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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 336 Western Beat Range
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The moment he spoke about the transformation art, for a brief moment, Cain spotted a look of hesitation crossing Huang Kailong's face.

However, the expression vanished as quickly as it came.

That little moment did cause to Cain pause. It was evident that the same tactics must be used again.

So Cain once again stimulated his spatial ring, bringing out even more Dao Nurturing fruits.

Casually tossing them to Huang Kailong, who appeared a bit surprised, Cain explained, "Don't fret. I am not here to covet your Art. I have my own suitable style. Although, I can't help my curiosity. So, all I want is just some information in exchange for those Dao Nurtuting fruits."

Instantly, Huang Kailong felt a large wave of relief.

She could resist her fellow Sect members but not someone from the main Imperial Family.

As her mind calmed down, a thought struck her. 'Of course, he places so little value on it. Seventh Prince is even going so far to clear up my troubles. To him, it really is just something slightly interesting…'

Huang Kailong internally sighed. It left a strange taste in her mouth to experience in person just how worlds apart they are despite being around the same age.

She's a genius who can hold her head high against most first-rate Sect's geniuses.

But against Cain, the only option in her eyes was to readily submit.

Although, even with submitting, Huang Kailong didn't feel entirely strange. In fact, not only does she feel relief over her problems but also over gaining several Dao Nurturing fruits!

Just like Huang Culong's group, these resources hold great value for her cultivation. And the Seventh Prince gave out to them practically free of charge.

It was practically impossible to not feel swayed by his persuasive momentum.

Huang Kailong's eyes slightly brighten. She quickly put away the Dao Nurturing fruits while also bringing out a small, rusted-looking jade scroll.

As she tossed it to Cain, Huang Kailong explained,  "Seventh Prince, I truly did come across a great lucky chance. In this jade scroll are the directions towards a resource cave I accidentally discovered while venturing outside of our hidden world. Beyond just this treasure, I had even sensed other great resources there. Unfortunately, at that time, I was not near strong enough to contend with the natural-born beast there and others for such resources. But if it's the Seventh Prince…I believe you can have great success there."

"I see…" Cain indifferently spoke while sweeping his Spirit Sense across the jade scroll. A faint outline of a map appeared within his Spiritual Sea.

Even from just a brief look, Cain could tell the map was incredibly detailed. He would have a smooth time at least reaching the resource cave if he ever so desired to do so.

A hint of appreciation arose within Cain.

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Not only was Huang Kailong a genius with a fierce personality, but she was also a meticulous person who planned her next move. Such an ally has some potential.

At this time, Huang Kailong watched Cain glance at the jade scroll with a contemplative expression. Her thoughts moved at a rapid pace before finally coming to a decision.

It felt a bit risky. But the Seventh Prince genuinely has an approachable aura about him.

It was at least far better than the suffocating vibe Huang Xun naturally exudes.

Huang Kailong took one small breath before throwing cautious into the wind, quickly asking, "Seventh Prince. If it doesn't offend you. I would like to offer my help if you ever choose to explore this resource cave. I have ventured here several times already and become quite accustomed to the traps and environment there."

Cain cast a glance over Huang Kailong, briefly pondering her question. He did a small analysis of this first-rate genius.

From what he gathers, her personality is meticulous, unwilling, and ambitious.

If he hadn't stepped in, Cain didn't doubt that Huang Kailong would have some way to retreat while protecting herself.

Above all, her prowess wasn't anything to so casually look down upon.

She had even gained the ability to fully utilize the powerful body of a Divine Dragon!

Cain could admit he's inferior in this aspect.

His Imperial bloodline does grant him the ability to transform into a full-fledged Dragon. However, that wouldn't come until way later in his cultivation journey. His Inner World space stability needs to be tremendously powerful in order to withstand the immemorial power of his Divine bloodline.

But with a transformation art, Cain would at least be able to utilize some aspect of his powerful bloodline.

Plus, he would get more experience with using actual Dragon body parts than just energy-created ones.

Cain had no plans of taking Huang Kailong's transformation art. Not because of the kindness of his heart but more so to keep up a decent enough public image.

Moreover, a mere Heavenly Rank cultivation art wasn't anywhere near enough to tempt Cain.

If he could find a Divine ranking transformation art, that would be more suitable to his current combat set.

Thinking of all this, Cain slightly nodded to Huang Kailong, telling her, "I will think upon your offer. And in case I do, I would need your contact ring."

"Ah!" Nearly a squeal let loose from Huang Kailong. Her eyes overflowed with light.

"Just considering the opportunity is enough, Seventh Prince." As she spoke, Huang Kailong tossed over her contact ring.

She then bowed with great respect. "Have a good day, Seventh Prince and Fifth Princess."

Huang Kailong rose from her bow, giving one last profound lack to both Cain and Huang Xun. Her gaze lingered on Cain for moments longer before she swiftly turned around and dashed off in a trail of light.

Left all alone, Huang Xun glanced over Cain, explicitly noting the contact ring in his hands.

She lightly smiled and said, "I didn't think you would have such social skills. Are you taking notes from others?"

p Cain casually shrugged. "Just because Kali and I are nearly inseparable doesn't mean act the same at all. Personally, I would like to gather the most useful allies when I'm still weak."

His tone was as honest as it could be. Even though he was practically invincible in the Huang Dragon's hidden world, Cain was more than aware of how small and pathetic he really was.

Not even a Divine Star expert, just against Late Stage Great Divine Sea warrior, Cain knows he would have very little to no chance of winning.

His pride is tremendous, but Shi Wei constantly reminds him to never become overly arrogant.

That day would be his complete downfall.

Martial cultivation is a long, arduous process. Cain may have taken great shortcuts to reach the peak of Mortalhood as of late, but it would be impossible for this to continue.

After his Divine ascension, Cain's cultivation speed will inevitably slow down.

And when this happens, he would need to rely on other ways to barrel through problems when his own combat prowess just isn't enough.

Thus, Cain puts a heavy emphasis on allies.

Just Shi Wei's help alone is enough to convince Cain of the usefulness of powerful allies. Hell, without Heavenly Venerate Nightmare Lord, he may not even be a Divine Mortal now.

Cain's fully aware that he's nowhere near to being a good person. But if he genuinely cares about the person or sees potential benefits, Cain has no problems doing selfless deeds.

Huang Xun wasn't wholly aware of Cain's thought process. But she could see the logical grounds in his reasoning since she herself received teachings about allies because of Shi Wei.

Suddenly remembering the last look Huang Kailong cast, Xun's smile grew slightly teasing. "Be careful now. That girl's eyes are obvious to tell. She may see you in a certain favorable light. That kind of effect can very well spread…"

Cain didn't react to Hang Xun's obvious meanings, only lightly smiling as if it didn't concern him.

Then, he began to walk while saying, "Come on. Let's just enjoy the rest of our day."

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The west side of the Thunderous Collision World.

In the western area, the primary geographical terrain consisted of long, vibrant forests.

These lushes forests, compared to other terrains, weren't suited for any Sect development.

The reason is as Dao Vicious beasts populated nearly the whole forest range. And these Dao Vicious beasts weren't the run of the mill.

Many were Heavenly tier Dao Vicious beasts! Their prowess was surprisingly overwhelming.

It was enough to where even Divine Star masters would have real trouble taking them down.

The western area became infamous enough to the point where it's known as the Western Beast Range.

Many Holy Intelligence Network created details guides on the Western Beast Range.

The guides split up the Western Beast Range into three ridges, the outer, inner, and peak ridge.

As one would expect, the outer ridge was the least dangerous, while the peak ridge was something only Divine Star masters and above can venture into.

Naturally, the Western Beast Range has its own countless legends that are forever fermented in the Thunderous Collision World history.

However, the most significant facet of the Western Beast Range is the fact that one of the most powerful Holy Land of this world resides here.

That is the Ancient Phoenix Holy Lands!

Only thousands of miles away from the Western Beast Range was the Ancient Phoenix's hidden world.

To unfathomable Divine experts, thousands of miles of distance were nothing but a short journey.

With easy access, it was only natural that many Ancient Phoenix youths venture into the Western Beast Range for training.

The danger is high, but the rewards were similarly high.

Numerous Ancient Phoenix youths discovered valuable treasures or even managed to achieve extraordinary breakthroughs in a moment of life-or-death.

Because of their geographical advantage, it wasn't a huge wonder why, previously, the Ancient Phoenix youths' faintly surpassed the Huang Dragons.

Nowadays, there has been a noticeable influx of eager Ancient Phoenix youths valiantly venturing into the Western Beast Range.

The current God Galaxy environment became a spurring moment for many young Martial youths, including the Ancient Phoenixes, to push their limits to the absolute extreme.