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The Last Primal

758 Chapter 758
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Right as he was deep in his own thoughts, the elderly uncle that always stood beside Tai-Liu as a silent protector and dauntless guardian seemed to have recalled something. He looked at Aiden and suddenly said.

"[Reptilian] Actually, there's a place in the ancient battlefield that's rather suitable for you. If you manage to succeed, you might be able to stand a chance against both top masters, Pei Syriac and Dark Lord Yang.

Tai-Liu's heart skipped a beat as she looked at the smiling elder and asked. "[Reptilian] Uncle Liu, are you referring to… to THAT place?" She pushed on the word as if giving it even more weight.

"[Reptilian] Yes, young master." However the elder smiled calmly and nodded right away. "Hmm… Forget it. There is no chance of success at all. I was thinking too much."

Tai-Liu nodded as well.

"If we're talking about that place, the chances are indeed… rather slim. There's no need for that."

Aiden looked at them, not sure what to make of this theatrical display. Though there were no suspicious fluctuations of emotions in the air, it still looked and felt as if their display was rather fake.

Still, he couldn't deny that his curiosity was piqued over how ambiguous the two of them were and could not help but ask.

"[Reptilian] Elder Liu, Young Master Tai-Liu, may I ask what is the place you are referring to?"

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Tai-Liu did not intend to hide anything and asked instead. "[Reptilian] Ehrm… Have you heard of the Metal Tree Groove?

"[Reptilian] The what? Metal Tree Groove?" Aiden frowned, shaking his head to the question. He turned to look at his servants only to be met with similar questioning and perplexed gazes. Only Vyndridolth seemed to be knowing something as she just smiled mysteriously refusing to comment any further.

Madam Dara and the rest on the other hand were just as confused as their lord. It was obvious that they knew nothing about a place with such a name. Even though they should have been residents, that name seemed to have eluded them so far.

"[Reptilian] Heh… Just as expected!" Juno Hian sneered. "Truly a bunch of idiots. To think that they have never even heard of the Metal Tree Groove, how utterly laughable!"

To this young man's constant attitude towards him, Aiden did not really care. How could he be bothered by the constant noise of a fly, after all? Normally you would just slap it down and be done with it.

However, this young man was actually a respected member of the Azure Myst Sect, and of on a somewhat equal stand with Tai-Liu. For the time being, he could only turn silent and endure the matter instead. Unless he would cross the point of no return and look for his bottom line, Aiden would not act up against him.

Tai-Liu  frowned gently and shot Juno Hian a stern look before saying slowly. "[Reptilian] The reason why the Metal Tree Groove is so famous is because of an old legend related to it."

Through her tone, it was obvious that the legend was far from simple. Aiden's group looked serious as they sat upright and listened intently.

Tai-Liu said slowly with a serious look on her face. "[Reptilian] The story is about the last empire of the bareskins and their last emperor!"

"[Reptilian] The… last emperor? You mean human emperor? But shouldn't they have been lost hundreds of years ago… ever since the world…"

The moment Tai-Liu uttered those words, it was as if the world have suddenly been disturbed and was abruptly shaken up. As if an ancient, primordial beast have listened in on them and from such dark underground crevasse sent out a chilling, bone shaking wind! action

The mere mention of those words brought forth an indescribable pressure. It was ancient, as though it had crossed through the archaic times with an indestructible intent that was shocking! Instantly, a deep and unrestrained killing intent filled the hall. Everyone felt as if it had become much more difficult to breathe.

It took several seconds before the strange, unnatural sensation dispersed and the situation calmed down somewhat.

Tai-Liu didn't look surprised, but instead as if she expected such a strange phenomenon to play out as she slowly spoke and explained. "[Reptilian] The last emperor represents invincibility, superiority and uniqueness. He was and to this day, is invincible in his ways, the utmost powerhouse of the mortal world with no one that can surpass him! He was known as the Invincible Emperor!"

"[Reptilian] Still, in the end, he couldn't escape the calamity himself, could he? His title couldn't save him in the end…" Aiden remarked silently as he kept listening.

"[Reptilian] While it is true that in the end he too met his end in the calamity, up to his death, he was never defeated. No mortal could ever face him and survive his attacks. He was known as the God of the Blade, the one and only emperor in the way of the blades!"

Aiden understood what she meant. In any given era there could be many rules, kings and whatnot. However, no matter what you called yourself, what you enforced, to history there could always be one emperor, one ultimate leader of your kind.

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That was the definition of emperor – invincible, supreme and unique!

"[Reptilian] I believe all of you know that in the current world, magic, and our powers, given through faith is what reigns supreme. Weapons of steel and metal could not match the ferocity of a flaming hot ball of fire… however back in the ancient era, there were a hundred weapon classes that fought for supremacy. Apart from swords that were preferred by the bareskins, there were sabers, spears, halberds, axes, bows and many other types of weapons. The sword had its own way and so did the saber. There was a master, an 'emperor' for every type of weapon.

"[Reptilian] However in the ancient era, the ruling race, the bareskins was blessed with immense luck and gave birth to countless paragons in their time, making them to be the ultimate rulers of the world of the surface. They had given rise to many emperors throughout time. That was a golden era for their race and they waged a historic war against the other races known as the ancient war. This war lasted for a long time and countless experts and ancient mighty figures fell because of it. These masters were all tainted with blood and it was extremely tragic.

"[Reptilian] Although the bareskins stood victorious after the war, most of the hundreds of weapon techniques were lost in the ancient battlefield with no future left in sight. The only remaining lineages were what we have today… Mostly related to spears."


>>>Check out my latest : The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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