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The Fox Goddess

Chapter 38 Results
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After Ayame made a decision she quickly set everything up so that nothing goes wrong when she finally talks to her daughter Yuki.

Ayame was so busy at her work that she even forgot that Serene is still in her palace. When Serene coughs Ayame finally noticed that Serene was still there so she instantly became flustered and apologized to her for ignoring her.

Serene who heard Ayame cannot help but giggle at her friend for being just like a child so just said "Don't worry I'm fine." and continued "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Ummm. Yes! Can you please help me prepare a good outfit that will make me look good when I see Yuki, and also what do you think I should say first to her when I see her?"

Ayame asked anxiously, she was now very nervous and excited at the same time at the thought of meeting her daughter even though it was just a hologram of her. Even though she was going to meet Yuki, later on, she was still very excited about it so she was trying to organize and plan everything that needed to be done so that once she and Yuki talk it will not be a mess, and since she has a lot to do to organize the system.

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"About the outfit, you don't have to worry about that I will take care of it and your second request I cannot do anything about it since it's your first time talking to your daughter so I don't want to interrupt you," Serene said firmly.

"Ok! Thank you anyway and you're also right. It's my first time talking to my daughter." Ayame sighed and said.

"Yeah that is the reason that I don't want to interfere, and also just go with the flow, don't be nervous, and most importantly put on a good talk with Yuki since you have a lot of explaining to do." Serene said while adding, "Ayame just go for it don't be nervous and say to her the things that you want, and also just forget about that bastard. You deserve better than him." Serene said with a teasing tone.

"Stop! I don't have time to look for a husband and just like you, I don't find any good men in the God Realm." Ayame said with a reddened face. Ayame was embarrassed to talk about love.

"HAHAHA! Ok, I'll stop teasing you." Serene just laughed at Ayame.

Meanwhile in the Moon Rock Forest Yuki was still training Yumie. They have been training for 1 week now, and in these times Yuki has not been able to level up since she was practically busy every day to help Yumi get stronger. Yuki also didn't mind this since this will benefit her in the long run and also it was fun for her seeing Yumie suffer.

"Ok that's it for today Yumie you can rest early today, and tomorrow we'll see your 1 week's worth of training. If it's not good then you know what will happen hehehe." Yuki said while smiling evilly at Yumie.

Yumie shivered again when she saw Yuki's smile even though she has seen it a lot of times she still gets scared by it so she can only say while catching her breath "Umm Ok big sis Yuki."

After Yumie answered Yuki just nodded and carried Yumie where the egg was resting.

Even though it's been sitting here for one week it has still not shown any sign of waking up. It is still sleeping after it ate half of the Democratic Beast Core that Yuki gave. Yuki just sighed when she saw this and walked over to touch it and said, "When will you come out of your shell little guy?"

After talking a bit with the egg which Yuki normally does every day she walked towards Yumie who was sleeping peacefully, and lay down to hug Yumie and slept too.

The sun has now come up and it is time for the Yumie test to see how much she has grown. Yumie has grown a bit. She was a little bit taller and slimmer before the training started. Yumie was a little chubby so she was naturally slow but now she is very fast but still not as fast as Yuki.

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Yumie also grew her physical body which was originally weak and got tired easily. Her physical body is now comparable to a Savage Beast Middle Tier even though she is a no Rank Beast.

Sadly Yumie has not gained any skill when she was fighting and she still needs to fight in close combat. Yuki asked Fubuki if there is a way for Yumie to get some skills and Fubuki just answered that once Yumie evolves into Savage Beast she will naturally get her skills.

Yuki woke up Yumie and told her to get ready for her test to see how much she has grown. Yuki already didn't need to see this but Yumie insisted since she doesn't believe that she has grown stronger.

Yumie then went outside and ran towards a nearby lake to wash up and stretched her body. After stretching she answered Yuki "Big sis I'm ready now you can start!" Yumie said.

"Ok. For your test, you will not have to do the morning routine that I gave you consisting of running around the forest fighting some Savage Beast or building your physical body." Yuki said which made Yumie confused and asked, "Then what is the test that I'm going to do big sis Yuki?"

"hehehe." Yuki chuckled and began to stretch her body and release half of her bloodlust directly to Yumie which made her shiver in the cold.

"Today you have to face death. You will fight me but don't worry I will only use 25% of my strength. In this way, you can maximize your growth to the fullest since you're going to experience a life and death situation, and again don't worry I will not kill you I will only use some basic steps for you." Yuki said while her surroundings started to freeze which made Yumie feel scared but before she could talk Yuki added "Don't even think or run Yumie! Remember this is your final test before I start training you harder." Yuki said then dashed toward to punch Yumie.

Yumie was unfortunately hit by this and got sent flying into a nearby tree. The tree instantly got destroyed after colliding with Yumie.

Even though Yuki was only using 25% of her strength she was still faster and stronger than Yumie so she giggled and said, "Oops I think 25% is too strong, I'll lower it to 10%."

"Sorry, Yumie but... I'll not let you have any rest until you manage to hit me. This is your test to hit me with all you got."