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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 373 Change (1)
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The Crystal Spirit thought long and hard about his next moves. His own will to live and his race's overarching goal greatly conflicted within his mind.

But merely seconds later, his struggling expression turned incomparably clear. 'What am I waiting for? The Divine Boundless Heaven deserves death more than the Fey and the Sylphs!'

The Crystal Spirit then waved its hand towards the Vaiser demon, releasing a formless power to control its next movement.

The Vaiser demon shook before gathering crimson energy into its demonic claw. Within this clump of crimson energy was an overflow of Space Law essence.

The Vaiser demon then swung down its claw, tearing open a wide red light in space. In the space tear was a small, rusted altar room.

It appeared abandoned and ruin for even longer than the Sea Realm's surrounding island.

Dust, large cracks in the ground, and a horrible pungent smell that flowed out the space tear were all presented the Crystal Spirit.

However, none of this could dissuade him.

The Crystal Spirit unhesitatingly walks towards the open space tearing in a proud stride. His expression didn't show any fear of death but rather an unbreakable resolution.


Cain wasn't sure how long he traveled. The pulling force of space made it seem like days has passed and no time passed at all.

When wanting to perceive the sensation of space, Cain could only manage for a few seconds at best before a headache that threaten to burst his head open engulfed his Spiritual Sea.

Because of the high amount of danger polluting the Sea Realm, Cain chose to withdraw his curiosity in order to perceive as much strength as he can.

When Cain felt like a month had passed already, the space suction force disappeared.

Cain could feel something soft under him, and a refreshing wave of air drilled into his nostrils. Blinking his eyes, his sights were met with a lush field of grass and beautiful flowers.

Such a gorgeous sight left Cain bewildered.

Since when did something so magnificent end up inside this desolate realm?

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Before Cain could ponder further, he felt a great force attempting to fling his body up from right under him. His brows curl and a queer expression plastered his face.

'That's right. I did hold her tightly.' Cain quickly rolled over to see Kali's slightly annoyed expression.

She lightly coughed, saying, "We're practically the same in terms of bodily powers, so why the hell are you so damn heavy? I nearly needed to use Qi to push you off. And my bare hands can smash metal to dust, you know?"

Cain nearly ignored everything Kali said. Although, the fact that his Dragon body is somehow heavier than Kali's supposedly equal Dragon body would be something to think of later.

But for now, Cain quickly got to his feet and said, "Nevermind that. We need to focus on where we are now."

"Right we should." Kali also stood to her feet.

And at this time, another voice called out behind them.

"This is? Isn't this the presence of Spirit energy? It feels so refreshing! I never would have guessed something like this existed here."

That melodic voice was incredibly familiar to Cain. He and Kali turned around to see the beautiful Dark Dragon Yulong slowly strolling up to them.

Her expression was like a curious child's as she tossed her gaze all over the place.

Kali narrowed her sights specifically at Yulong's long and beautiful black Dragon horns. She bluntly pointed at them, directly asking, "Dragon horns? A true Dragon? If I'm guessing right, you hail from the Dark Dragon Heavenly Great World, right?"

Even as she kept her tone calm, Kali felt a rush of excitement. The faint connection to another Dragonkin coursed through her veins. And this brought about a sense of battle hunger.

More than most other Huang Dragons and even Cain, Kali's battle hunger was at the very top. Face with such a genius in this generation, how could she not feel shuddering anticipation?

Still, because of their current situation, Kali didn't get ahead of herself. Though the look in her stayed intent.

When being focused like this, many other geniuses would feel a fearful shiver tingle their entire bodies.

Yulong, however, went wide eyes in surprise at Kali's appearance. The stimulation within her veins couldn't be mistaken.

She eagerly said, "Yes I am. And my name is Yulong. And you, you're the second Divine Mortal, right? Huang Kali?"

Kali's proud smile nearly glisten like the sparkling sun. "Indeed I am. To think I would be meeting another Dragon so soon. Much more interesting than those sacred guys."

"I'm just as excited. And those Sacred Martial people do pique me. The ones with you were-"

Before Yulong could finish her sentence, a greatly powerful source of Spirit energy took everyone's attention.

The Dragon trio snapped their gazes to their right, narrowing their eyes at a red light speeding towards them.

Cain and Kali paused as this aura felt very familiar. A moment later, their expression burst into genuine surprise.

"Amber?!" The siblings simultaneously shouted.

Before the Dragon trio knew it, the red light stopped a few feet near them, revealing a beautiful silver-haired maiden.

Amber's joy couldn't be contained as she specifically focused on Cain. "Ah! You came!"

She rushed into Cain's chest in a flash of red light and wrapped her soft, delicate arms around his neck.

Cain had a half-wry smile and a half-shocked joy. He gently caressed Amber's soothingly soft hair as he softly said, "Yes, by luck, really. And you...this red aura? Could this be red-class Spirit energy?"

Amber lovingly looked up at Cain and eagerly nodded. "Mn. I came upon a lucky chance before that instantly improved my quality of Spirit energy. Now, my Spirit energy can even be used in battles against Divine experts."

"It really is red-class!" Cain, Kali, and even Yulong all loudly exclaimed.

Their surprise wasn't exaggerated in the slightest. Red class is known to be an extremely tough class level to reach.

In the levels of World Spirit Masters, there is green class, blue class, purple class, and then red class. All class level requires a tremendous amount of effort, intelligence, and innate talent to reach.

It could even be seen in Cain, Kali, and Amber's previous Spirit energy progress rate.

The trio truly has an outstanding innate talent with Spirit energy. Cain and Kali had reached quasi-expert attainment with the Spirit energy path, allowing them to easily comprehend the complex properties behind blue-class Spirit energy.

Amber was even greater with true expert attainment.

But even with their high comprehension, the amount of Spirit energy they could absorb from the Spiritual Dimension was astonishingly slow. Because of the outside environment being unsuitable for Spirit energy, it tremendously slowed down the rate their bodies can absorb Spirit energy.

Amber intently refines Spirit energy more than practicing cultivation and yet she could only reach the perfection layer from the late layer after several months.

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And this is with Amber's comprehension and talent being dozens of times greater than numerous other special World Spirit Master geniuses.

Yet now, supposedly within a short amount of time, Amber directly skipped purple class and went into red class!

Such a feat would cause many thousands of years old Senior World Spirit Masters to want to bash their skulls into pieces.

Yulong took a good deep look at Amber and slowly said, "You...even in our Heavenly Great World, young red-class World Spirit Masters would be greatly coveted. And you're in a relationship with Cain. Truly, a trio full of top-tier extraordinaries!"

It was only now that Amber realized somebody new was with them. She backed off from Cain, instantly noting Yulong's black Dragon horns.

'I'm just always surrounded by Dragons, huh?' Ambery internally mused. When thinking back on it, those three Spear disciples were the only humans she interacted with within the last months.

Shaking her head off these thoughts, Amber was just about to reply when the whole Spirit field began to violently tremble!

"Hm?!" The youths instantly revolved their energies to keep their balance.

The ferocity of the earthquakes was far beyond what they could ever expect. It felt as if the whole world was about to split apart!

Suddenly, Amber pointed to the skies, horror filling her normally calm eyes. "The sky-the sky is breaking apart!"

Cain, Kali, and Yulong also gazed upon the skies to witness large running red cracks across it.

When focusing on his senses, Cain could just barely detect a faint pulsation of Space Law essence.

Everyone in the group had zero clue about what to do or say. And before their bewildered eyes, the sky completely cracked open!

With an ear-shattering sound of a million glass shards breaking, the sky transformed into a bright crimson glow.

The crimson glow suddenly flashed a blinding light, engulfing the whole dimensional realm!

In the instant of a second, Cain's body instinctively latched onto Amber and he released a stream of chaos energy that took the form of a barrier.

At the same time, the crimson blinding flash engulfed Cain, Amber, Kali, and Yulong. The very next moment, their auras vanished completely from the dimensional realm.

The mysterious crimson sky didn't just show up in the separate dimensional realm, it actually engulfed the entirety of the Sea Collision realm!

When the blinding crimson flash occurred, Huang Dai and Xun instantly reacted. They and many other genius youths took out some sort of Spirit Artifacts to shield themselves.

However, just like Cain's group, they all mysteriously vanished from within the crimson flash.