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The Conquerors Path

Chapter 271: Breakthrough
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"You take care of yourself, okay?"

I spoke as I lovingly held Sonia's arms, I could see the sadness in her eyes, sadness at me leaving, I was rocketing towards her heart at march speed,

"Um...I will be fine"

Sonia said nodding her head, leaning forward she gave a small kiss and my cheeks and the next thing I know it the door was closed, standing there feeling Sonia's warmth I smiled, something tells me Sonia and Sana would be good friends, with a heartened smile I started to walk to my next target.

A few minutes later I stood before Mira's room as I entered inside, coming upon Mira who was eating me, her table already filled with teas and sweets,

"Looks like you are well prepared"

"Of course, I can't lack when you come here to exchange pointers on our theory"

I smiled at Mira's response as I sat opposite to her taking a sip of the tea she had prepared, as promised she started to make time for the both of us, of course, it's for the theory I proposed but it nonetheless gets me time with her, among the current ones I am targeting now she's the hardest for me to find and talk.

Being the Dean of this place makes it such that she has little time on her hands, that in turn makes my job harder but now with this special meeting of ours, we could get closer, even better being that I could slowly make our the true reason she won't let me into her heart,

"How's the tea?"

"Delicious as always"

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I replied with a smile which earned me a satisfied grin from Mira, who seemed to have a keen interest in trying to make me like her tea, leaning against the chair I looked into Mira's eyes,

"So aunt, how's the preparation going for the title of king?"

"Are you asking me this because you care about your aunt? or for you to get some earlier information about the battles?"

Mira asked her eyes twinkling with mischief, I smiled wryly as I scratched my head, giving Mira a chuckle I responded,

"Cough.....Well a bit of both"

"You brat"

"Cough....you look particularly ravishing today aunt"

"Oh....don't you dare try to worm out of this one"

Trying to look angry Mira frowned as she waved her finger at me but to me, all that made her look 'cute' and I made sure Mira felt that quickly earning a small blush on Mira's face, seeing it I leaned in 'worriedly',

"Aunt are you okay? you're looking quite red now"

"i-I am fi-fine"

Quickly Mira tried to hide her feelings as she tried to speak to me calmly, seeing it I shook my shoulders as I leaned back into the chair, acting as if I had gotten rid of the topic, seeing me back out I could see Mira sighing, quickly getting back to herself, she took out some documents,

"Well, I did look into some different applications but we can't be sure until we test it"

Seeing that Mira was serious, I too got onto the mood as I seriously started to talk about the magic theory,

"Have you thought about Rominias balance application?"

"I have but it lacks the necessary foothold to back the connections"

"Then what about taking the connection node and reinstating it to fit the source code of magic spells?"

"Um....that might be a feasible idea"



And just like that time went on as both of us, as we traveled deeper into our conversations, truly it was fun as we kept throwing different ideas and theories here and there, sometimes both of us would get riled up as two opposing ideas would come up from us, other time we would land at the same theory making both of us jump into it with full enthusiasm.

Finally, 3 hours later we stopped, being surprised that time went so fast, we didn't literally even think about the time, being so thrilled about the topic we were completely lost,

"Wow, I didn't think that the time would go by so fast"

I replied in a tired yet happy tone, Mira was the same as she kind of looked refreshed,

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"Yes, I had forgotten the last time I was so riled up, I guess it was when I first started to learn about magic, it was so beautiful and enchanting"

Mira spoke with a reminiscing tone, her eyes seemed to come alive as the events of the past reflected in her beautiful silver eyes, soon her eyes went into a daze while her breathing became calmer, and the mana in the surrounding started to tremble, soon from within Mira's space ring the law stone that I had given her blasted forth, white light started to come out of it as it started to cover Mira's body in a beautiful white hue.

Mira's body started to float out of the sofa, the law stone turning to dust as it started to cover her body in a white cocoon, seeing it I knew what was happening,

Mira was breaking through.....

It wasn't just any breakthrough, no she's going to break through into an Imperial, normally just having an epiphany is not enough, along with it you must spend years meditating on the law you have comprehended but thanks to the law stone that I gave that step was cut off, it's not for the simple reason that the stone is one of the most desired things on the world.


Soon all of the mana within a 3-kilometer range started to run towards Mira's body, a white pillar of light blasted from within her as it reached the skies, breaking through the roof, even I was feeling some suffocation from it, I didn't wait there as I flashed moved to a farther location, by now several students had gathered here while powerful teachers could be seen moving towards the direction.

Seeing this commotion I could tell that every powerful being in Babylon City now knows about the commotion. Taking a deep breath I focused on Mira's body that was floating in the sky by now most of the mana had been sucked up, looking up I could see several powerful figures appearing in the sky.

The most notable one was a beautiful woman with a sexy body floating beside Mira, her black and brown hair flowed with the wind while her sparkling peach color eyes were focused on Mira, coming close to Mira she waved her hand creating some sort of protection around her, after this, she turned towards the sky releasing a bit of her aura suppressing the ones at the sky, seemingly trying to send a message.

The rest of us on the ground felt like a boulder was placed on us,

'Naria whilliania'

Looking at the woman I smiled, Naria was Mira's master, with her here I don't have to worry about anything happening to Mira, no one will dare make any problems. Turning my head I looked at the specific spot where I saw a very familiar woman, Eleanor. Our eyes met, through her veil, I could see a smile, discreetly I nodded my head at her and I got a nod back.

Looking towards Mira I gave her cocoon I last look before I started to walk away, the current situation was different than how I had thought, lots of issues would be cropping up due to it, and not everyone would be happy at seeing the human race get an expert, problems, and issues are sure to pop up and I want to be ready to deal with it.