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The Legacy System

Chapter 372 - 372: Eric’s Intentions
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After what had happened inside the dimensional pocket space, Ice already thought to have an idea of Eric's character but witnessing what happened just now, she wasn't as sure anymore.

The big melon beauty who had been one of the main characters, and the reason for this whole show was extremely shocked and stupefied at the moment.

She was unable to understand just what was going on anymore, as her pure heart and body were unable to understand just what had happened just now.

It wasn't that she had been trying to protect her purity until now, as she hadn't been offering it to anyone either.

The thing was that not too long ago she had the same physique and features just like Panda, with his large and giant body.

While that made her important places bigger and more attractive, at the same time it would scare away any man that seemed like he was worth it.

While it was quite painful for her as a woman to experience that, it was also a blessing in disguise as she was able to learn those guys' true nature.

All of those guys had double standards and double faces. It was okay for their pig faces to lust after swan meat, but the converse was not allowed.

Not that she was ugly though, as even though her proportions were beyond normal, they still gave her quite the beauty and charm.

After she reached her 3rd evolution though she gained the ability to easily interchange between her giant body and her current 'normal' look.

When those guys saw her new look they were just like hungry wolves finding some tasty meat, but since she knew about their true nature, all the wolves were pushed back.

To be more exact they weren't only pushed back, but they were also beaten black and blue, and humiliated in front of everyone else, just so that she could release her negative feelings.

Until now there had been no man that was able to break the walls of defense she had built around herself, and her little brother was perhaps the only man that could get close to her.

Despite the fact that she would usually beat the shit out of him, and make him avoid her like a plague, the truth was that she was doing that to help him evolve as soon as possible.

She didn't want him to suffer as much as she had, so she wanted him to experience the 3 evolution as soon as possible.

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Also, the reason she had come here was that she wanted to give him a helping hand in dealing with the mission assigned to him.

But all those thoughts and ideas had gone out of the window the moment that Eric had appeared and made that little act of his to completely throw her off.

He was the only man to have come that close to her, and also the man that had stolen her first kiss and felt her melons.

She didn't know how to feel, or what to think about this situation, as a red hue had covered her whole face.

At the same time, in one of the rooms of the luxurious big boat, Panda was looking at his Master with an extremely grave and angry face.

While he didn't like this tomboy and violent big sister of his, he still didn't like how Eric had treated her, and what he intended to do to her.

His feelings grew even more negative when he saw that Eric pretended to not even notice that, as he said with a heavy and grave voice,

"What is the meaning of what you did, Master!?"

"What do you mean Panda!?"

"You understand completely what I mean! I am okay if you want to test my loyalty and word, but she and my family are out of bounds.

Even if I have to sacrifice my bloodline, life, and even the whole world, my family is untouchable!"

Eric had to say that hearing these words from Panda was much better than any shitty Giant's Blood Oath for him, but still, he wouldn't let his servant show his teeth to him, as his face grew cold and responded with a chilly tone,

"Are you threatening me!?"

"No, that was a warning!"

"Oh~! Is that so!? Well then there is no problem there, isn't it!?"

His 180-degree change caught Panda by surprise, as he couldn't help but get startled by that reaction, but then he quickly recollected himself as he said,

"Then what are you planning to do with my big sister!?"

"I am planning to make her my lover, my woman! Why, is there something wrong with it!?"

"What!? Of course, there is something wrong with it! I won't allow you to do something like that!"

"Are you sure!? Think about it, despite me not having the background that you have, with my strength and potential can you say that there is someone much better for her out there!?"

Hearing that Panda couldn't help but stop and think deeply about this, because Eric was kind of right.

He was someone who was capable to beat him in a physical fight, someone who could kill so many people of his Realm in a short time and also had that mysterious power.

No matter how one looked at it, he was someone with great potential and a future. Furthermore, he was someone that had managed to turn him into his servant.

But then he was remembered of something unpleasant as he said,

"Don't you have Ice already!?"

The moment that these words sounded in the room, the third person couldn't help but prick her ears in expectation.

"Ice's situation is a bit complicated, but I won't hide from you that she might become my woman one day!

Also, I don't mind telling you that she will not be the only one and that I have quite a few already. But that is a choice for your big sister if she accepts it or not, not yours!

Furthermore what kind of man with my future won't have more than one woman to share his life!"

Ice's expression grew even weirder as she heard this, as she didn't even understand why. It wasn't like she had any feelings, or thoughts about Eric, right!?

The truth was that she didn't even understand herself how she felt. She only knew that when she heard Eric's answer she felt a bit relieved. On the other hand, Panda snorted and said,

"Hmph~! Don't blow your own horn, right now you don't have value, that is only when you survive and mature!"

"What do you know!? You have been my servant just for a few days and you think you know me? You better understand something Panda, I am not overestimating myself, I just know my worth!"

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There wasn't arrogance in his words, there was confidence, resolve, and determination. Eric truly believed the words he said.

Letting Panda process those words for a moment then he continued,

"Well this is bullshit if your sister doesn't fall for me, and I don't have any intention of forcing her, so this is an empty conversation. We can talk about this when that happens!

Now, tell me about what she said at first! What was your mission in this place!"

Panda was at a loss of thoughts at this moment, as he couldn't help but feel like Eric's words made sense to him.

Eric was talking so straight, and so directly about flirting and making his big sister fall for him, and he couldn't help but think that he was right.

Just what the hell was this!? But then remembering his big sister's temper and attitude, he couldn't help but think that Eric was in for a tough ride and that he was going to suffer under her.

Thinking like that, a small grin appeared on his face, as he couldn't help but think of the face of his Master when he would have to call him brother-in-law and suffer as a punchbag for his big sister.

As he thought like that, he couldn't help but start to think that perhaps this wasn't a bad idea, in fact, it was quite the good one. His sister would make him suffer in his stead.

Eric couldn't understand what was happening with Panda at that moment, as he felt a bit crept by his grin, so he pretended to clear his voice, and ask once again with a slightly louder voice,

"Ahem~! What was your mission in this place Golden Panda!?"

"Ah~! Oh right, the mission! My mission was to find or make contact with that weird Master if he exists in this place to procure a deal for those potions and manuals of his!

But not only wasn't I unable to accomplish that mission, but also I ended up like this! I can only go back and accept my punishment!"

Eric already could guess as much as a grin appeared on his face, but he didn't directly divulge anything as he asked,

"Why are all these people giving so much attention to the potions and the manuals!? After all most of them work only on fighters who haven't evolved yet!"

"That is because those potions greatly enhance not only the strength of the fighters but also their potentials, and future achievements.

As for those manuals, while they aren't complete, in comparison to the existing manuals and techniques they are just like comparing gold to iron!

Isn't Master here for the same purpose!?"

It was only now that Eric understood why his potions and manuals had been so sought after from the big families, and why he was treated like that.

He was just like the duck making golden eggs, who would dare to harm him without getting to the source.

Thinking like that his face darkened quite a bit…