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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 376 Killing
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Cain showed a relenting expression. Nobody would think he had the galls to try anything rash. He just had to shrug his shoulders while saying, "I suppose you're right. We wi-"

Abruptly Cain interrupted himself. His eyes shifted into Draconic pupil slits as he erupted his Chaos Spirit Force and discharged soul energy into his mouth.

His jaws snapped open wide as a domineering Dragon presence engulfed everything for miles.

Cain unhesitantly activated his Draconic soul pressure!


A mighty dragon roar shook the ground itself. The oppressive presence of a domineering Dragon dropped down to the world like a god descending from the heavens!

Terrifying soul pressure drilled into the captain and his goons' soul's cores.

The captain and his goons all froze up. Sudden fear filled their faces. They all felt as if death was upon them. The apex predator Dragon was right before them, ready to tear them to utter shreds!

The captain and his goons were only average High realm cultivators. Naturally, their soul defenses couldn't withstand Cain's soul pressure. Even just the Spirit Soul level was enough to briefly dominate each of their souls.

At the same time the captain's team froze with soul fear, Cain quickly whipped out a purple-colored talisman, pouring soul energy into it. The purple talisman pulsated and released a stream of purple energy.

The presence of the purple energy smashed down on the captain's team.

Everything seemingly froze in place. To the air and space itself, the purple energy dwarfed Cain's soul pressure and took control of the atmosphere.

The captain and his goons felt the horrifying sensation of death. They wanted to react but the previous soul pressure caused their rate of thoughts to be immensely sluggish.

Before any one of them could react, the purple energy stream gushed an unfathomable power and split off into five separate rays.

The purple energy rays instantly pierced through the captain and the Divine Origins' protective Divine auras. It penetrated their Divine bodily defenses, drilling into their skulls and then shooting out the back of their heads!

The captain and the goons' bodies jerked for a moment. None of them even knew how they died before their consciousness faded into an eternal black.

As for the beast mounts under the men, they all already fainted from Cain's soul Dragon roar.

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Cain exhaled a long breath. He used a great amount of soul energy to be able to pressure the captain's soul core, causing him to feel slightly dizzy.

Even though the captain has zero soul attainments, the soul core would still passively enhance with each advancement of a cultivation realm. Anyone's soul energy had to be strong enough to withstand the force of Source Laws and essence from the Heaven and Earth.

Looking down at the dead bodies, Cain felt that this was the right move.

He obviously wasn't naive enough to believe these goons wouldn't try something.

And even if they did take them to that so-called Iron Clad Sect, would they so willingly give up a fat sheep-like Cain?

Cain certainly didn't believe so. Neither did Amber. The God Galaxies is a cruel environment where strength is the only value that takes precedence over everything.

The future doesn't matter if the current them are too weak to change anything.

Within this short moment to gather his thoughts, Cain had narrowed his sights on the captain's right hand, more specifically, the bright purple ring gleaming on one of his fingers.

Cain didn't think twice, wavings his hands to unleash a suction force on the captain's spatial ring.

The spatial ring smoothly slid off the finger and into Cain's palm and then into his pocket a moment later.

Before Cain could decide their next move, Amber suddenly grabbed his hands and pointed in a specific direction.

She said, "Grandmother didn't give us too many powerful talismans and Spirit Artifacts. We need to recount and think about when to use them. Come on. Let's get out of here before some beast or reinforcement comes. I detected a faint pulse of Spirit energy for us to follow."

Cain let himself get pulled along as he recuperated his soul energy.

The young couple flew faster than before in hopes to avoid any further travel.

When several minutes passed, Cain's senses detected numerous other Vicious beast auras appearing at their previous location. And some of those auras were powerful enough to greatly threaten him.

Turning his sights forward, Cain soon saw an ordinary-looking cave rapidly nearing them.

Amber didn't hesitate, leading Cain right inside the cave.

The cave was dark but Cain's enhanced eye-sight could easily see through the pitch black. Although, nothing he saw piqued his interest. It was simply caved walls that have spots of special ore materials.

During this brief period of rest, Cain wonders just how Kali was doing at this time. Because their grandmother is a worrywart, she gave each of them a good amount of items to protect themselves.

But even still, all alone, Cain could only dread if she were to run into an irrevisable situation.

It indeed worried him but a moment later, Cain calmed himself down as he thought, 'That girl is just as crafty as me. And on her own...I wonder just how much havoc she will bring? In any case, let's just focus on our current situation.'

Cain quickly extended his Chaos Enhanced Sense, reaching a radius of around 100 miles outside of the cave.

He didn't detect anything dangerous around them. But Cain didn't dare lower his cation. With a wave of his hand, he released Chaos energy towards the cave's entrance.

A faint green light covered the opening. This way, nobody would be able to detect his or Amber's life aura while within here.

Taking his eyes off the entrance, Cain looked over to Amber and became puzzled. For some reason, she was intently focused on the endless pitch blackness of the cave.

Knowing her personality, there has to be something that caught her interest.

Cain tried sensing the same things. However, his search quickly proved futile as all he can detect was Divine Essence.

Cain curled his brows and ask, "How did you sense Spirit energy here? My Spirit Sense isn't detecting anything."

Amber didn't respond for a moment, only raising her hand and coating it with red Spirit energy. Her eyes intently focused, a brilliant red glow flashing within her pupils.

Before doing anything, she slowly said, "It's not strange you can't sense it. The Spirit energy fluctuations are at the red-class level. If we were to go further in, a Spirt barrier would've directly struck us or possibly kill us."

Her lips then twitched, curling into a small smile. "I suppose for things like this, you can only depend on me now."

Cain lightly snorted. "Yes, yes, you're the best World Spirit Master in the universe. You know, you have quite the ego just like us despite being the laziest of us. In any case, just tell me what did you find?"

"Ah. You see..." Amber flicked her fingers as she trailed off her sentence. From the tips of her fingers, a small red Spirit energy ball flew forward.

And instead of simply flying further into the cave, the red Spirit ball smashed into an invisible force, causing gleaming red lights to dazzle the pitch-black cave.

Before Cain's very eyes, a red Spirit energy wall flickered into existence for only a split second before gaining numerous wide cracks.

The Spirit energy wall was overwhelmed by Amber's force. It promptly dispersed into particles of light within a second.

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On the other side, the couple gazed upon a Vicious Spirit monster beast laying in front of a small jade scroll.

The Vicious Spirit monster ferociously glared at Cain's group. Its killing intent erupted as its Spirit aura frantically gushed out like an oceanic wave.

With a savage growl, the Vicious Spirit monster stood up on all four, resembling a tiger beast but only several times larger with blood-red fur.

The beast's oppressive Spiritual might attempted to crush down Cain and Amber's bodies.

However, Cain and Amber felt less of a threat from this beast than even the Great Divine Sea captain. Their senses mainly focused on the jade scroll behind the beast.

Within it, they both can clearly detect Space Law essence.

Cain even took it a step beyond, telling Amber, "This sensation is very similar to the teleportation I used to reach that spirit garden. It must be another hidden area."

Pondering for a moment and still ignoring the glaring beast, he asked Amber, "Do you want to see where this leads?"

"I see no reason not to. We need as much help as we can now." Amber nodded.

Upon their agreement, Amber summoned more of her Spirit energy, causing bright red lights to flicker from her body.

Pointer her fingers forward, she quietly muttered, "Spirit Web Arts."

The tip of her fingers formed small Spirit dots and out from these dots released five thin lines of Spirit energy. These lines of Spirit energy looked near identical to a spider web.

The only difference is Amber's red Spirit energy added a mystical charm that made it mesmerizing to gaze upon.

Her Spirit Webs had a terrifying speed. The Vicious Spirit Monster could just barely twists its body around before the Spirit Webs tightly bounded its body.

The beast was utterly stunned. Such speed far surpassed its rate of thoughts, it was completely helpless against this single attack.

Amber's Spirit energy penetrated into the beast's protective Spirit aura, invading right into its internal body.

The already stunned beast suddenly felt as if time itself started to move slowly. From revolving its Spirit energy and the thoughts in its Spiritual Seam, everything was immensely sluggish.

And at this moment, a flash of faint green appeared in front of the beast.

Cain's Draconic Lightning encased arm swung his Spiral Sword straight towards the beast's neck, cleanly tearing through it in one simple stroke.

Blood sprayed out from the beast's decapitated neck. When its large head struck the ground, Cain saw it only had a dazed expression crossing its face. Even in death, the beast couldn't comprehend what had occurred.