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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 361 Spirit Dangers
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'She really wants to go at it right now?"

The Sacred Martial disciples were a bit surprised at how direct Kali was. Typically, geniuses at their levels would put considerable thought into their battles. It was needed, as their strengths weren't that different from each other.

But then again, for a Divine Mortal, would she really need to take into that consideration?

The Sacred Martial disciples couldn't immediately reply.

And Kali didn't give either of them a chance to think.

Flickers of icy blue light gleamed from Kali's body. She instantly unleashed her Soul Form and Draconic Ice aura! Her prowess reached its peak. The temperature dropped to below freezing.

Space slightly pulsated around Kali, as if it was on the verge of distorting. At the same time, Kali whipped out her Master Grade True Spirit Sword, causing her aura to intensify another dozen times.

Kali, fully transformed with her beautiful Ice Dragon Wings, Draconic Ice energy aura, and Master grade silver sword, crushed all of her momentum down on the Sacred Martial disciples.

Her peak aura drowned them in unending waves of power!

'Hm?!' Wang Lin and Huo Li's pupils dilated, and it instantly became harder to breathe.

Neither of them hesitated, they erupted the full strength within their Inner World!

A white flaming energy aura shrouded both their bodies as their Divine auras gushed like a frenzied storm.

Visible icy blue sparks flashed all around them as Kali and the Sacred Martial disciples' auras clashed.

And what was horrifying to Wang Lin and Huo Li was the fact they couldn't even suppress Kali's aura even with all of their Inner World strength!

Wang Lin felt a genuine sense of danger. He quickly transmitted to Huo Li, 'It's only one move, but I will match her. She really is like the rumors describe.'

Huo Li didn't argue back, knowing her limits. She quickly flew back for hundreds of meters within a moment.

At the same time, Wang Lin's spatial ring flashed. From the flash, an incredible aura surged. It combined with Wang Lin's peak prowess, enhancing it to unfathomable portions.

"Oh?" Kali narrowed her eyes at the weapon in Wang Lin's hand.

It was an elegantly crafted scimitar type of blade that had Spirit insignia symbols carved all over the blade surface. These symbols, however, appeared larger and more intricately detailed.

With a single glance, Kali identify just what this special weapon rank was. 'A quasi-Saint Weapon!'

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Kali's eagerness for battle crazily erupted! She still didn't feel any extra pressure but knew that Wang Lin can take a full attack from her.

Kali tightly gripped her Master grade sword and swung forward at blitzing speeds. Her arm movements were a mere light blue blur.

An unfathomable amount of power instantly surged from the Master grade sword. And a split moment after, a massive amount of Ice Law essence stormed out of the blade's tip.

The Ice Law essence coverged in mid-air, constructing into a chaotic whirlwind form!

The Ice whirlwind discharged tremendous power without end.

Any 5thfall expert would've already crashed to their knees from the power pressure alone.

Facing this incredible attack, Wang Lin put forth all of his focus. Even before the Ice essence whirlwind got close, he could frost energy attempting to penetrate inside his body.

His white flaming aura slightly ripple from the frost energy but managed to defend against it.

Wang Lin didn't hold back a single point of his strength, he revolved his Sacred Fire Arts to its maximum. He raised his quasi Saint scimitar and struck out at blinding speed.

His Fire Law essence surged, shooting out the tip of his blade in a massive, white flaming stream.

Similar to Kali, the massive Fire Law essence converged into a whirlwind form. It soared towards Kali's Ice essence whirlwind in a head-on collision.

There weren't any fancy tactics or specific art abilities exchanged. Only a contest of pure, absolute power!


A powerful collision trembled the air as the Ice essence whirlwind and Sacred Fire essence whirlwind clashed.

A horrifying shock wave blasted out, and streams of powerful wind spread out for miles.

'Such power!' Huo Li felt considerable amazement. Even with her defenses up, and a far distance away, the after shock waves still caused a tightening feeling in her chest!

Huo Li knows she and Wang Lin aren't anywhere close to being ordinary 6thfall experts. Their prowess sat firmly in the upper tiers!

But a Divine Mortal can so easily match them.

Huo Li fully realized that reality would always trump what's shown in a recording.

At this time, Kali had taken three-light steps back from the collision. Her aura easily shielded her from the impact force of the shock waves.

While Wang Lin took five heavy steps and felt a noticeable numb feeling in his arm. 'Just what kind of pure power is this?!'

Wang Lin couldn't help but feel genuine amazement from the clashing blows. Only through first-hand experience could he truly understand the might of a Divine Mortal!

As Wang Lin reorientated himself, Kali's powerful pressure suddenly vanished.

Wang Lin pauses in slight surprise, nearly forgetting this wasn't an actual duel. He quickly recalled back his powers.

At the same time, Kali had already returned to her base state. She approvingly nodded at the Sacred Martial disciples and beckoned with her hand.

"Come on. Let's go."

Kali didn't even wait for half a second before quickly speeding off in an icy blue light form.

The Sacred Martial disciples felt a bit strange at just how blunt she was. However, they didn't question it, only silently following right behind her.


Outer ridge of Sea Collision Realm.

Among all the abandoned islands, only one held an impenetrable entrance. This island was protected by a mysterious grey Spirit Formation barrier.

p All geniuses who came to the island left disappointed when realizing the impossibility of entering. Nobody knew why they couldn't enter, nor did anybody believe some genius can enter the island.

But within this special island, a group of youths was actually exploring. These four were all great geniuses of their generations.

Three of the youths wore classical robes with beautiful spears strapped to their backs. They could be none other than the Jade Spear Palace disciples.

While the only non-spear youth exuded a soul-stealing presence by just walking. A beautiful shade of a dark blue glow shrouded her body. The energy appeared numerous times more fantastical than anything Qi energy could produce.

Of course, this could only be Spirit energy and the one perfectly controlling such power was Lady Amber.

Amber and the Jade Spear Palace disciples didn't rashly rush the island. They slowly traversed through, making sure to stay attentive to the scenery and any potential traps.

A curious thought entered Amber's mind as she traveled. She believed an island so well-guarded like this would appear a bit different from the others.

However, the sights stayed mostly the same. Completely ruined and abandoned, with spots of old mold growing on surfaces like fungus.

Still, there was a sense of dread filling this particular island. The island, strangely enough, felt eerily empty.

Amber's group didn't experience any deadly traps up to this point. Their slow walk nearly made it seem like they were exploring a relic from the past.

No matter how daring Amber and the Spear disciples are, it was impossible to not feel a slight sense of dread for whatever could possibly come up.

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Moreover, none of their senses perceived any type of accumulated resources or even another life form.

The group reached deep into the island, waiting for any sign of danger.

Just when they were about to take another step forward, Amber suddenly stopped.

As she was leading the group, it caused the Spear disciples to also stop.

Since Amber got them in with Spirit techniques, it would only be fitting she led them through anything Spirit energy-related.

Thus, when noticing the serious expression suddenly dawning on Amber's face, the three disciples tensed for battle.

Ren Ming cautiously asked, "Lady Huang? Did you sense something? Will we need to fight?"

Amber didn't reply. All of her focus stayed squared on seemingly nothing ahead of her.

A few seconds later, just when the Spear disciples gradually grew puzzled, Amber coated her hand with Spirit energy and slowly waved it.

A pulse of Spirit energy was released out, spreading directly in front of Amber.

The next moment amazed the Spear disciples.

Instead of the Spirit energy pulse flying through the air, it was immediately absorbed into an invisible force!

From the absorption, dark blue lights flickered out of thin air. Waves of unidentifiable Spirit energy gushed all around them.

Then, only a second later, the dark blue light split open, revealing an entrance akin to a doorway!

"Eh?" The Spear disciples could only mutter dumbfounded responses. None of them knew what the hell had just happened as they stared unblinkingly at this sudden torn open entrance.

Amber didn't turn back as she slowly lowered her hand, saying, "One really needs a sense with an affinity for Spirit energy. Without this, this invisible spirit wall in front of us would've only halted our progress at best. Or perhaps try to kill us at worst. Thankfully, my expert-level Spirit attainment is enough to bypass the Spirt Laws. Alright, let's keep going."

With her explanation given, Amber promptly walked through her man-made entrance.

The Spear disciples quickly sobered, following right behind her with a reverence that wasn't apparent before in their gazes.

The group had only walked for a few meters until abruptly stopping once again.

And this time, everyone sense great danger soaring right at them!

The temperature rapidly flared as an immense aura engulfed the surroundings.

The Spear disciples froze on instinct, eyes widening in utter horror. Merely hundreds of meters away was as a massive wave fire flowing down to them like an oceanic tidal wave!

Furthermore, this fire wasn't anything Qi-related. Even the Spear disciples could perceive the sensations of powerful Spirit energy from the fire sea!