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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife by Lypstical

Chapter 21
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Chapter 21 Vanessa 33% "My husband's home?” I shift slightly, still surprised that Dominic's here..

"Yes, Ma'am. He's currently in the gym." "How long has it been since he arrived?" "He's been here since last night." "I see. That'll be all for now." As soon as I'm alone, I can't help but wonder how it's possible that Dominic cback home. I didn't even hear him cin. His bedroom isn't too far from mine. Maybe I was fast asleep by then.

Wasn't he with Carmella the whole night after leaving the hospital? I have so many questions which I'll never get answers to. It's absolutely strange tothat he's been here since last night.

Trying to block out the endless possibilities as to why he cback home, I focus on my food but just then, the doorknob twists and it just then catches my attention. I glare as I wait to see who has the audacity to cin without my permission.

muscle When the door opens and I see Dominic, I forget to blink for a few seconds. With a white towel on his broad shoulder, he's in a gray m shirt that shows off his perfectly toned and veiny arms. His entire face is drenched in sweat, just like his neck. Certain areas of his gray shirt in the front aren't any different. He's also breathing hard as he stares atand I end d up pulling on the sheet to compose myself. As he closes the door behind him, I snap out of it and narrow my eyes at him.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I cross arms in disapproval.

He leans against the wall, just near my bed and wipes off the sweat on his face. "I spoke to the butler a few seconds ago. I knew I'd find you in this state so it's no big deal." I barely make e eye contact with him, my eyes on the sweat dripping down the sides of his face as I say," "Then what will you do about it?" He pulls up his black sweatpants more.

I can't help but scoff. There's nothing I can do right now and he knows it.

Changing the topic, I say, "I was told you cback last night." "And?" He's now wiping off the sweat around his neck but more just streams down.

"I thought you'd still be with Carmella or something" "That's none of your business." "I know. Anyway, I hope nothing awful happened to the little boy at the hospital." "Why would you think something happened to Jimmy?" "There's something different about you. I know you enough to tell.” "It's a big deal to me." 1/5 Chapter 21 Vanessa O "My husband's home?” I shift slightly, still surprised that Dominic's here.

"Yes, Ma'am. He's currently in the gym." "How long has it been since he arrived?" "He's been here since last night." "I see. That'll be all for now." As soon as I'm alone, I can't help but wonder how it's possible that Dominic cback home. I didn't even hear him cin. His bedroom isn't too far from mine. Maybe I was fast asleep by then.

Wasn't he with Carmella the whole night after leaving the hospital? I have so many questions which I'll never get answers to. It's absolutely strange tothat he's been here since last night.

Trying to block out the endless possibilities as to why he cback home, I focus on my food but just then, the doorknob twists and it catches my attention. I glare as I wait to see who has the audacity to cin without my permission.

When the door opens and I see Dominic, I forget to blink for a few seconds. With a white towel on his broad shoulder, he's in a gray muscle shirt that shows off his perfectly toned and veiny arms. His entire face is drenched in sweat, just like his neck. Certain areas of his gray shirt in the front aren't any different. He's also breathing hard as he stares atand I end up pulling on the sheet to compose myself.

As he closes the door behind him, I snap out of it and narrow my eyes at him.

"Ever heard of knock/necross my arms in disapproval He leans against the wall, just near my bed and wipes off the sweat on his face. "I spoke to the butler a few seconds ago. I knew I'd find you in this state so it's no big deal" I barely make ev eye contact with him, my eyes on the sweat dripping down the sides of his face as I say, "it's a big deal to me.” "Then what will you do about it?" He pulls up his black sweatpants more.

I can't help but scoff. There's nothing I can do right now and he knows it.

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Changing the topic, I say, "I was told you cback last night." streams down.

"And?" He's now wiping off the sweat around his neck but more just stre "I thought you'd still be with Carmella or something." "That's none of your business.

"I know. Anyway, I hope nothing awful happened to the little boy at the hospital" "Why would you think something happened to Jimmy?" "There's something different about you. I know you enough to tell." Chapter 21 Jimmy's going to be okay." "That's great news! Can you please tellwhat exactly happened to him?" As he explains it all to me, I pay attention to everything but at the stime, I keep wondering what's going on with him. Something's definitely different. He almost seems sad. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Just then, I suspect something and can't help but ask as soon as he tellsall about Jimmy.

"How's Penelope?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Her vitals are stable but she hasn't yet opened her eyes." I'm relieved. That's also good news, so what could be wrong with him? Just then, he breaks my concentration when he says, "Are you done with your breakfast?" "No, why?" "Put it aside for now. I need to check your progress today. Just for the record, my father-in-law askedto do this. It's not like I'm actually concerned about you or anything like that." Though he sounds irritated, it warms my heart that he's always ys willing to do whatever my father asks of him. And I don't think it's just because he has to pretend that he cares about me.

As he towers overwhile I'm still on the bed, looking at his sweaty face and neck makesswallow hard.

"Get up. I'm waiting." He's Impatient.

"Just so you know, I've really made progress." "I'll believe that when I see it, so show me." Trying to make my movements similar to the twhen I first got out of bed in the morning, I step on my good foot first, then place the other one on the plush carpet.

But as soon as I stand up, I'm unsuccessful and end up falling onto his chest. He instantly wraps his arms aroundand when I look up at him, the sight of his sweaty skin makeswant to pull on his shirt.

"Is that what you call progress?" he shakes his head at me, looking right into my eyes with an intimidation that drawsin.

"...I did better earlier." I stutter.

"Like I'm actually going to believe that." “I mean it. I just don't know what happened this time. It's probably because you're here." "How's this my fault?" H He chuckles and for the first time, I don't even sense any mockery, not in his tone or even his expression.

My hands roam around his chest as I try to regain my balance and because his shirt is of a very thin fabric, I end up feeling all the contours of his well defined muscles underneath.

I don't even have it into look up at him right now. He probably thinks I'm doing this on purpose, or maybe not. I'm sure if he did, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to bring it up.

Chapter 21 "You can letgo now." I keep my gaze to the side.

"Are you sure you've made progress?" His voice vibrates against my ear and the warmth of his breath hits the crook of my neck.

"Yes, I've definitely made progress." calling D "I'm still Miller." "And what will you tell my father?" "That I saw no difference." "What?" I look back at him. “He'll just worry and won't focus on his business. Just tell i the truth, that I'm better than yesterday.

"Fine. Now sit down." While still holdingby the waist, he liftsfor just a second then placesback on the bed, my hands barely wrapping around his strong forearms.

As soon as I'm b back on the bed, I hiss softly and he rolls his eyes.

"You're definitely worse today," he says.

"That's not true. I'll be fine." The last few minutes have left my body temperature rising. What's the meaning of this? This time, I barely look at him and pull my tray closer, taking a bite from my food.

"I have a show to watch." I hope he gets what I'm hinting at.

"I wasn't planning on staying." "Great." He shakes his head as he walks to the door, the back of his shirt consisting of a larger sweat stain. The whole the walks out, I find it difficult to look away.

Just then, I feel I should say something before he leaves.

"Wait." "What is it?" He looks over his shoulder.

"Thanks" "I didn't do this for you." "It doesn't matter. Thanks for checking on me, He looks ahead as he rolls the towel back and forth around his neck. "The doctor will be here soon."

As soon as he closes the door, I place a hand on my chest, my heart beating like a drum. What is it exactly about him that's madefeel this way? Is it the way he heldin his arms? is it the contours of his muscles? Or maybe his sweaty skin. Maybe it's everything combined, and I'm so disappointed in myself for feeling attracted to him. Chapter 21

Even after I reswatching the show as I eat more, I can't stop om thinking about that moment.

feel like! Peven e-slapping myself so I can block it all out. What's happening to me? After Doctor Miller examinesin Dominic's presence, I'm able to prove that I'm better than yesterday.

"See?" I proudly say to him, leaning back more on my bed.

"Then where was that when I asked you to showearlier?" He glances atthen back at his phone as he stands close to Doctor Miller.

"I don't know." I shrug.

My eyes linger on him just a bit longer as he looks down at his phone. He's now in a white golf shirt and sgray smart pants.

Just then, he clenches his jaw so hard that I see the vein in his forehead pop out. I wonder what's going on with him.

"Is everything alright, Mr Richards?" "What gives you the right to askthat?" Dominic looks up from his phone as he glares at Doctor Miller.

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"I only felt that-" "Just do what you chere for and stick to it." His tone is harsh as he storms out of my bedroom.

As soon as I'm alone with Doctor Miller, I smile at him and say, "He's just had a rough day." "Of co f course. I'll be on my way now. You should be back on your feet tomorrow." Once I'm alone, I lean back against the headboard with a heavy sigh, wondering what triggered Dominic and made him snap at Doctor Miller.

For most of the day, I see no sign of him but the butlers keepposted on his whereabouts. He's spent the whole day in his hoffice.

This is so unlike him. He should be with Carmella right now,, even if it's not all day but from what I've been told, not once has he left the house.

Around dinner time, my mother-in-law comes over. She's extremely busy and must fly out of the country but thought she'd stop by and check In on me. It's the one tI've seen Dominic and he's even smiled.

I wonder if his mother can see that his smile doesn't reach his eyes. I even feel like I've studied his face for so long that I know what each expression means.

Even at night, he stays hand doesn't step out of the house. It's absolutely none of my business what he does with Carmella, but the two of them are usually inseparable.

It's another bright morning and as soon as I open my eyes, I think about how it was easier to toss and turn. I still had sdiscomfort but not too much.

When I roll over and face the floor, it's tto test it out and see how I feel today.

Carefully getting off the bed, I step on my good foot first, then place the other one on the plush carpet.

Holding my breath, I get up and this time, my eyes widen in amazement at how I don't fall over. I grit my teeth at the slight discomfort in my 19:19 Thu 4 JuD Chapter 21 calf but it's nothing I can't handle.

E I'm so excited that I slowly make my way to the bathroom. able to do it without exerting the type of pressure that would makehiss in pain.

Once I'm out of the bathroom, I call for the butler to tell him what I want for breakfast and this time, I confidently tell him not to bring my food upstairs.

I feel so much better that I even take a shower.

As I dry my hair while standing in front of the mirror, I can't help but smile, Now I can freely expfore this house the way I want. I can't wait to get in that swimming pool and just do whatever I want. The moment I turn off the hair dryer, I hear the doorknob twist but because the door's still locked, it won't open.

Right away, I know it's Dominic.

"You really need to learn how to knock," I say to him as I walk over to the door.

"We need to talk. It's Penelope." Worried, I swing the door open with wide eyes. "What happened?" SEND GIFT х