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The Legacy System

Chapter 441 - 441: Rescuing Cui La
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Having a look at the car's engine, and other parts he didn't find any problem, so he headed to the back to have a look at the fuel tank, only to find a short tube hanging out of it.

At that moment there was no fuel coming out of the short tube but considering the fact that the tank was empty there was no way there would be.

Still, that wasn't that important at that moment, as the most important thing was the fact that this clearly showed that someone had tampered with their car on the way.

Forgetting about the fact that they hadn't even felt something like this happening, the biggest problem was that right now they were amidst an extremely dark road, with someone on their tail.

Still, he was a cop, so he was trained for situations like this, so he quickly made sign to those inside,

"Be careful, we are ambushed!"

The other cops inside were busy talking to each other about the shitty situation when they heard the warning from their friend outside, but they quickly took action.

They all took their guns on their hands, as they started hearing and looking around the car more carefully, while the guy on the front seat took out the radio.

With the current situation, it was stupid to think of keeping this hidden, as he intended to call the station for back up.

"Station, this is 42-23 Over!"

No sound came from it! Checking the frequence and status of the radio he once again said the same thing,

"Station, this is 42-23 in need of backup, Over!"

Still no sound!

Normally even if there was no answer from the station there should still have been some noise or sound from the radio but there was nothing.

Two attempts were enough for the guy to understand that there was something wrong with the radio, which had either been tampered from inside, or someone was jamming the signal.

No matter which it was, the fact stood that they were unable to communicate with the station and ask for help, as the situation was now in their hands.

There were only four of them in a dark and lonely road that they had driven in order to not attract too much attention.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Most probably their opponent, or enemy didn't have a lot of numbers in their side, otherwise they wouldn't still be waiting for them in the dark and would have already attacked.

Either that, or the enemy wanted them to give in to despair and make the first move. But they didn't see a need to do something like that.

After all, if they were late with their delivery the guys asking for the delivery would most surely send a patrol or another car to check up on them.

Seeing the ruckus and disturbance created for this lady, then they didn't doubt that whoever was looking for her, was waiting for her impatiently.

As long as they stood inside the car and protected their selves, help was surely bound to arrive, and they would easily survive this shitty situation.

As the guys inside were thinking like that, they suddenly noticed that there was no sound, or sign of the cop outside.

They looked each other in the eye for a moment, and then all three of them said in the same time and same voice,

"Fang!" x3

Immediately they started looking around the car for the presence of the other cop, but they saw nothing. There was no sign of him, he seemed to have disappeared into nowhere.

That scared the shit out of them!

Just a moment ago they had thought that they had the upper hand as long as they stayed together, but suddenly one of theirs had disappeared with a trace.

"Wha-What happened? Did any of you see anything?"

"No, I saw nothing, what about you?"

"Me neither! Just what the hell is going on!? Who is this woman, and who is the guy behind all this?"

"Fu*ck why did I have to get myself involved only for 2000 dollars! This is so not worth it!"

"I agree! We should leave this place!"

"Where do you think you will go idiots? If we just leave, forget about the guy outside, even the guy who paid us is going to kill us!"

"Then what do we do? Are we just going to wait here for our turn? That guy is going to kill us for taking his woman away!"

The cops were amidst a discussion to each other, when suddenly one of them seemed to have understood something, as he looked towards the guy on the hostages left, and said,

"Wait how do you know that the hostage is his woman?"



With that said, the guy pulled up his gun and pointed towards the cop in the front seat, but before he could even pull the trigger, the guy on his side shoot him in the head.

The next moment he regretted his action though, as he couldn't help but have his hand tremble as he said in a disturbed voice,

"What the hell did I just do?"

Killing criminals, and unknown people outside for their interests was one thing and killing their colleagues of a few years was something different.

He couldn't believe that he had just shot his own colleague on the head, and even more so to believe that this guy had sold them to the enemy.

"You did the right thing! This motherfu*cking snitch, I knew it from the beginning that there was something wrong with him!



The cop on the front seat seemed to be extremely angry and enraged at that moment. Perhaps if the guy was still alive he would have personally shot him down, but then something unexpected happened.

A gun sound resounded through the vehicle once again, as another cop was shot on the head and fell dead right inside the car.

It was the cop on the front seat who had shot the guy behind, before he got out of the car and opened the door behind, to pull the dead body outside.

Then without losing time, he took outside the unconscious Cui La, before talking to the dark,

"Take her to the car, I need to take care of this!"

All of a sudden an all-black enchanting figure appeared from the dark and approached the car to do what the cop asked.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

On the other hand, the cop made sure to make all this look like some newbies, or some stupid gangsters had done all this.

He broke the windows and hit the car quite a few times. The handles seemed like they were open with force, and there was blood everywhere.

He also punched himself in the face a few times, and intentionally ripped his clothes, to make it look like he had been hit by the said gangsters, before lying at the car's front door waiting for the backups.

It didn't take long before a SUV with governmental plates made its way towards the car in the darkness of the night and stop.

Two guys dressed in black military outfit jumped out of the SUV and approached the police car, while being all time on alert.

They didn't say anything, they were only communicating with signs, in case that the enemy still had some surveillance over the place.

Looking at the scene in front of them, they seemed to understand what might have happened there, but they still didn't lower their guards, as they checked around.

Finally one of them arrived at the body of the cop who was lying by the front door. There was a lot of blood on his body, accompanied by a lot of bruises, cuts, and scratches.

His clothes seemed tattered, and even his hair were in a mess, as he looked like he had already died, or was with one foot to the grave.

Checking the nose, one of the operatives found out that the cop was still alive, but there was no sign of him waking up even after he brough alcohol to his nose.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy was the only one who was able to telling them what had happened, the operative would most probably have shot him to get him out of his misery.

But knowing that, he could only communicate with the other one, and then make a sign towards the car, to come and pick him up.

Since they were unable to find anything even after a thorough search, the worth of the only surviving cop grew a bit.

In this situation they could do nothing but notify the local station of what had happened, as they disappeared from where they came from.

Reaching at their destination, they came out of the car, dragged the cop outside as well, before throwing him into the stables and tie him up.

Since they had no idea what had happened, they had to make sure that they kept their guard up all the time.

Not to mention that they didn't care much for the cop, as long as he had told them what happened and provided them with a clue, they would sent him on the way to the Yellow River.


This guy already knew too much. Furthermore they had brought him to their main center of action in this place, and if he opened his mouth it would be a problem for them.

As a matter of fact, they had already decided from the beginning that they were going to kill these cops, as they knew too much.

With those thoughts, one of them entered the stables where the cop was detained, and threw a bucket of cold water on his face…