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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 357 Devious Attack
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The disciples were greatly puzzled.

Did this mean they were weaker than even Amber?

Or was there some other factor at play?

Contrary to the disciples' thoughts, they would be right to assume another factor was at play.

After all, Amber had reached the expert level in her attainment path of Spirit Laws! For formations barriers like this, she can comprehend how the Spirit energy flows and directly disrupt it, creating a breakage.

Amber spared only one glance at the disciples before smilingly saying, "Come on. Let's not stand around here. Who knows how many traps are waiting just around the corner.


A couple of hours quickly passed in the Sea Collision Realm.

By now, numerous other Martial talents had joined in. From Martial Families, weaker Holy Land forces to the strongest forces, the whole Thunderous Collision World invested their all into the Sea realm.

Only the strongest and most talented youths were currently exploring the abandoned islands.

Of course, this also includes several of the Huang Dragons' royal descendants. Each of them was making their own significant progress.

And at this time, Cain was following behind two blue-robes youths.

These two were the Ming Family geniuses who owned that unique treasure-finding compass.

While leisurely following along, Cain happily recounted their recent amount of spoils.

They had managed to discover numerous islands with cosmo sacks filled with an abundance of resources. Each was all more fabulous finds than what Cain could ever achieve on his own.

Attaining these cosmo sacks was a simple process. Those Ming Family youth's metal barrier was greatly helpful for resisting all manners of traps.

The power of Metal Laws provided one of the most powerful sources of defense out there.  It even held the ability to defend against something more powerful than a cultivator's origin prowess.

As for Dao Vicious beasts, barely anything can last for more than two moves against Cain's full power. Nearly all Dao beasts were slaughtered as if they were helpless chickens.

With their speedy method, Cain had a plan in mind. 'The amount of Sea Qi and Law crystals here should be enough for me to reach Mid Sacred Sage. With that achieved, I can probably explore around the Inner Ridge.'

A surge of excitement coursed through Cain. Increasing his strength is one of the greatest joys out there. It nearly gave him an indescribable soul pleasure.

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Up ahead of Cain, the Ming Family youths were merrily chatting away. Never in their life have they experienced as many resources gained from a mystic realm. It's practically night and day when comparing their previous expeditions.

"With all that we can gain here, I'm sure our cultivation will have rapid bouts of improvement! It's almost like I'm living in a dream..." Ming Hua spoke with a slightly dazed expression.

Ming Feng nodded and then spoke in a serious tone.  "Remember, all of this is because of the seventh prince's kindness. Without him, our gains would be at a snail's pace."

Listening to this, Cain lightly smiled. "Oh, this? Don't worry about it. After all, we're all benefitting from each other."

His words were correct, but the Ming Family youths couldn't help their feelings of gratitude. They were just about to reply when their Divine Senses suddenly pricked.

'Hm?!' At the same time, Ming Feng and Hua halted in their tracks, their bodies already tensing for action.

Cain similarly stopped in his tracks. For the first time since coming here, his expression became a bit serious. His Spirit Senses detected two powerful Divine auras flying straight over to them.

These two really weren't anything like he sensed before from other Divine Origin auras.

They were incredibly powerful, exuding a greater suffocating presence than all other Divine Origin auras.

But above all, Cain could identify their fall stages.

These two were actually 6thfall Divine Origin geniuses!

Cain's caution instantly rose. He crushed 1stfall, 2ndfall, and even 4thfall equivalent geniuses. But a 6thfall was feasibly his and Kali's limits.

When the power levels are equal, the relationships become far riskier. It was easier to dominate the Ming Family since both couldn't even dream of touching him in terms of prowess.

But these two new people could very well match him.

And in this competitive environment, Cain didn't doubt more powerful geniuses would have ideas about him.

Within moments, two flashes of light appeared meters away from Cain's group.

The light cleared away, revealing one handsome young man and a beautiful young woman.

Both stood with a confident stride and wore polite smiles to give non-threatening vibes. Their eyes seemed to light up when identifying Cain.

The Ming Family youths quickly identify the youths. Their eyes widened as they gazed upon the silvery moon patterns decorating their classical robes.

Apprehension and confusion swirled in their minds. They both muttered at the same time, "Silver Moon Sect? How...just how can they be here?"

Cain's powerful hearing picked up on that.

From the potency of their Divine auras and overall bearings, Cain came to a quick conclusion. 'I remember now. These guys are on the same level as the Radiance Luster Sect! I can only wonder what could they possibly want with me....'

When hearing the Ming family youths, the Silver Moon Sect disciples proudly nodded.

The young man took a step forward, speaking in a pleasing elegant tone. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, seventh prince. My name is Zhun Kie and this Zhun Lie. It must be luck that we managed to find each other so quickly."

Cain stayed calm, indifferently replying with, "It indeed is a pleasure. Is there something that you want to ask me?"

"Ah. The seventh prince who likes to get straight to the point." Zhun Lie sweetly giggled. "You see, seventh prince, we siblings would like to team up with you. We have a compass that greatly helps with pinpointing the best treasures here. And with our prowess, no traps or any kinds of Dao Vicious beast can hinder us."

Her tone sounded completely genuine without any hint of deception.

The Ming Family youths watching along felt ignored and a bit bitter. Just like that, their greatest force is going to be taken away from them!

And there wasn't anything they could reasonably do about it.

Trying to interject in would be courting danger to themselves and potentially their whole Martial Family.

Nothing in this situation seems out of the ordinary.

However, Cain felt strange. He couldn't help himself from growing cautious around these two.

There was nothing to really go off on for suspicious. And yet, Cain honestly felt a strange presence from these two, almost like a sinister vibe.

Beneath their elegant demeanors was something far more devious.

However, Cain didn't make any sudden movements. He appeared calm, even giving a slight smile while saying, "Ah, since you're offering, I won't reject. Come on, I'll follow right behind you two."

"Alright. Follow me." Zhun Kie nodded, taking whole leadership of the group.

He and Zhun Lie began flying closer to Cain as if they were heading off towards a treasure.

The closer they got, the more intense the sinister sensation became.

Then, when it seemed like the Zhun siblings were about to speed off, their eyes suddenly flashed.

A cold, calculating glint gleamed within their pupils!

Cain didn't hesitate for even a split moment. His body practically moved on pure instincts alone.

Faint green Chaos energy shrouded his body, causing Space Laws to shatter like fragile glass all around him.

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Cain's Chaos energy instantly teleported right out of the Zhun siblings' ranges.

And at the same time he teleported, Zhun Kie and Lie suddenly struck!

Their Inner Worlds erupted with a massive amount of strength as their 6thfall Divine auras rapidly surged.

Master Grade True Spirit Swords appeared in their hands. And a purple water energy aura engulfed their True Spirit Swords.

Zhun Kie and Lie were attacking right at the same time Cain teleported away.

Their True Spirit Swords whipped out at blinding speeds, unintentionally setting its course right at Ming Feng and Hua!

"What?!?" Ming Feng and Hua's eyes nearly burst from their sockets.

Why the hell were they getting attacked?!

Space locked all around them, and a suffocating aura crushed right down their bodies.

Ming Feng and Hua could just barely create a protective Divine barrier. And at this time, two streaks of purple lights smashed into their protective Divine barrier.


The Divine barriers crumbled into particles as the True Spirit Swords suddenly stopped. Although it stopped, the remeant energy force smashed into Ming Feng and Hua like chaotic whirlwinds.

The energy force easily shredded through their protective Divine defenses like tofu, directly penetrating into their bodies.


The Ming family youths vomited copious amounts of blood. Their chests caved in as several of their ribs shattered to pieces.

They both got flung right out of the skies, blasting towards a nearby abandoned island in a bloody light.

A loud impact reverberated when the Ming family youths smashed hard into the ground, creating 50 feet crater beneath them.

"Tch!" Zhun Kie clicked his teeth. He barely regarded sending the Ming Family youths to their doom before refocusing on their targets.

"Damn! Our acting should've been flawless! So a Divine Mortal isn't sheltered at all. He really does have some experience."

As he spoke, Zhun Lie snapped her gaze around, narrowing her eyes on the far horizon. Even at miles ahead, the Divine Qi fused into her eyes could perfectly see everything.

At several miles ahead was a vast, mysterious mist. The mist appeared to be grey and couldn't be seen through.

But at one section of the grey mist, a slight ripple spread before instantly disappearing.