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The Last Primal

752 Chapter 752
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"[Reptilian] I-Is that?"

"[Reptilian] Yeah that's the senior disciple assigned as the leader of their local group. Brother Pei Syriac of the Crystal Palace Sect."

"[Reptilian] Yeah, that is him alright. It's said that he's at the peak of his power, crossing, just slightly below the elders in terms of power, and is a step away from breaking through to the second stage! It was said that the main reason their sect have come to this burial site was for the sole reason of obtaining an elixir to help him push through. It was rumored after all that there's a Demigod Thunder Power Elixir in these ruins."

The crowd discussed.

Arriving beside Aiden, Pei Syriac gestured towards the former with a nod and a friendly smile before turning to the dark robed figure. "Brother Pon… or sorry, 'Dark Lord' now that you have been promoted…" He smiled flashing an innocent smile. "..You will be going against my Crystal Palace if you make things difficult for our newest friend and ally here! Think carefully, are you sure you want to take that risk?"

"Hehehe…" The black-robed man cackled coldly and asked out. "[Reptilian] Interesting… Since when did this unknown stranger become your newest friend or even ally? When did the Crystal Palace even meet with him before? If you were such good friends, why did you and your benevolent Crystal Palace let him and his companions suffer in the hands of the Extermination Force just now?"

"[Reptilian] Humpf! No matter what vile atrocities you blurt out, the fact remains. You and your fiendish clan of demon worshippers are wasting your time trying to loop in such a righteous and honest man such my little friend! I will not let him suffer under the hands of such a disgusting group as your family."

In the blink of an eye, these two top factions of Ugburg City were in an argument because of Aiden and his previous actions.

"[Reptilian] After becoming famous through that battle, these two factions are now trying to rope in him. Even if they clearly have no idea who he is…"

"[Reptilian] "That's right. This man's potential is not to be underestimated as he's able to kill three elders of the church. Three Archbishops, with two at the same time! Whoever manages to take him in will definitely have use for him in the future. Especially with the burial site opening in just a few short days."

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"[Reptilian] Hmm… Given this man's endowment, I say that there's a high chance for him to leave the ancient battlefield with Senior Brother Pei and join his Crystal Palace. It is the safest bet after all."

Many cultivators looked at Aiden with envy.

However, contrary to expectations, Aiden had a different idea. With an indifferent expression, he suddenly spoke out.

"[Reptilian] While I am truly thankful for the attention, I have to ask that the both of you leave now. There's no need to waste your breath here, I won't join either side."

The moment he said that, the atmosphere turned freezing. The initially noisy chatter faded as well. Everyone's gazes landed on the still hooded stranger. Some in shock, some in surprise, some with great confusion in his or her eyes.

This was an extremely rare opportunity that anyone else would agree to readily. However, this man had rejected the invitation of two top factions right in front of everyone!

Futhermore, though his words seemed polite, his tone was telling of a different tale. People even felt that he was somewhat irritated, and disdainful towards these two. As if two flies were buzzing around him.

"[Reptilian] What in the… Isn't he a tad bit too arrogant?!"

"[Reptilian] Who in the hell does he think he is to decline such an opportunity? He thinks hat he can reign supreme in the city just because he got victorious once?"

"[Reptilian] What an idiot!"

"[Reptilian] This guy clearly has a death wish. I want to see what happens to him now that he's offended two top factions!"

In reality, among the crowd, Madam Dara and the others were probably the only ones who could understand their young master's mind.

First of all, he already hade a deal made with Tai-Liu and her Azure Myst Sect before.

Also, both of these so called top forces merely wanted to have him stand with them, without actually giving anything in return. They may have worded it differently but the meaning was the same. You either stand with us, or be against us. There were no trade between the two parties.

At this moment, the disciples of the Azure Myst Sect were still trying their best to wipe out the survivors of the temple's Extermination Force. However, these two factions wanted to rope in Aiden without losing any resources at all. They haven't made a single move against the enemy and just merely wanted him to stand with them!

There were no sincerity from either side. They were arrogant, contemptuous. Both sides felt full of himself, thinking that this stranger was nothing but a mere soldier, a pawn for them to use.

Although Pei Syriac sounded polite, there was a condescending arrogance in his tone. He clearly looked down on Aiden, thinking he was not realyl worth his time, but wanted his strength as a sort of assurance.

In a sense, this edgy Dark Lord were at the very least honest with what he thought. He didn't sugarcoat it behind sweet sounding words and smiles and acted true to his heart.

Still, there were no real value in either side, Aiden could clearly sense their attitude and stance. Even without the system warning him with the same neutral, and even slightly hostile orange colored dot on the mini map, Aiden would have still refused their offer without question or hesitation.

"Ahahahaha… Really now?" Suddenly, the dark robed man burst into laughter and looked at the golden robed Crystal Palace senior disciple mockingly, saying in a casual, mocking tone.action

"[Reptilian] As it turns out, this friendship was rather one-sided from your end… Brother Pei. How amusing!"

Now it was Brother Pei's turn to look horrible. A dark look flashed through his eyes.

Aiden's reply just now was akin to disrespecting him in front of everyone! What was his status and position given the fact that he was as the eldest disciple of Crystal Palace?

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Coupled with the dark robed man's taunting, Brother Pei's killing intent immediately surged.

Still he maintained his smile as he asked again with a calm-sounding tone. "[Reptilian] Little friend, I have to apologize but I couldn't hear you clear just now. Could you please repeat what you just said?"

Although he looked to be smiling and his tone sounded friendly, there was a clear threat and warning laced in between his words as he phrased the question. A surge of cold, killing intent sent chills run down most of the onlookers spines.


>>>Check out my latest : The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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