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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 627  Sand of time
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Chapter 627  Sand of time

Meanwhile, in the earl's estate. Claude stood frozen by the entrance of the dining hall, seeing three figures eating. His eyes first landed on Klaus, who barely gave him a look. Then, to a particular silver-haired man who was casting him a look of ridicule. And then, to his beloved auntie, who was smiling warmly at him while holding her cutlery.

"What?" Samael quirked a brow, blinking twice. "Don't worry. Everyone in the estate is under the illusion that we look different. Also, they'll forget about us as if we didn't come in here."

"I'm sorry, Claude. We planned to meet you in the mansion Klaus arranged for us to stay, but we're afraid we won't see you if we don't come in here," Lilou backed up softly. "I heard you've been working all night. Come, let's eat."

Claude rubbed his eyes once again, only to see clearly that his uncle and auntie were still there! His jaw dropped, shocked at the sight he didn't expect to see, even in his wildest imagination. Seeing this, Klaus clicked his tongue. "Lilou, don't mind him. You should eat before your hot choco gets cold. Everything gets cold easily in Monarey." He cast Lilou a knowing look, acting like a proper brother for once.

"Thank you, Klaus. I know you and Claude aren't fond of sweets. So I'm surprised there's some hot choco in here." Lilou grinned, blushing as she held her mug of hot chocolate with both her hands. "I love it."

Klaus smiled, pleased that Lilou was happy. Meanwhile, Samael, who sat across from him and beside Lilou, was digging a hole in his brother's forehead. Klaus purposely ignored him. Frowning, Samael turned his head in his wife's direction. But the second Lilou felt his gaze, she leaned away while holding her hot chocolate securely.

"Sam, my husband, my dearest love, you don't like sweets," she said with a pout, knowing her husband would snatch her drink just because he didn't have one. "Do you love your hot choco more than me?" he frowned, heart sinking dramatically at the sight of his wife. "My love, since when did you start calling all the endearments you have for me all at once?"

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As Lilou and Samael bantered about their love for each other, Claude carefully sat down next to Klaus. His eyes remained on the two, scratching his temple. He was still surprised and was still in disbelief as if he was dreaming.

"Auntie, Uncle, what are you doing in Monarey?" the husband and wife stopped fighting over hot chocolate and gazed at Claude. "I am glad to see you, but is it safe for the two of you to be wandering around like this?"

Samael finally let go of the mug and exhaled. "Didn't you read Lilou's letter? We're coming to fetch you so we can be happy together."

"Uncle, as if you'd let me live under the same roof with auntie Lilove."

"Well, we're actually in search of someone regarding an important warning Stefan left us." Lilou cleared her throat, putting her cup far away from Samael's reach, eyes on Claude. "Also, to check on you since... you also bear the blood of Grimsbanne and we missed you." Claude furrowed his brows, closed-lipped. "I heard about the blood Grimsbanne from Grandma Tilly, but what about it?" he tilted his head. During Lilou and Samael's wedding in their backyard on the mainland, Claude also heard about the curse in the blood of Grimsbanne. But just like everyone, he didn't pay attention to it that much since Tilly acted nothing out of the ordinary. So why would Samael and Lilou worry about that?

"My beloved nephew, don't you feel strange lately? Don't you have strong urges? Hallucinations? Or don't you want to just break free and bring chaos to the world?" asked Samael, propping an arm against the edge of the dining table. "No?" "Then, that's good." Lilou heaved a sigh of relief, looking back at Samael. "Tilly said the reason Sam overcame the power of Grimsbanne in his blood was that he releases it through the years."

"Released it. Meaning, I kill." Samael put it more bluntly. "You can also say thanks to my damn father and what he put me and my siblings through. It helped me in a way. Still, you see this hair? Grimsbanne."

Claude glanced at Samael's hair when his uncle pointed at it. Now that he thought about it, Tilly had the same hair color. The only difference was, Tilly was much paler as if she would die the next day.

"You mean... when your hair color changed, that is when the blood of Grimsbanne manifested in you?"

"Exactly. This is no secret, but my hair color changed when I challenged my father and returned while dragging his pathetic body back to his damn throne. Honestly, when I challenged him, I nearly died, you know? That old man is strong," Samael summarized, refreshing their memory just in case they forgot. "Tilly said that battle helped me in a way since I didn't go berserk. Or rather, I poured all that intense emotion to beat the late king half dead."

"Oh..." Claude rocked his body, darting his eyes from Samael to Lilou and then to Klaus. "Uncle, you are saying this because you're afraid I will experience that... awakening as well?"

"Claude." This time, Lilou leaned forward while staring at him. "Tilly said an awakening can happen anytime; it can also not happen. Since the pureblooded Grimsbanne knew all this since the beginning, they grew up prepared to embrace that curse."

"Embrace?" Lilou nodded. "Embrace not fight. That is why the Grimsbannes' are powerful. Meanwhile, Sam only has half of the Grimsbanne blood. Still, no matter how hard to say this, he was lucky that his awakening happened when he was battling the late king. We don't know about your mother and father, but our concern is you have the blood of Grimsbanne and La Crox — two powerful pureblood clans." She paused, letting out a deep exhale. "Not to mention, you're a bearer of Auron. Our children whose Grimsbanne blood in them was less — Grimsbanne, La Crox, and Bloodfang — they are still in danger," Samael continued in the same tone. "It's good that you don't feel anything off in yourself. We asked Klaus and he just badmouth you like usual, so I assumed you're fine."

Claude lowered his eyes as he scratched his temple. "I am fine, yes. I mean, I get the gist of the gravity of the situation, but I don't think I will have an awakening. My mother and father didn't awaken, so I guess the La Crox blood in them is stronger."

"You can never tell, Claude." Samael shook his head sideways. "Do you keep that necklace or whatever Tilly gave you?"

"Uh, yes."

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"Always keep it with you. She said it helps you conceal your blood — conceal the blood of Grimsbanne corrupting you. Even so, if you suddenly feel this surge of emotions you can't contain, it can be broken." Samael's expression grew solemn as his eyes darkened, tapping his temple with his index. "My point is, always, always, secure your mind. Once you lose control of your consciousness and are overwhelmed by emotions, you can force an awakening."

Claude remained silent for a second before he nodded. "Don't worry, Uncle. Unless auntie Lilou dies, I don't think there is something that will make me feel I am in the depths of hell and burn the world."

"Rude young one." Samael clicked his tongue while his nephew chuckled. "Uncle, I know you hate it, but no one ever touched my heart like my auntie Lilove." Claude glanced at Lilou briefly. "So, you don't have to worry. Just keep her safe, that's all I ask."

"Are you sure I am the only one who touched your heart? What about the guild?" Lilou teased, catching Claude off guard.

"You know them?"

"Well, our little nephew is working hard to help them, correct?" Claude smacked his lips and looked away. "They're a foolish bunch of people. I am simply doing my duty as an Earl since those detestable followers of Quentin are challenging me."

Lilou smiled playfully, casting Samael a look before setting her attention back to Claude. "Claude, they're kind people, especially Penny. She is a fun young lady. We're glad to see you opening up to people."

"I'm not." Claude denied it, but it was obvious to his uncles and auntie he grew some attachment to them. And that made the three heave a sigh of relief. Claude, after all, never had other friends aside from them. Seeing him get along with other people made them happy.

Little did they know, the sand of time was running out. It was only a matter of time before the hourglass of their life would be turned upside down. Determining the debris of the past, the miracles of the present, and the gift of the future.