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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 417 Another One Falls
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The leader's life force was slipping away, his internal body and Inner World were continually suppressed by a rampaging force of lightning essence. The injuries on his back continue to worsen.

However, even with all of this, the leader could still soldier on and fight.

Cain was honestly impressed. A Divine Star expert vitality is at amazingly high levels!

But even so, the leader's combat prowess took a tremendous dip.

With a prime opportunity right in front of him, how could Cain let his enemy catch even a split-second of breath?

With a green flash, Cain teleported right next to the fallen leader's body. His Divine Aura engulfed the fallen leader. The whole entire atmosphere around them was swallowed by the power of dense Draconic Lightning essence.

The leader's breath came out in rapid breaths. He was seconds away from completely suffocating.

As if responding to approaching death, the leader's Fire Star Orb suddenly manifested above his body. It pulsated with extreme power to the point cracks started to form!

Streams of concentrated Fire Law essence wildly burst out from each crack. It tore towards Cain like a hellish ray from the sun.

This was the final and most desperate strike of a Divine Star expert. The air started to boil even higher than that of a volcano!

Even another Early Divine Star warrior would need to treat this desperate lashing out seriously.

But Cain paid no heed to this. His expression was ice cold as his Spiral Sword sliced down like an executioner blade!

At this point, the leader didn't even have 30% of his power left. How could he, so heavily weakened, ever hope to match Cain's full power?


The Spiral Sword easily sliced through every stream of Fire Law essence, dispersing into complete nothingness.

Unhindered and without weakening at all, the Spiral Sword pierced right into the Fire Star orb, overloading it with powerful Lightning essence which instantly burst the Fire Star orb into specks of tiny flames!

With the destruction of his Fire Star orb, the leader's body violently spasms. He vomited blood like a fountain, as if all of his internal organs were destroyed.

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Cain didn't stop, his Spiral Sword tearing down, cleanly slicing right through the Divine flesh of the leader.

With one clean cut, the leader was brutally beheaded, a fountain of blood spraying out of his headless corpse.

The moment the leader died, a bush hundreds of feet away trembled. Within it, Mr.Fu witnessed everything, his expression contorted into utter horror.

He didn't need to think twice. Energy started to surge out of his body as Mr.Fu attempted to rush right out of here!

Be damned the dignity or pride of a Divine Star expert. He was barely stronger and even weaker than the leader in some aspects. Throwing his life away foolishly was not on his mind!

However, at that moment, an overwhelming red glow spread across the skies. Red Spirit energy moved at light speed.

In only a single moment, it covered a field of over thousands of meters!

"What?!?" Mr. Fu audibly gasped. A wave of energy drilled into his Spiritual Sea, slowing down his rate of thoughts.

He felt suddenly sluggish within this red Spirit energy dome.

Cain's lips curved into a terrifying grin. His jaws snapped open and he unleashed a roar that could shatter souls apart!


The air quite literally pulsated around Cain. Large cracks continually split open beneath the might of a Draconic roar.

At this time, hundreds of meters away, Mr.Fu had completely frozen up. His Divine soul at the Divine Star realm level wasn't able to withstand the mighty pressure of a Draconic roar. Combined with the slowing Spiritual Sea effects of the Spirit Web domain, he slowly turned helpless.

Mr.Fu couldn't move, his nerves twisted together, and his soul's core violently pulsated. Tiny cracks had even started to form. Blood leaked from his nose as a head-splitting headache pounded his mind.

If this was just Cain's Draconic Soul pressure alone, the most it would do was briefly freeze Mr.Fu for a few seconds. Amber's Spirit Web domain would only be able to slightly slow down Mr.Fu before he could overpower through it.

But both Draconic Soul pressure infused with Spirit Web domain was a perfect combination. Both worked in tandem with each other, overlapping, creating a special effect unique to only Cain and Amber.

Mr. Fu couldn't properly process anything. His mind was entrapped by fear. Fear of a superior predator baring its sharp fangs right by his neck!

All of his defenses were at their absolute lowest. Even if his soul could feel the threat of death coming, it was still too slow to react because of Cain's and Amber's combined might.

In this moment, a faint green flash dazzled right in front of Mr. Fu's bush.

Cain suddenly appeared, his Spiral Sword slashing right towards Mr. Fu's neck with thunderous booms. Merely swinging his Spiral Sword caused the wind to release all around into a frantic storm.

Just before the split moment the Spiral Sword sliced Mr. Fu's neck, a dazzling blue light flashed from the center of his forehead.

A small, blue crystal star orb flickered out, instantly manifesting into reality.


Energy chaotically erupted and razed all around. The collision between the star orb and Spiral Sword caused violent shock waves to spew out.

Large cracks split down the water star orb. All of the remaining shock waves forces shattered Mr.Fu's protective Divine Aura like fragile glass, heavily striking in the chest, causing him to vomit mouthfuls of blood.

His body was sent flying like a speeding bullet, brutally smashing into the ground dozens of meters away.

Mr. Fu's body uncontrollably shivered. The damage within his internal body and Inner World felt like hell itself!

The Law power and Divine Qi power of a Divine Star expert didn't matter at all, just like with the Tian squadron leader.

Cain cruelly smirked. He didn't give his enemy a single chance to even breathe.

Teleporting in a faint green flash, Cain appeared right above Mr. Fu once again, his Spiral Sword smashing down at the water star orb with the thunderous might of lightning.

The water star orb pulsated violently. All of Mr.Fu's Inner World power surged into the water star orb within an instant.

As the previous attack broke him from the unbreakable stupor, Mr.Fu only had a fraction of a second to pour his best defense.

Water Law essence spewed out, instantly forming into an impenetrable water barrier. Gleaming shines sparkled from the water barrier. All of Mr.Fu's Law power condensed into this single, hasty defense!

However, no matter how much power he put out, his combat prowess had already dropped from the previous attack.

His efforts were all futile!


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The Spiral Sword smashed the water barrier into particles of light. It then continued to soar with its same overwhelming momentum, not weakened in the slightest.

This time, the water star orb wasn't unable to resist. Mr. Fu simply didn't have any time to raise any more of his defenses or summon his true power.

The double effect of Draconic Soul pressure and Spirit Web art domain overpower Mr. Fu's mind, turning him as sluggish as a snail. Just that last-ditch defense used up all of his thoughts within his Spiritual Sea.

Against Cain's immense full power, it was impossible for the water star orb to exist!


Particles of blue light flickered into the wind as the water star orb shattered to complete bits.

Mr.Fu's body violently shook. Blood continually pooled out of his seven orifices. His life aura started to rapidly fade away with each passing second.

But before Mr. Fu had thoroughly died, Cain quickly grasped his neck and pulled him like a piece of trash.

As he causally picked him up, he recalled his powers and the Spirit energy domain vanished.

Cain's deep black eyes that held a terrifying presence directly stared into Mr. Fu's slowly vacant eyes.

Something inside Mr. Fu cracked at that moment. All of his courage, determination, and Divine Will crumbled to bits.

His Martial Heart completely shattered from absolute fear!

As a strange force invaded through his internal body, forcefully keeping him alive, Mr.Fu gave into his fear.

His voice was shaky as blood sputtered from his lips.

"Wa-wait!! Do-don't kill me! Please! I will tell you everything that I know!!"

"Wow...this guy?" Amber had already walked over, her expression in slight disgust.

Seeing how desperate and wailing a once majestic Divine Star expert is caused her disdain to be immense. In her eyes, Divine cultivators who formed their Divine Wills should never succumb so pathetically, even in the face of death.

Cain lightly smiled. He shook his head, explaining, "To be fair to this guy, you must remember we basically destroyed his mental state from overloading it. I would be more surprised if he could stay calm under the effect of my soul pressure and your Web Domain. After all, there are no Wills that are invincible. I bet even a Venerate Will can be broken."

The disdain slightly decreased from Amber's eyes. Still, she felt it was such a waste to let a genuine Divine expert fall so lowly.