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The Last Primal

786 Chapter 786
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The disciples that were watching from afar had agape mouths – they had yet to react to what just happened.

After a brief moment, there was an uproar! Something is happening!

Those three words were the only things left in the minds of those cultivators. They did not know what grudge that mysterious gray robed stranger that had just recently arrived had with Corpse Poison Sect.

However, they knew that something shocking was about to happen in Ugburg City once more!

Exchanging glances, the onlookers took glances at each other and hurriedly scattered everywhere. Before long, the entire Ugburg City was about to find out about this!

Meanwhile, back at the local headquarters of the Azure Myst Sect at the southern section of Inner Ugburg City.

After settling the matter with Madam Dara down, Tai Liu sent order for the rest of the Azure Myst Sect sect members to be on their guards and watch out for anyone suspicious.

She knew the true threat behind the Corpse Poison Sect, she couldn't just sit still and allow Aiden to kill himself in a fit of rage.

At the same time, she also had to look out for her own people. After all, it was hard to guarantee that the Corpse Poison Sect wouldn't do anything extreme for revenge after losing a core disciple who could release the Violet Haze Flower Poison.

As a Young Master and future leader, it was never wrong to plan ahead. Also, after what happened, Tai Liu had an uneasy feeling. In fact, it was like a premonition that something big was about to happen.

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Something so shocking that it would forever change the playing field, even before the Ancient Burial Ground finally opens. Something she just couldn't ignore.action

The atmosphere within Azure Myst Sect became tense after Tai Liu's series of orders. Almost all the disciples were activated. Ten people formed a small team while another dozen or so people formed a large team as they took turns to patrol Azure Myst Sect's area.

Right then a group of five people came together. They were all strong burly looking large reptilians walking in matching ragged grey robes. Yet, despite their vagrant outward disposition, they each radiated a powerful aura, providing them with this mysterious, and terrifying feel.

Well, except for one. In the arms of one of the biggest, and bulkiest figure, that had a bright green thick tail occasionally slapping the ground and kicking off all the gathered dust, there was a small shapely figure wrapped with a roll of linen fabric. The little creature seemed to be of a child, somewhere around the age of six or perhaps eight. He or more than likely, she was the sixth member of the approaching party, though it was doubtful it would truly be able to contribute to any action.

They were all Aiden's captains and the small child was none other than little Tolliah who they had to bring along with them. Though she was kept safe for all this time, she had missed his beloved Papa for quite a few days now and could no longer sit still. Eventually, after several rounds of begging and constant nagging, the Captains relented after obviously taking this up with Aiden through their shared mental channel.

Still, they couldn't come immediately, as they each had their own assignments to accomplish and garner more and more support and power for their cause. However, once they heard that one of them had suffered such a grave injury and was poisoned, not to mention at the brink of life and death they each decided to come and show their support.

They each gathered up, donned their attires and hurriedly came forth to find out more about the details.

When Tai Liu saw the group of them approach, she greeted and nodded. "[Reptilian] Fellow Masters, you are just in time. I was about to warn you guys to watch out. Your group has been targeted by the Corpse Poison Sect."

She was aware of their identities of course though not what they were actually doing in the city. If not for her wanting to be truly good friends with Aiden and knowing his honest nature free of any conniving and schemes, she would have long since investigated them.

"[Reptilian] How is our friend, Dara? I heard she was poisoned." The frontal figure, a towering giant of a man that was at least double the size and volume of Tai Liu asked.

"[Reptilian] She is fine now. Not in any danger." Tai Liu smiled. "She is currently asleep. I reckon she will recover after resting for a couple of days."

"[Reptilian] What about the Young Master?" The large man asked again. This time the previous coldness in his voice was laced with worry and care, something quite uncanny from such a bulging tower of muscles.

Understanding their worry, Tai Liu replied and shook her head. "[Reptilian] He is not here at the moment. He said that he is going out for a walk. I guess he will be back soon. Do you guys want to wait here for a while?"

When the group heard that, they each trembled in response, taking glances at each other. There was a palpable tension in the air, none of them knew what they should do. They looked worried almost instantly. Only the small, gentle and controlled breathing of the snoozing bundle of joy in Tak's arms were still calm and resting peacefully, looking oblivious of the situation.

"[Reptilian] What's wrong?" Sensing something amiss through their gazes, Tai Liu could not help but ask.

The large man standing at the front sighed and shook his head as he responded with a solemn expression.

"[Reptilian] Master have most likely gone straight to the Corpse Poison Sect's base to cause trouble."

"[Reptilian] Huh?" Tai Liu was stunned for a brief moment before replying hesitantly. "T-that… That can't be, right?"

Sighing once again, the large captain shook his head. "[Reptilian] You have only just got to know the Young Master so it's understandable you do not know his character too well yet. Although he looks calm and gentle, he has a sharp edge in his bones. If it would be any other case, he might have been reasonable, but not now. They have touched someone they shouldn't have."

"[Reptilian] Humpf!" Another figure snorted beside the large captain with a similar, matching stature. "Those idiots really dared to hurt Dara, one of the closest to Master."

Listening to them, Tai Liu recaleld Aiden's attitude and look on his face before he left. Realizing that they are right and that she has missed such a crucial detail she was confused. "[Reptilian] No, that can't be right… He he seemed like he was rather calm and did not have any strong killing intent."

"[Reptilian] Hmm… That's not right." The group frowned and shook their heads at this reveal.

Knowing their master's attitude and the boundless rage they could still feel coming, no.. Oozing through their connection , there was no way he would let things go especially after something happened to Madam Dara.

The frontal captain couldn't help but ask.

"[Reptilian] What did Master say to you exactly before stepping away and leaving?"

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"[Reptilian] Nothing much. I urged him to calm down and told him that he would only be seeking a moment of satisfaction even if he killed a few Corpse Poison Sect disciples in revenge. Not only would it not help him, but he would even incur Corpse Poison Sect's maniacal revenge."

After thinking, Tai Liu continued.

"[Reptilian] Also, he even agreed to my viewpoint at that time and said that I was right!"

However in response and contrary to what she believed to be right, the group's expression didn't calm, but instead turned even worse. The large captain heaved a breath of heavy air and spoke up with a solemn, grave tone. "[Reptilian] There is no mistake. Master has went straight to the Corpse Poison Sect."

"[Reptilian] Huh? What do you… Why? How?" Tai Liu was confused.

"[Reptilian] Master has only said what you needed to hear. He also understood the concept of what you said and will not just simply punish one person and take a petty revenge. That is not his style."

"[Reptilian] I don't understand… What is he doing there then?" Tai Liu asked subconsciously.

"[Reptilian] What his words meant was basically this: 'You are right, so… I'll go and kill everyone from Poison Sect!'"

*Gasp!* 'Everyone!'

Tai Liu's expression changed starkly and her eyes were filled with shock.

"T-This! But he is alone! Wouldn't he most likely die by going there? There's bound to be countless hidden weapons and traps at Corpse Poison Sect's residence! He…"

Tai Liu was panicked and murmured. "[Reptilian] Your Young Master, this Aiden is way too reckless! Even though he's indeed strong, Corpse Poison Sect cultivators are extremely sinister in their methods! He hasn't even heard of all the Corpse Poison Sect's Lethals! There's no doubt he'll be disadvantaged!"

"[Reptilian] Heh… I do not know whether Master will be disadvantaged… But what I do know is that once Master decides to do something, he would definitely accomplish it. Also, you better not underestimate his strength. What you have seen of him was nowhere near his true power! If he would show you, none of you, not even this whole world could stand against him!" The tall captain sneered and explained.

"[Reptilian] The problem is, that he cannot use his full powers and is limited at the moment… He would need our help!" Without wasting time, the group turned to leave.

Tai Liu composed herself and said in a deep voice.

"[Reptilian] I'll gather forces right now and try to head to his location as soon as possible. I just hope I'm not too late."