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The Legacy System

Chapter 362 - 362: Gold Titan (When The Plot Armor Works In Reverse!)
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Whoever looked at the two of them at that moment, would think that they were just two prawn head fools, who didn't even have a grain of brain matter inside their skulls.

Not to mention that their stupid grin at that moment was truly creepy and frightening. They seemed like they had finally found a bone sturdy enough to scratch the itch in their fists.

Eric could feel the blood inside him start boiling even more in excitement, as he couldn't help but think that his expectations had been well met.

The giant dude in front of him was truly strong and sturdy, he could still feel his fist trembling a bit due to the strong clash between the two.

But while his fist was just slightly trembling, he knew that his opponent was in a much worse situation.

Even though Eric hadn't used his full strength, as he had used only about 75 to 80% of it, this was still the first time he used this much of his physical strength.

And one should know that Eric had integrated just one drop of Dragon Blood in his body, while his opponent surely had more than one drop.

So the disparity between a Giant's blood and a Dragon's blood could be seen clearly in their clash, making him even more excited to make further tests.

With that thought in mind, he quickly disappeared from his previous position and launched a punch towards the giant dude.

Since the giant dude had taken the initiative the first time, then it would be rude of him if he didn't reciprocate the giant dude's feelings.

Only that this time he decided to put a bit of extra strength, as only like that could he beat this fucker until he wasn't recognizable anymore.

After all, despite his excitement and eagerness at the moment, he still hadn't forgotten the main reason why he started to do something like this.

It was to beat the shit out of this giant dude and make him his servant. And since he had the audacity to say he was dying to feel the guy's massaging skills.

The giant dude was clearly shocked to the core by what was going on. This was the first time that someone was able to survive his full-strength punch.

Not only that, but Eric seemed to be even more excited and had started his next attack, which was clearly stronger than the first time.

Just what kind of monster was this guy!? How was he able to do that!? He certainly was in a higher level than him, but he was supposed to be undefeated in his Realm.

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He had the Giant's bloodline for fu*cks sake, how was some human able to stand against him, and his attacks. It just didn't make any sense for him.


But he didn't have much time to think about it as the next moment, he felt the wind hitting his face, and right after the fishy smell of blood mixed with dirt, and finally physical contact and pain.

He didn't understand what was going on anymore, as he could only feel a piercing pain from his nose, this was the first time in a while that he felt such pain.

The giant dude was sent flying towards a few more trees, breaking them in two while clashing with them, but the cracking sounds he heard at first weren't from the trees.

When he finally hit the last tree and stopped, he could feel that blood was flowing out of his nose, and that his nose had been broken.


'BBBBOOOOMMMMM~! Cracckkk~!'

But he wasn't even able to curse, as before he could continue with his cursing and insulting, he felt another punch coming towards his face.

This time it was on his right eye, which cracked the bones around his eye, and even made him have a bruised right eye, looking just like a panda's eyes but just bigger.

That wasn't the end either, as Eric just pulled his left fist, in order to launch his right towards his left eye, while laughing and taunting,

"Hhahahahaha~! I thought that you were strong bro, how come you are such a wuss who can't fight back!?

Hahahahahha~! Could it be that you were just boasting shamelessly a moment ago? It can't be, right? You are strong right?

But how come you are not showing your strength now!? Hahahaha~!

"Your eyes have become extremely beautiful though, Panda! Yup, that will be your name from today, you will be Panda! Hhahahaha~!"

The more Eric talked the angrier did the giant dude get, and the bloodier did his eyes become. It seemed like he wanted to eat Eric alive at that moment.

On the other hand, Eric didn't seem to care about his face in the least, as he was just punching him like he was some kind of sandbag for his practice.

In no time the giant dude's face and head became swollen and bruised like some sort of purple potato.

In less than 5 minutes he looked like he was just one thread away from dying, making Eric stop his punches, and his kicks, looking at him and asking,

"Will you honor the bet, and accept your fate and future becoming my servant, or should I just kill you!?"


Eric had expected a yes or a no, or some cursing and insulting, but he didn't expect this guy to start laughing like a maniac.

Could it be that he had been a bit too rough with his treatment of the guy and had caused him some problems on his head!?

It couldn't be right!? After all, he had a Giant's bloodline in his body, he shouldn't be that brittle, as he had even controlled his strength quite a bit.

So looking at the laughing maniac under him he couldn't help but ask,

"Did I punch you too hard to make you go crazy!?"

"Hahahahah~! I am not crazy! I just am extremely happy right now!"

"Extremely happy for what!? For becoming my servant!? As I thought I might have hit you too hard!"

"Hahahahah~! Of course not, I am happy because you will be my servant! Hhahaha~!"

"Yup, just like I thought I have hit you too hard! Damn my luck! I found such a nice toy but accidentally broke it!"

"Hhaahhaha~! Don't worry about me, I am perfectly fine! In fact, I should thank you, without you, I wouldn't have been able to fully activate my bloodline and kick your ass after all!"

"Huh!? You what now!?"

"The beating you just gave me helped me activate the full potential of my bloodline! Let me tell you, now you are dead, as what I have inside my veins is the bloodline of the Gold Titans!"

"Gold Titans!? What is that!?"

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But before the giant dude could answer to him, it was the Dragon Empress who seemed to get more excited and scream,

"Gold Titans! You damn rascal, your luck is just too good! I never thought that something like this would appear in this wasteland."

"Huh~! Let's talk about my luck later, now tell me what it this Gold Titan you are talking about!?"

"Gold Titans are one of the ancient races known to the universe, a time when the world energy was at its thickest, and all beings could get much stronger than now.

Since they were living in such a heaven-like place it was more than normal for their bodies, bloodlines, souls, and whole existence to grow stronger, and evolve more.

This evolution of theirs clearly helped them get even better, and grow even stronger, while giving them endless potential, and futures.

This is also one of the biggest reasons why beings like Dragons, Phoenixes, White Tigers, Black Turtles are still such overbearing existences even nowadays.

Gold Titans are one of the lost creates of Anticity, as they even stand in the first 16 strongest races of the Anticity.

Their specialty is body tempering and physical strength, but most importantly as long as their bloodline matures after awakening, they could easily reach the 8th Realm beings.

You should know that the strongest being in existence at the moment in the whole universe is just a Realm 9 being, and no one knows what's behind it.

Not even I know much about it, and I can only make some predictions, and conjectures, and nothing more. This should give you an idea of how powerful, and how rare are those who can reach Realm 8.

If you manage to make this Gold Titan your servant, then in the future you will have a strong guardian protecting you and your house."

"Wait, wait, wait! If he gets that strong, and powerful then wouldn't it be like feeding a snake to bite me later!?

Certainly having someone who is going to be extremely powerful in the future is great, but I have no intention of dying for it!"

"You don't understand! If you manage to make this Gold Titan make the Giant's blood oath to you, then he will never be able to break that oath.

Nobody knows how, but once a Giant breaks that oath, their bloodline dissolves, making them nothing more than waste!

But be careful though, as he is going to be at least twice powerful now! Furthermore, you rascal have the bloodline of someone much greater than a Gold Titan, you have my blood in you!

If you don't get powerful enough to beat this giant in the future, just how are you planning on making me yours!?

Don't think that I don't know your plans! Hmph~!"

Eric couldn't help but scratch his head as he heard those words, and then laugh in embarrassment as his intentions had been seen through.

But now wasn't the time to be embarrassed about that though, as he had to focus on the giant dude in front of him, as a gold luster appeared on his body…