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The Last Primal

736 Chapter 736
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The main reason for Aiden to focus on improving himself so much wasn't just to deal with the annoying pests that would sure come bother him. Sure, he wanted to be in his best condition to face a literal army of highly skilled spellcasters and devout followers of some evil guardian of the world… Yet, he most likely would be able to handle that heat with just his current abilities. After all, if he would forego his current lesser reptilian form and utilize his Ancient Dragon and true Primal self to its peak, he would probably be able to handle not just a bunch of priests, bishops, and archbishops, but maybe even the High Priest himself!

Heck, he might even be able to level this entire city to the ground if he put in his all to a massive attack!

No. His main reason for putting in so much effort was to send a message, cast a ray of light into all this despair, and make the masses, these poor misguided Draconic Skink souls that this is not the only way to exist, this is not what life is about. They had to understand that it would be okay to smile, it would be okay to hope… it would be okay to dream.

He needed to first plant this seed into their minds as well as their hearts. Only then could he possibly cultivate it into beautiful blossoming trees and make them stand behind him firmly. Only then could he honestly gain their piety, their reverence.. Their faith.

To turn them into worshippers, devout believers of his, and bring them over to the ever growing paradise of his, Haven, he would need to first and foremost make them not fear their oppressors any longer before he could do anything else.

He knew that the battle against the church would be inevitable. He knew it right at the moment he decided to step onto the stage and stand against that brute and later on his brother.

Against these villainous and violent people, there was no way Aiden was going to swallow things and go against his heart just because of their formidable strength.

If he had any unhappiness, he would just go for sweet, direct vengeance furiously to quell that displeasure!

The worst-case scenario would be for his true origins and fake persona to be exposed. At the most, he would just raise hell at that time!

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

For the next couple of days, Aiden sat inside the center of his dark room, motionlessly. With an empty mind, he meditated, he was immersed in the system that only he could see.

After reaching his first goal and upgrading all of his main attributes to their first milestones he fell into a dilemma.

On one hand, he was interested in seeing what possible benefits, improving his newly gained bloodlines could gift him. New forms? New skills? Or something else entirely?

However, thinking about it from another angle, and looking at the rewards, they would probably take up the remainder of his allotted time and make him unable to focus on any of his other skills, much less familiarize himself with any new potential gains he could get.

At the same time, he would be treading into the unknown as whilst he could guess with a certain degree of assurance that whatever gains he would receive by the system would be worthwhile, he did not know what they were and how helpful they were in showcasing his dominance in the upcoming battle.

In the end, after some careful thinking and lamenting Aiden made up his mind and turned his attention to his skills.

In the end he focused on a specific group of skills as well as active effects that would make sure his display of power, his dominance would be even more astounding, more reassuring for the masses.

Knowing he would be fighting against spellcasters that utilized mostly spells from the Darker school of the arcane, Aiden's first focus was to improve his resistance on that regard.

He focused all his effort to cultivate System Points and then pool them all into his [Magic Resistance: Dark] effect. He wanted to boost it from its current second level of rank all the way towards its peak and get it evolved into its upgraded version, whatever it may be.

By the end of the second day, just as the afternoon was about to give way to the second evening, he finally reached his goal and with great satisfaction and a wide smile spanning across his reptilian face he checked his newest system messages that have just rang inside his mind.

[Congratulations! Your active effect: Magic Resistance: Dark (Level 2) has ranked up! The new rank: Level 3!]

[Congratulations! Your active effect: Magic Resistance: Dark (Level 3) has ranked up! The new rank: Level 4!]

[Congratulations! Your active effect: Magic Resistance: Dark (Level 4) has ranked up! The new rank: Level 5!]



[Congratulations! Your active effect: Magic Resistance: Dark (Level 9) has ranked up! The new rank: Level 10!]

[Congratulations! Your active effect: Magic Resistance: Dark (Level 10) has ranked up! It has reached its perfected state, and have been upgraded: The new effect [Lesser Magic Immunity: Dark (Level 1)] has been created and replaced it!]action

Not so surprisingly the upgraded version of his Dark Magic Resistance have turned into a lesser form of complete immunity. Though strangely, it still had ranks, however from what Aiden could make out from the system as well as Enya's guidance the ranks wouldn't give any meaningful benefit and was more of a measure of his affinity, his culminated knowledge and experience on the matter. Once he reached a certain level of understanding, the system would mark it with an increase in level. As such, though it had levels, the system did not allow any more System Points to be invested into it.

,m The only way to increase it would be its gradual increase in understanding.

Together with his improved physique and natural resilience coming from his Primal blood, Aiden was more than ready to handle a group of overzealous mob now. As long as his massive pool of [Soul Power] resource allowed it, he was certain he could handle anything thrown at him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After handling the matter of defence, Aiden gradually shifted his attention on increasing his offensive capabilities. For this, he had to consider two routes, two different paths to take, each with their own potential benefits as well as consequences.

Out of the two, the first had the biggest potential gain by far, but at the same time, the consequences would be also just as dire. Once found out, he would be judged by the masses and it could even jeopardize everything he had done for this race so far. Besides those few that have already sworn allegiance to him, the rest could turn away from and cast him out…

Especially if his inkling about the Ancient One was true, then this could potentially ruin everything…


>>>Check out my latest : The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World<<

It's an urban modern-day styled story, with a reverse transmigrated ('Banished') immortal entity from the fantastical world of Nova!

Planned Tags and Genre:  # CULTIVATION  # R18  # BETRAYAL  # TRANSMIGRATION  # URBAN  # ACTION  # ANTIHERO  # OVERPOWERED (romance maybe at some later point)


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