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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 368 Spirit Vicious Beast
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Sizzling smoke streamed out of three craters. Within them, Kali, Huo Li, and Wang Li's mouths trembled, their expression in horrified disbelief.

A distrusting surge of bile rushed into their mouths. None of them could hold it in any longer.

Kali, Huo Li, and Wang Li directly vomited blood!

Incredible pain wracked their bodies, and an even more powerful invading essence drilled right into Huo Li and Wang Li's Inner Worlds and Kali's dantian.

These three genius youths who valued themselves higher than the skies were all utterly stunned.

Their continuous wins led them to believe no type of danger or Dao Vicious beast within the Sea realm could ever hope to match them.

After all, a 7thfall expert can even match the base power of an Early Great Divine Sea warrior!

At the Great Divine Sea realm, the density of Divine Qi passively enhances, granting that cultivator a tremendous more amount of strength than lower Divine Origin warriors.

However, geniuses at 7thfall and even some special 6thfall have a greater understanding of the Divine Essence of Heaven and Earth. They can summon far more natural power from the environment. And, of course, natural environmental essence is superior to the filtered Divine Qi energy crafted at the Great Divine Sea stage.

No matter how powerful a Great Divine Sea expert becomes, it was impossible for them to completely absorb 100% of Heaven and Earth's Divine essence. Only in the later realms this is possible.

But even so, Great Divine Sea prowess equivalent should have made the Sea Collision realm much easier to handle.

And yet, neither Kali, Huo Li, nor Wang Li could withstand a single blow from this mysterious person!

What's worse was the fact the trio sensed that 15% of their overall prowess was suppressed. All because of the invading crystal water essence rummaging through their internal body.

Kali could almost taste dread as she hurriedly revolved over half of her soul energy reserves to suppress the chaotic situation in her body.

She may be arrogant and haughty but, in a perilous situation, her mind clocks into overdrive. The rate of her thoughts exponentially increased.

'His attacks are too fast and too overwhelming. If we were just slightly weaker, our blood would've already dyed the ocean. Damnit. No point in staying to die.' Kali made a decisive decision.

She recalled her grandmother's advice and felt only a little shame at having to go through it. But still, since it is an obviously losing battle, persevering her own life is the utmost priority!

Within a single moment, Kali shot right back into a sitting position. Her spatial ring flashed and a purple talisman appeared in her hands.

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A powerful ripple of energy pulsated from the talisman. Its mere appearance caused visible space distortions all around Kali.

Faint purple lines appeared in thin air, directly slicing at the surrounding Space Laws. This potent amount of energy rapidly spread far out.

The mysterious hooded man was just in the process of calculating his next move. He obviously couldn't believe that within a span of two seconds that those three youths could even lift their fingers after experiencing two devastating attacks with enough power to crush Early Great Divine Sea warriors.

But contrary to his expectations, the hooded man suddenly felt and sense a potent amount of energy twisting space apart!

The hooded man narrowed his gaze as he spotted a purple talisman shining brilliantly in Kali's hand. He instantly recognized what this girl was attempting to do and rapidly perform hand signs.

Flickers of crystal water essence flashed from his body.

But at this time, Kali had already crushed the purple talisman. An immense amount of energy poured into the environment. Visible jagged purples lines formed in the air until they cracked open into a deep black light. This was space spatial tearing.

Space had literally cracked open from the talisman energy!

The immense purple energy instantly covered a ten meters radius, forming a small barrier. It unintentionally covered the Sacred Martial disciples as well.

Then, faster than a split second, the purple barrier blasted straight into the skies. Its speed far surpassed the sound barrier, traveling at rates that even lightning strikes wouldn't be able to follow.

In an instant, the purple barrier crossed over a thousand miles!

The hooded man shook a bit when witnessing such extreme speed. He questions himself if this really was the work of a Divine Ruler protection aid while instantly performing hand signs.

A bolt of crystal water shot forth from the ocean, blasting into the skies at speeds no less than the purple barrier.

This wasn't the hooded man's prowess. But rather the absolute speed from natural World Source Law essence!

However, it was all futile in the end.

p The bolt of crystal water merely splashed upon the purple barrier. It couldn't even cause a single ripple of energy disturbance.

The purple barrier continued unhindered. Right after the bolt of crystal water crashed upon it, the purple barrier instantly traversed another 3,000 miles.

Before the hooded man could even contemplate his next decision, Kali's group was far out of his sight.

Everything had returned to an eerie silence.

The hooded man cast a deep gaze at where the faint after trails of the purple lights cracked apart the surrounding Space Laws.

His mind contemplated all for a second, thinking of, 'First them and now this...alright, everything had just become a lot simpler. It's nearly time.'

The hooded man formed his decisive plan and flew straight into the crystal ocean.

In the ocean, he rapidly took off in the general direction of Kali's group, his speed traversing dozens of miles of distance in just seconds.

Such speed was greater than what any Early Great Divine Sea expert can achieve in the skies.


Sea Collision Realm's Outer Ridge. The mysterious Spirit formation island.

'Shit! Can nothing go right here?!'

As of now, the Jade Spear disciples really were cursing their luck. Their expressions were grave as they all had to stand behind the protection of the fearless vampire maiden.

Initially, the three disciples believed they all could gain valuable combat experiences and resources from an island so tightly guarded with a Spirit Formation barrier.

After all, Spirit energy can be considered slightly rare even in the massive God Galaxies. The average amount of a young genius World Spirit Master hailing from a powerful background was practically one in a thousand.

In the end, the God Galaxies is primarily a dominant Martial Force Heaven.

To be born with an affinity for Spirit energy or have the talent to comprehend Spirit energy was mysteriously scarce. The scarcity increased when going down each realm in the God Galaxies.

Thus, for a middle realm like the Thunderous Collision Realm, a World Spirit Master's young genius was heavily rare.

It could be seen in the Sea Collision Realm history. Decades have gone by and not a single genius participating in the Sea Collision competition ever reported anything about a Spirit Formation island.

Because of how rigid the entry requirements for this island were, the Spear disciples all expected at least something far surpassing ordinary treasures.

However, their hopes were doomed to never come true.

Much less resources. None of them could even find combat experience here. Every danger is related to Spirit energy that is also extremely powerful to easily kill them all.

The Spear disciples are all courageous and determined, but not to a foolish suicidal point. Thus, they could only place their hopes on Amber.

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And the vampire maiden hasn't once disappointed. Her manipulation with the Laws of Spirit energy left the three Spear disciples feeling humble.

She seemed as if she was in perfect control of every aspect of Spirit energy Laws. Nothing could escape her grasp, nor would she make even the slightest of mistake.

Such sublime control nearly made the Spear disciples feel that their own Law essence comprehension was slightly inferior.

Self-doubts aside, the Spear disciples could honestly admit that Amber had gained their respect through easily dealing with all manners of Spirit traps.

And now, the group currently faced their greatest Spirit energy danger yet.

The Spear disciples made sure they didn't move a single muscle even at a considerable distance apart. Their pupils were heavily dilated as they gazed upon their first beast's obstacle.

Dread filled them while under the looming gaze of this ferocious beast. Each of them had to revolve their Inner World energies, surging their Divine auras just to remain calm under this vicious beast's immense spiritual aura.

Its aura engulfed everything, akin to a domain. Under its presence, nobody could escape nor could they break free.

All facing it would undoubtedly die!

The Spear disciples could honestly say they never felt this type of dread with any kind of Martial Divine aura. They knew fighting would only lead to their instant deaths. It made these battle-hardened youths feel bitter, but they kept their rational minds.

More than their own state, the Spear disciples couldn't help but feel slight amazement while staring at Amber's petite body.

Her small form stood valiantly, without a hint of fear, against this dreadful ferocious beast.

'Can she really do it this?' Ren Ming, Lin Shi, Lu Ming all felt a mixture of fear and anticipation. This brilliant World Spirit Master seemed as if she can just make continuous miracles.

Up in front, Amber indeed fearlessly stood before the powerful ferocious beast. Her face didn't show fear or any graveness, despite the severity of the situation. Rather, her expression was of genuine curiosity.

This Vicious beast truly didn't look much different from a Dao Vicious beast. It was a massive snow-white bear monster that had streaks of blue Spirit energy painting its skin.

The bear monster kept its eyes firmly locked onto Amber as the main brunt of its unfathomable Spirit aura locked onto her.

At this point, any normal Dao Vicious beast would have jumped on Amber to prey on her flesh.

However, the Spirit Vicious beast stayed its hand, keeping what appeared to be a vigilante stance. It was as if it also could perceive the potent Spirit aura gushing from Amber's body.

This standoff started and continue for only three seconds.

Then, without any warning, Amber broke off her stare. Her expression slowly shifted into a blossoming smile.

A sudden intuition struck her, causing her to feel on the verge of a comprehension breakthrough!