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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 335 Dealing With Small Troubles
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Even more energy erupted from Huang Kailong's Inner World. Her Divine aura rose like lightning and gushed out powerful airwaves that wreaked havoc around her.

Trees split apart, and the ground started to crack beneath Huang Kailong's aura pressure. The surrounding space started to quiver more violently.

Huang Kailong's overwhelming aura momentum washed over Huang Cuilong's group.

Their clothes crazily flapped as if they were under an intense hurricane. However, nobody, not even Huang Leelong, moved a muscle or even looked particularly worried.

At the same time, changes started to occur on Huang Kailong's body.

With the sound of clothes ripping, two large scaly Dragon wings sprouted from her back. Her pupils transitioned into vertical silts, and her left hand began to rapidly transform into another Dragon claw.

Transformation Law Marks exuded a light green aura on Huang Kailong's body.

,m She was near close to completing her majestic Dragon transformation.

However, right near the end, Huang Kailong paused. She abruptly froze, seemingly turning into a statue.

Her once Draconic pupils returned back to normal and began to violently pulsate as if she was under extreme pain. The light green aura of transformation Law Marks shrouding her body had instantly dispersed.

Huang Kailong's Dragon wings and claws similarly disappeared.

And the next moment, she opened her mouth and vomited a stream of disgusting-looking black fluids!


Huang Kailong hacked and wheezed, nearly crashing to her knees. Only through her stubborn will did she remain standing tall.

But at the same time, she cast a distraught gaze over at Huang Leelong.

"You-ah-you!! No wonder you got so close…no wonder…that was a poison talisman!" A sense of indomitable fury arouses within Huang Kailong.

However, the more furious she became, the more intense the poison turned.

She was practically forced into revolving over half of all of her energies reserves capacity just to barely suppress the poison from causing any further damage to her internal body.

The look of betrayal mixed with outright cold fury made Huang Leelong visibly shiver.

She could only lower her head, speaking in a pitifully small voice. "I'm sorry-I'm-this is just our only option…"

"Hahaha!" Huang Cuilong's brazen laugh pierced into the air. "Come now, Kailong. Don't blame her so much. I can fully admit that you're simply too strong for all of us. You definitely will be able to at least escape even with our conjoined effort. If you want to blame something, blame your unreasonable attitude."

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Each word he spoke in that arrogant tone was like stones smashing around in Huang Kailong's mind.

She was incredibly unwilling, furious to a breaking point.

However, all she could do was focus on suppressing the poison from outright making her faint.

Huang Cuilong's group started to close in when seeing Kailong beginning to tremble all over.

They were mere meters away from her, ready to finally end this foolish parade.

But right at that moment, a powerful voice shouted out and shook the space.

"Everyone stop!"

The power of a mortal aura washed over everyone, gushing out intense airwaves that razed through the forest.

Even though it is clearly a mortal aura, nobody there could actually ignore it.

In fact, each of them felt tremendously pressured!

They all felt as if mountains weighing thousands of tons were brutally crushing down on their bodies.

It was hard to breathe, and people's nerves started to lock up completely.

Huang Cuilong and everyone else's pupils dilated.

It wasn't hard to recognize the kind of person who can release a mortal aura that can completely suppress a Divine aura.

'Th-the seventh prince?!?' Everyone's thoughts simultaneously linked together.

And long and behold, coming out of a tree close by to them, Huang Xun and Cain confidently strolled towards everyone.

The once overwhelming domineering Huang Cuilong and his groups stayed silent, entirely rooted to their spots.

Huang Kailong nearly forgot to continue to revolve her energy to suppress the poison.

Cain took a causal glance over at Huang Kailong. Waving his hand, he tossed out a True Spiritual Rank healing pill at her while saying, "Here. Take this. It will instantly heal your right back up."

On bare instincts, Huang Kailong caught the pill with a bewildered face. She didn't think at all as she ingested the healing pill, causing a potent wave of healing energy to infuse all throughout her internal body.

The healing energy vaporized the venomous poison within moments.

Huang Kailong's expression rapidly turned back to normal, her cheeks even gaining a tint of a rose color because of the abundance of potent healing energy.

All of this fell into Huang Cuilong's group's eyes. Their expressions dropped as a sense of despair gradually emerged within their hearts.

The talisman they had was powerful, but against a healing path World Spirit Master methods, it was nothing but child's play.

Huang Cuilong felt part regretful that their whole plan was destroyed within a moment. However, his mood really hit the depths of the abyss because of the seventh prince.

His actions showcased that he saw everything and is directly supporting Huang Kailong!

An ominous feeling crept through numerous hearts at the same time.

The fact that Huang Xun, the fifth royal Princess, was there was equally shocking.

But, the Divine Mortal Cain had the effect of stealing the whole momentum of any area he showed up in.

Cain analyzed everyone's gazes and gave a slight smirk.

He casually asked, "This transformation art you so desperately want…what makes it so special? What are the certain stipulations surrounding it?"

Naturally, Cain was able to tell most of the situation with that short reaction. And he was admittedly curious.

The prowess Huang Kailong previously exuded when using that transformation art was around upper-tier 2ndfall Divine Origin experts.

Just this art alone can raise her prowess to a genius level. It could be comparable to the arts they have in their imperial treasures.

Cain could now see why Huang Xun was greatly interested.

And at this time, Huang Kailong was silent all for a moment.

Against anyone else, she would choose to fiercely resist. But when faced with the Divine Mortal prince, all thoughts of resisting went far out the wind.

A slight sigh leaked from her mouth.

Then, Huang Kailong calmly reported, "This is a unique art I managed to obtain during an expedition. It is called the Beastial Transformation art. The specialties lie in the fact that the art is infused into my Spiritual Sea. It allows me to have an effortless time cultivating the art and draw forth all of its potentials. For me to share this art out, I would lose this ability in its entirety, causing my combat prowess to greatly lower."

Huang Xun took a keen interest, asking next, "I've heard about this art before. Or at least something similar to it. In essence, this is a cultivation manual that has Transformation Law threads making up its essence. Art like these is a bit rarer than others."

"Yes, I was fortunate to receive this one." As she spoke, Huang Kailong was gradually recovering her poise.

Her face soon turned calm as she said next, "Because of my bloodline, I can make use of a Dragon transformation. It, of course, doesn't compare to either Prince or Princess. But a Dragon body is still very powerful."

"Oh?" Cain's curiosity was thoroughly piqued.

Before detailing with her, Cain swept his eyes over everyone else before igniting his spatial ring.

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He then casually waved his hand, tossing out several True Spirit rank Dao nurturing fruit to Huang Cailong's group, and said, "Here. True Spirit ranks Dao nurturing fruits. This should be worthy enough in exchange for her art, right?"

Everyone in Huang Cuilong's group, even Leelong, received a few Dao nurturing fruits.

Bewilderment crossed their faces.

They had just gained something so valuable just like that?

To Cain or Huang Xun, True Spirit rank Dao nurturing fruits isn't much.

But to an average genius like Huang Cuilong's group, it was a means to perfectly shave months or even a year of painfully long cultivation!

Their Spiritual Sea comprehension would increase by at least ten times, allowing them to have a much smoother time when constructing their Inner World's Marks.

No regular first-rate Sect can so casually produce such great resources.

These discples would need to put their life on their lives, risking fierce competition to just gain a couple True Spirit rank resources.

But Cain can just throw them around like dishing out candy to children.

This was the enormous difference of an Imperial Family backing!

At this moment, while taking his great gains, Huang Cuilong noticed he had a few more Dao nurturing fruits than the rest.

He furrowed his brows in slight puzzlement.

And as if sensing his invisible questions, Cain said, "Cuilong, right? Since you're the ring leader of this small group, I'm expecting you to give this to your brother Duke. And please relay this to him that the seventh prince himself believes he should find peace with Kailong. As I'm certainly finding peace with her, I will give her my contact ring."

Huang Cuilong and the others perked up as if lightning struck through their cores.

They all understood the implicit meaning of Cain's words.

And besides feeling a bit sad over losing out on the transformation art, the Dao nurturing fruits swept any resentment.

If they could choose an option where fighting isn't necessary, and they can gain potent resources, why wouldn't they choose it?

Martial cultivators at their levels are astute enough to sort out the most rational decisions.

Moreover, because Cain wanted peace, there was no other choice but to accept peace.

The tactic was a bit forceful, but Huang Cuilong and the others saw Cain in a greater light than what he already was in their eyes.

"We will remember this kindness seventh prince."

Everyone in Huang Cuilong's group respectfully bowed.

Afterward, they didn't dare stick around a second longer, quickly turning into trails of lights in the far-off horizons.

Once alone, Cain turned his sights back on Huang Kailong. He actually witnessed her looking specifically in Huang Leelong's direction with a slightly sad smile. Her eyes swirled with complex emotions.

Cain, however, didn't pay much heed to it. He lightly coughed to regain her attention and said, "Now then. About that transformation art."