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The Last Primal

789 Chapter 789
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On the surface, Aiden was the one that was suppressing Dorah Kai and had the advantage. However, in reality, their fight was extremely treacherous and shuddering!

Dorah Kai had hidden weapons everywhere on his body and he could throw out one of them that was coated with highly dangerous, lethal poison with every move.

Every single portion of Dorah Kai's body contained the possibility of a hidden weapon flying. In fact, even his robes could send forth Soul Tearing Spikes with a single fling so it was almost impossible to defend against everything.

Everyone else under the Martial Grandmaster realm would have died multiple times during this period of time.

However, for Aiden, who had the assistance of a heaven-defying, universe toppling ability like the System fused with his very soul,  he was still able to suppress Dorah Kai by relying on both his abilities to resist and in some cases even absorb the dangerous toxins and various poisons, as well as his highly potent [Soul Power] and keen perception to avoid danger time and again.

At the same time, Aiden had something else in mind. Even though he had already memorized the five strikes, the five main stances of the [Void Splitting Manual], he was not too familiarized with the moves.

Even Creation which he had managed to gain comprehension of its force wasn't at a point where he could release it flawlessly. Since it was extremely rare for him to meet with such a perfect opponent, Aiden had nothing else on his mind and was thoroughly immersed in practicing his sword technique.

Although the [Void Splitting Manual] seemed like it merely consisted of five stances, each of those attacks, those 'stages' possessed an endless secret to it and one could even dissect it to a hundred or a thousand different forms and attacks even!

Apart from the final stance that he was still unable to produce, Aiden practiced the first four stances one after another, becoming increasingly familiar with the sword technique, increasingly sharper and increasingly natural!

Yes, in reality, whilst his opponent was surely dangerous, Dorah Kai was now being used as Aiden's whetstone, his bona fide training dummy.

In that period of time, the hundred or so Corpse Poison Sect Martial Artists were mostly done in by Aiden's initial release of Draconic Might and Dominant Aura and the few remaining disciples didn't linger around and have already escaped hurriedly.

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They hid outside the hall, watching from the darks. If the Master, Dorah Kai won, they would enter at the appropriate moment. As such, they wouldn't be considered as deserters and wouldn't receive punishment. Well, maybe not that harsh…

Still, on the other hand, if the unlikely scenario of their opponent, this hooded figure, Aiden would be the final victor… Then, they would use this chance to escape with all their might and hope for the best to survive!

They knew what their fate would be if any of the forces or even if this man would capture them… Death would be the least of their worries!

As time passed by, Aiden's sword technique became increasingly refined, flowing like fluid without any delays – he was no longer as amateurish as before. With that, it became increasingly difficult for Dorah Kai to defend.

Even more so, what was the difference between Aiden and Dorah Kai's physiques?

For one, Aiden was like a roaring, wild dragon, a true emperor of the world's wildlife… The more the battle dragged on, the more he was filled with passion and energy. Instead of being drained and growing tired he grow more and more ferocious in his attacks. His power churned frantically in his body, surging faster and faster as the faint sounds of a massive body of water coupled with surging tides of his sword technique harmonized one with another.

On the other hand, with a pale face, sweat was pouring down from Dorah Kai's forehead and he was panting.

'[Slaric] What is wrong with this mad man?! How is he growing stronger and stronger with each passing minute?!' Dorah Kai cursed internally.

There was no way he knew that Aiden was merely using him as a whetstone to refine his saber techniques on. He thought that Aiden was doing it on purpose to torment him endlessly, trying to wear him down by attrition!

'[Slaric] How dare he?! How dare he act so arrogant, so complacent… So… so fr*ckin' evil!'

Gritting his teeth with frustration and anger, Dorah Kai's eyes turned cold and his expression was malicious. The look in his eyes was turning more hysterical by the moment!

"[Slaric] Damn it all to hell, I will fight you with everything I got! Today only one of us leaves this place alive!" Dorah Kai roared crazily.

He heaved a deep breath of air and suddenly lunged towards Aiden, raising both poison coated daggers he wielded towards the latter's throat!

Spinning horizontally with his saber, Aiden slashed against the two daggers and used the third strike, the third stance of the [Void Splitting Manual], Vortex instinctively.

A spiraling energy burst forth instantly and Dorah Kai's daggers were sent flying as his palms split apart with fresh dark green blood oozing out.

After Vortex, Aiden slashed in reverse like a ripple on the surface of the ocean. It swiped towards Dorah Kai's chest in a seemingly gentle motion. This was the fourth stance of the [Void Splitting Manual], Ripple!

If Creation represented might, Ripple represented tenderness. Seemingly gentle, it permeated every single pore as the saber force pushed on relentlessly. It was almost impossible for anyone involved in it to escape and it would eventually kill them!

Dorah Kai could not and did not want to avoid that slash. He was now completely maniacal as he rushed forward with complete disregard towards Aiden's fierce ebony blade, Rygintarth. His eyes shone with craze and wrath as he yelled.

"[Slaric] DIE!"action

Suddenly, a sense of danger rang in Aiden's mind. At that moment, he snapped out of his mechanical practice mode instantly.

Dorah Kai's hidden weapon was hidden in his mouth! The moment he opened his mouth, a chain of thin light bluish needles with a nauseating aura shot forth, almost suffocating Aiden.

This was Dorah Kai's last, final ultimate attack, his surefire killing blow.

That was also Dorah Kai's killing move that was made in exchange with his own life!

Although he had the warning from his keen senses, Aiden was immersed in his sword technique practice. By the time he snapped out of it, he was still a bit too late.

The moment Dorah Kai opened his mouth, several Soul Tearing Spikes as thin as a hair had already arrived before Aiden in a cluster.

The distance between them was too close!

By then, it was already too late for Aiden to dodge, let alone use his blade to defend.


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Dorah Kai's chest was slashed at first. The massive wound almost split his body into two as fresh blood gushed!

However, as if he couldn't feel any pain, Dorah Kai's eyes were fervent as he laughed menacingly.

"[Slaric] Even if I have to die, I WILL drag you down with me! You will not-"


Suddenly, Dorah Kai's sentence was interrupted by a loud shout and he could no longer continue. A loud boom sounded in his mind as his ears rang repeatedly, as though he was struck by lightning. The stinging pain was unbearable and his mind went momentarily blank!

If there was a mirror that Dorah Kai could see himself in at this moment, he would find his ears gushing with fresh blood and his eyes straight up ruptured!

To everyone, there were no words they could register inside that mightly, booming and thunderous roar. It was a release of primordial power and rage. It was the battle cry of an ancient dragon, a mighty god-like entity that stood over the myriad races of countless worlds. A true ruler, and apex being.

Knowing he could do nothing else to survive the straight up clash with this suicidal maniac, Aiden reacted in instict. His draconic blood surged, and shook the vicinity.

Whilst normally it would merely shake one's soul, and shake their foundation, with all the pent up anger and helplessness induced a shocking amount of power and fused it into his sonic attack. Added that his opponent, Dorah Kai was too close to him, Dorah Kai's all seven orifices bled profusely as a result of Aiden's shocking attack.

Yet, that was not all. The true terror of his attack was still awaiting! A neigh impossible scene played out before them!

Aiden's ferocious draconic cry wasn't only for show, it carried an immense power within it. The moment he opened his mouth, there was a massive air current.

The Soul Tearing Spikes that were about to strike Aiden paused in their tracks and reversed at an even faster speed!

Dorah Kai's pupils constricted as he was blinded by a bright blue light.

*Poof!* *Poof!* *Poof!*

The sounds of sharp objects piercing into flesh echoed as the chain of Soul Tearing Spikes buried themselves into Dorah Kai's face, disappearing in an instant without any blood at all.