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The Legacy System

Chapter 363 - 363: Win Or Lose!?
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He truly looked like some kind of Giant who had gold melted on top of him, or some kind of Gold dust attached to his body.

The gold hue gave him a stronger, sturdier, and much more solemn aura. Making him look like some kind of old ancient warrior melted from Gold.

But that wasn't the main point for Eric who was looking at the Golden giant dude in front of him with a complicated look,

"Hey bro, just how much stronger does this Gold light makes you!?"

"Hhahahaha~! You scared now!? Well too bad that you can't turn back now! You crossed the line with those words of yours, those punches, and that bet!

If I don't beat you one step away from death I am afraid that you won't accept me wholeheartedly as your Master! Hahahha~!

But let me satisfy your curiosity at least, the full activation of my bloodline makes me twice stronger than I was! Hahahhaahh~!

It's okay to cry and drop in your knees to beg for forgiveness you know!"

"Damn! Isn't that against the rules? Just how the fu*ck is a normal guy like me supposed to fight against that cheat-like thing!

If you hadn't made me angry with your words just now, I might have even given up on beating you to death, but now you have managed to attract my anger and attention!"

"Did your brain die due to huge shock!? I am telling you that I truly am twice stronger than I was, your only end is being beaten up to death from me!"

"You seem pretty confident Panda!"

"You shouldn't enrage me more bro, otherwise your end will be even worse, and more pitiful!"

"Stop rambling like a woman, just come here and fight!"


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The Golden Giant dude in front of him seemed like he truly wanted to rein a bit over himself and leave a way out for Eric.

But Eric seemed like the type of guy that wouldn't cry without watching his coffin, and the Golden Giant dude wanted to give him a good lesson for that.

With those thoughts in his mind, he directly jumped towards Eric as his hand was clenched into a giant golden fist, that seemed to be almost metallic, making even Eric feel a shiver run through his spine.

This was the first time he was ever seeing something like this, and it was also the first time he was going to fight something like this.

"Try to not die bro!"

These were the last words from that golden giant directed to Eric before his metallic punch appeared in front of Eric.

Eric was prepared for this, but it was still beyond his expectations, he would have never thought that someone as big as that giant dude would be able to move so fast.

He had trouble following him with his eyes, he was that fast. So, his plane of fighting that guy with his current power seemed to be a huge mistake.

Still, this was probably the only chance he would have to use the full extent of his power in a serious fight, so even if it would kill him he would still go for the clash.

Furthermore, he was already prepared as his hands were in a defense position, ready to block the punch coming towards him.

In fact, it was pretty crazy and strange, how both of them were only using punches in this fight, but he didn't have the time to think about that at the moment.

If he thought for something else as that damn punch was coming for his face, then he was clearly a dead man. He couldn't let a crazy useless thought kill him there and then.

His beauties, his slaves, his maids, and him himself would be extremely disappointed if something like that were to happen.


Everything happened extremely fast, not only did the metallic punch clash on his hands' barrier but he was thrown behind just like some kind of kite on a stormy day.

Dust and debris had covered the whole area, as it was impossible to see what had happened with Eric at that moment.

As if that wasn't enough, there were needed 7 big trees to break in order for the force of that attack to disperse, and he could feel that one of his arms was broken, and more than half of the bones in his body were cracked.

At this point, he was just like a boiled egg falling from 2 meters or more height to the cement ground, cracked all over and close to breaking apart.

If he hadn't drunk a Medium Health Potion the moment that he crashed on the last three, his heart would have been probably incapacitated from the shock, and he would have died.


It seemed like that dude wasn't bolstering a moment ago, all of his stats had been doubled up at that moment, meaning that even his full strength was useless in front of him.

But Eric felt that it was worth it!

Yes, he truly felt that it was worth it! After all, at the moment that the punch had crash-landed on his arms, he could feel his own body respond at 100%.

This was the first time that he felt like every cell of his body was doing its best to generate strength, and then unleash it.

He could still feel that his whole body was in a weird trance of excitement still. That moment when the crash happened he could feel his heart beating the fastest due to the adrenaline in his body.

He truly felt alive at that point!

But for that single instant of magnificent excitement, he had almost lost his life, which made him feel quite complex inside.

Still, he wasn't the one who was shocked the most from this clash, as the moment that the dust and debris cleared, and his opponent saw him standing he was clearly jaw dropped at that time.

He couldn't believe his eyes! How was it possible for Eric to be able to receive his attack and don't die. He knew just how much strength he had used at that moment.

Normally even a Realm 2 fighter, who had evolved twice shouldn't be able to resist that punch and would have either ended up with a step to the grave or already inside it.

Yet, Eric wasn't even a Realm 2 fighter, he was just a bit stronger than him in levels, and he had been able to defend against his attack, and not only that but also get up.

It was crazy!

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Seriously, just what kind of monster had he met today!? Could his luck be worse than this!? He had the bloodline of a Gold Titan for fu*cks sake, he should have the strongest physique and strength.

How come someone who looked like some normal human was able to not only survive his physical attack with physical power, but he also seemed like he was having fun fighting him.

On the other hand, Eric just stood up with a bit of difficulty, as he looked at the guy in front of him, and then said,

"You a-cough-are really strong! Bu-cough-but this is as far as you go! Now accept to become my servant willingly or I will show you Hell!"


The golden giant dude wanted to laugh as he heard those words at first, but he strangely didn't feel like this was a laughing matter.

He had a strangely bad feeling about this for some odd reason, he felt like Eric was serious with his words, and he would truly deliver what he said.

But how could he believe that it seemed extremely stupid! After all, Eric was really close to his grave, just another step and he would end up falling in it.

So, why did he look that certain, and confident as he said those words! It didn't really make sense for him, but there was one thing he knew, he couldn't hold his punches during the clash.

With that thought, he just put a really solemn expression on his face, as he once again jumped from the short distance and clenched his hand into a fist, for another punch.

Eric was unable to move a lot at that moment, as almost every bone in his body was cracked and in danger of breaking down, he could only wait for the opponent's attack.

The moment he saw the opponent jump into the attack, not holding back in the least, a weird and perverted smile appeared on his face.

No matter who looked at his face at the moment would think that he was already decided as the winner of the fight, which didn't really make sense.

Seeing that there was no change on Eric even the golden giant dude felt like Eric was just bluffing a moment ago, and that he didn't have anything on his hands.

There was no change in him, no explosion of strength or power. There wasn't even a change in his standing as he was still with his back arched, his look hazy, and the grin on his face.

Just what the hell was this guy planning!? Did he have some kind of death wish, and had finally found someone to kill him?

Or it was just that he couldn't support being the servant of someone else and would rather prefer death before ending up like that.

There were a lot of different thoughts on the golden giant dude's head at that moment, but he didn't seem to figure out anything.

Well, anyway no matter what happened he would still not hold back, just for safety measures…