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The Legacy System

Chapter 368 - 368: Death Law Enlightenment Once Again
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Hearing those two final words from the guard guy, Eric seemed like he had just taken a hard decision, and after a deep emotional sigh he said,

"Sigh~! I didn't want to do this, but it seems like you guys won't cry until you see your coffins!"

Not only the guard, but every other fighter, or agent in the crowd around them seemed to have a weird and complex look on their face, as they couldn't help but think.

'Have we kicked an iron plate this time!?'

But Eric didn't seem like someone frightening, as a matter of fact, he didn't even look like some kind of fighter. In fact, he looked nothing different from a normal guy!

Certainly, the damage around them had made them a bit frightful, but they thought that as long as they used their inner energy and one or two techniques they would be able to do the same.

This was also their most mistaken point, as they had no idea that all the damage around them was done through physical strength alone.

On the other hand, Eric just quietly turned to Panda who was still standing on the exact same spot as earlier, and said,

"I think I told you to apologize so much that these guys wouldn't even dare to accept your apology later!

Not only that you didn't do that, but you also want to play these stupid little games with me to find about my background!

I know that Giant's Blood Oath is extremely precious and sacred to them, so they would do anything to keep their oath, but it seems like your giant blood isn't thick enough!

Since you want to test me then let me show you my resolve and thoughts!"

With that said, he didn't even allow Panda to make a sound as he immediately disappeared from the place that he was standing, appearing in front of the guy blocking his path.

It wasn't only him, everyone around Eric, Panda, and Ice didn't understand what he was talking about, as they only thought that he was babbling around.

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After all, what were these words about Giants, and Blood Oath? Like those things truly existed! Those were nothing more than stupid bullshit to make them fearful, or so they thought.

So when Eric appeared in front of the guard blocking his path, the poor bloke could only widen his eyes in shock, as even his jaw started dropping from its usual place.

He wasn't even able to understand what was going on, when he suddenly felt something cold enter his chest, and then pierce his heart, as his eyes started darkening until they finally lost all color.

He was dead!

Taking his knife out of the poor guard's chest, Eric turned around the rest of the people in the crowd, and especially the guards around that Young Master, and said in a cold tone,

"Just a little White Tiger organizations dares to block this Young Master's path!"

Not only the guards but everyone around them felt like suddenly they had seen the sun going down in the middle of the day, as a terrible chill ran down their backs.

Before they could react though, they saw Eric disappear once again, and then reappear in front of the guy who was farther from that place, slitting his throat, and then stabbing his heart.

There was no sound, or the wail of pain from the dead guy, as he only fell to the ground like some kind of potato sack.



Everyone could feel that these two feelings had suddenly creeped out of their hearts, and minds conquering their whole bodies.

They wanted to run away, but none of them could. They could only stand there shaking and shivering in fear, as they saw him disappear once again.

The moment he reappeared another guy in the crowd was dead, making everyone else even more afraid of him.

They couldn't help but feel that they had done a great mistake to actually mess with this guy, as he was clearly no weak figure.

Even Panda himself was having some complicated feelings inside his heart at the moment. As he didn't know what to actually make out of this.

Of course, he had made the Giant's Blood Oath to Eric, but in his heart, he still felt extremely reluctant to follow him, as in his body flowed the bloodline of the Gold Titan.

How could a Gold Titan like him become the servant of a damn weak human, surely Eric was stronger than him using his physical strength, and that last attack of his was scary, but so what.

As long as his bloodline matured he would surpass Eric by leaps and bounds, then wouldn't he be just like a dragon bound to a weak mortal?

Furthermore, he thought that just like him, even Eric was some kind of body cultivator hiding his real strength and age, in order to set him up.

Surely he had lost, but he wasn't convinced with his loss!

But now though, he was actually looking at Eric as if he was some kind of monster, as the moment he used his inner energy he seemed to turn into some different fighter.

Even he was used to sensing the people by their bloodlust, and their bloody hands, he felt like it was impossible for him to find Eric anymore.

Or to be more exact, he felt that Eric was just way too fast for him to be able to follow his presence. It was like a normal mortal trying to keep up with the speed of a flying jet. Impossible!

Furthermore, his words at the start were extremely arrogant and prideful, but he didn't seem like he was faking them.

He truly believed what he said, and he was truly thinking that the White Tiger organization was nothing more than an ant in his eyes.

That kind of arrogance, that kind of self-confidence, that way of speaking wasn't something that any kind of fighter or expert emit at that moment.

All these reasons were slowly bringing Panda closer to the true acceptance of his loss, and the fact that Eric was his Master from now on.

In the meantime, Eric was just like the shadow of a Death Reaper wherever he appeared a throat would be slit, and a life would be lost.

His technique, skills, and actions made even an experienced assassin like Ice feel slightly inferior, just like an amateur seeing a Master at work.

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While Panda and Ice were in deep contemplation and amazed by Eric's skills, the fighters in the crowd were terrified of him.

They all were screaming inside, they all wanted to turn heels and run away, never thinking about crossing this Grim Reapers path ever again, but even their bodies didn't seem to listen to them.

Even if they shouted their selves hoarse inside, their trembling bodies were unable to even take a step away from their current location.

Each and every one of them could only wait for the cold 'Silent Reaper' to cut their throats and stab into their hearts, washing their hands with this life.

At this moment the villain of this story didn't seem to care about them anymore, as he had entered a strange trance.

His eyes were lost, his breath had become extremely slow and simple, his heart was beating slower, the blood in his body circulated slower, as his whole presence seemed to be fading.

Not only that, but even in the terrible darkness of the night, he was seeing some thin black threads connecting over the heads of each of his victims.

Every time he killed one of them, he would see that thin thread cut and separate into two parts, one of the two parts flowing towards him, while the other disappearing into nothingness.

He didn't really understand what those threads were, or what they represented, he only felt that with each kill he made he seemed to understand something more.

It was only after his tenth kill that he finally felt the familiarity of these weird threads, and what they brought into his body, as he was reminded of his 'Death Law'!

The truth was that despite having made quite the progress in his Death Law, since he didn't know how to use it, Eric had never thought much about it.

He surely wanted to ask the beauty of the Legacy System about it, but she had gone immediately to hibernation, as for the Dragon Empress he still didn't believe her enough.

He felt like this was a secret that he needed to tell only to the people that he trusted the most, preferably with his life, as it could even become his greatest trump card in the future.

Since he was in that weird trance he didn't have the time to care about what Ice or Panda were thinking as they saw him like that, but most probably they wouldn't be able to tell anything.

But if they did, then he would be left with no other choice but to either make them totally subservient to him or kill them.

Despite the fact that he felt that it would be an extreme shame for him to do so, due to their potential he still considered his safety and his secrets to be more important.

Most probably the only person he was afraid of the most at the moment, that might find out something was the Dragon Empress, but he didn't have the time to think about her.

With these thoughts, he continued killing those fighters in the surroundings one after the other, like he was chopping some chickens, without caring in the least about their feelings.

Just as he was about to kill even the last few ones though, he felt something strange…