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The Fox Goddess

Chapter 86 Yumie Against Su Xia Pt 2
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Even now Yumie still hasn't got confidence in herself, and it sometimes frustrates Yuki. Because she knows more than everybody that Yumie is incredibly strong, she just doesn't have the chance to show it.

But now that a strong opponent has arrived, Yuki will not let it pass and use this as an opportunity for Yumie to get strong and at least have a little confidence in herself.

"I'm just going to watch you fight Yumie, you need to learn to always have confidence in what you are doing, or else you are bound to fail if you don't!" Yuki said sternly to Yumie, not allowing any refusal.

"But…" Yumie wanted to refuse.

"No you cannot, if you don't do this then I will have to leave you and never come back!"

Seeing that Yumie still didn't want to fight Su Xia, Yuki has no other option than to threaten Yumie by saying. Even though she didn't mean it.

Yumie's body shook in fear when she heard Yuki's threats, 'Will she leave me, I will be alone again… NO! I cannot let that happen! Big Sis is the only one person that I have.'

She then closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm down.

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When she opened her eyes, Yuki was stunned for a moment. Her eyes which were previously cute and that was always pure have now changed with a fierce confidence that they didn't have before.

'Yes, this will be your first step into becoming stronger!'

"I will fight her!" Yumie suddenly said, she then vanished and appeared behind Su Xia and struck her with her fist.

Su Xia was shocked to see that Yumie can go that fast, she didn't feel threatened at all by the Lizard, she was only wary of Yuki and not Yumie. But now seeing how fast she is and how heavy the attack is, she needs to be careful or she might lose.

After attacking Su Xia, Yumie then started to release her mana. Soon then Mana started to become hot and turn into fire.

Yumie then first started learning how to control the Fire. Luckily Yuki was there to guide her on how to control her Fire powers.

"What you need to do first is to release a little bit of your Mana and make it into a fire, after doing that you just need to control it and not let it get out of control."

"After you familiarize yourself with it, you can start using a bigger amount of Mana and start to imagine what you want to do with the fire. But do keep in mind that your Fire is not like my Ice it's not solid of course so you cannot stand on it like what I do."

"Then probably the last is, do not put too much mana or else it will be out of control and finally explode which might cause some injury to yourself."

Yuki explains seriously, that it was not actually the right way but it still works. Yuki only used this because she didn't know how to use it, so on instinct, she did it this way, which works but not very efficiently because Yuki is still using way too much mana than normal.

Because what she needed to do is Mana Control first before doing anything, but she skipped it because first, she doesn't have a teacher, second she only did it out of instinct and lastly, Yuki found it to be efficient to learn first.

After processing all of the Information that Yuki gave her, she started to do them slowly so that she wouldn't make any mistakes.

What Yumie is doing is very dangerous because she is studying while fighting instead of studying first before fighting, but Yuki didn't care about that because she thinks that it's useless to learn first before fighting, she thinks that it's more convenient to do both at the same time.

Yumie first started to make a Fireball because it is the easiest to do for beginners. After all, it is also what Yuki taught her to do first.

When Yumie starts to think of the shape that she wants, outside the Fire around Yumie starts to come together in a ball of Flame. But Yumie has forgotten something important, and it was how big and how much Mana she needed to create this Fire Ball.

She was so focused on Imagining the shape that she wanted that she forgot the most important thing that Yuki taught her and it was how much Mana she needs to put in it.

So the result is she subconsciously created a Fireball that was about 10 Meters Big.

When Su Xia saw how big the Fireball was she gulped and started to shake in fear, even though she was confident that she could survive the attack. It still scared her because she could feel how much Mana was on the Attack, she was sure that she would be seriously injured by the attack.

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She wanted to run, no she wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. Just as she was about to run away, she found that she cannot move, Su Xia then looked at her feet and saw that she was locked in place by some Ice Chains.

Su Xia then saw in the corner of her eyes Yuki's smile that was not a smile.

"F*ck!" For the first time in her life, she felt endangered by someone other than the two strongest in her Sect.

"You cannot run here!" Yuki slowly wrote in the air and look up to see the "small" FireBall that Yumie had created.

Yumie still didn't realize that she was still putting Mana on the Fire Ball, her previously 10-meter big Fire Ball has now doubled and she was still putting Mana on it!

When Yumie finally felt that it was time she then launched it toward Su Xia. Su Xia got so scared that she began to beg for mercy.

"Please let me go! I will come in your way again!"

"Let me go!"

"Shut Up!"
