead!

Today I have shamelessly appeared in front of you to request the 'Dragon Heart' herb in your possession to cure the Young Master.

As long as you do us this favor, not only the Young Master and the Madam, but even the Li family would be owing you a big favor!"

"Oh!? And you can represent the Li family? I don't think that I am that gullible as to believe that, right?"

"Junior, not only didn't you greet us, but you are even ignoring us and cutting our conversation! Furthermore, you even claim to represent the Li family!

You have crossed quite a few boundaries already, if you don't kneel and apologize to us you will have to suffer retribution for your actions!"

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The one to talk to him like that was the same potbelly guy that was talking to Cui Xie earlier, but the young Chef pretended to not even look at him, while Li Yao took a step forward and said,

"If he can't, then I can, as the third in line of the Li family!

Furthermore, Master Chen is a valued guest of our Li family, and no one can make him kneel or bow down!

Even more so a third-rate elder of the Cui Family!"

The reason why Li Yao was so overbearing with the Cui Family guys was that they were the biggest backers of the Ye family, and they were entwined with a few marriages.

It was clear that these guys seemed to get bothered by the fact that young Chef Chen mentioned the Li family when he talked to Cui Xie.

"Young one you should know how to act in the Cui family property, otherwise don't blame me for teaching you in your parents' stead!"

The potbelly guy seemed clearly infuriated with the term of a third-rate elder and decided to actually pressure Li Yao, and young Chef Chen.

What he didn't expect though was that suddenly old Ma and Cui Xie's four generals would appear in front of the duo, as Cui Xie seemed extremely angry as he said out loud,

"What a good Cui family!

It seems like you have already decided that all I have belongs to you, right!? But I don't remember to have accepted anything!"

"Cui Xie, do you dare to disobey the Patriarch's order? Who do you think you are without the Cui family?

You should kneel down and beg us to take you back, instead of opposing us! Otherwise…"

"Otherwise what? Are you going to expel me from the family? Are you going to make sure that I live a terrible life? Are you going to undermine my achievements?

Good! Extremely Fu*cking Good!

Well, let me say it clearly then, as long as you are still in the Cui family, this Young Master refuses to return and recognize his Ancestors!

Let us see who should be kneeling down and begging! Now get the hell out of my place!"