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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 325 Always Striving
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Left alone were the other royal descendants and Cain's group. For a brief moment, both sides locked eyes with each other. The royal side gazes intent while the trio were completely causal.

But surprisingly enough, before the atmosphere became tense, a figure suddenly launched to her feet.

"Cain!...K-Kali!" Huang Jaolong surprisingly stood up, directly facing Cain's group.

She was healed back to full health, but her face was still slightly pale from lingering horrors. Even now, her body still felt chills shiver all throughout from just being in Cain's group presence.

It was hard for her to just meet Cain in the face.

Forget about Kali. She seemed like a terrifying demon at this moment.

And yet, even with her Martial Heart nearly cracked to pieces, Huang Jaolong's eyes didn't dim.

It instead held a fiery fighting spirit!

"This is to be expected that I was trashed on by Kali. But! I won't dissuade from this. I now know the difference between us, so I will never stop striving for improvement. Just wait for me!"

At the same time as her declarations, Huang Dulong boldly stepped forwards, directly saying, "Times really are changing. But, even with your presence, none of us wants to be mere side characters. No matter how strong you two get, we will never stop thriving."

"Talk about a mood shift? Just what with these two? How could they change so fast already?"

"They did experience disparity in a more blunt way than us."

"Still, they're switching up on a flip of a dime."

The other royal descendants couldn't help whispering. Some could even understand where Huang Jaolong and Dulong were coming from.

Getting taught humility was a special thing. They themselves can understand the massive set of abyss separating them from Cain and Kali.

But even then, the sibling duo is also an unreachable goal that they should hold as the highest standard and one to strive for in the future.

And as fellow Huang Dragons, no matter how impossible it seemingly is, they all have the quality to thrive under immense pressure.

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When seeing their thriving fighting spirit, Cain lightly smiled. He could at least appreciate this invigorated drive, showing that they're not completely useless to them.

There was undoubtedly potential seeded deep in each of the royal descendants.

Kali's reaction still retained her slight disdainful smirk. Her gaze still treated her other siblings as poor fools.

But at least, she finds them as intriguing poor fools now.

Only Amber had a neutral, calm reaction. Although, whether it was from indifference or she simply doesn't care was a bit hard to tale.

Since the girls evidently weren't going to speak, Cain took the initiative to say, "Then please, we'll be waiting for you two or anyone of you at any time."

With his final piece said, Huang Jaolong and Dulong took one long last look at Cain's group before swiftly leaving the imperial chamber.

Huang Kielong and Jielong were tempted to speak up as they cast similar looking gazes. However, they simply couldn't muster up as much of a will like Jaolong and Dulong did.

They decided to silently retreat from the chambers, wanting to organize their chaotic assortment of thoughts.

When they left, Huang Dai and Xun traded a look with each other, slight wariness evident from their expressions.

But instead of leaving, Huang Xun slightly nodded. And as if coming to a silent agreement, Huang Xun and Dai began trailing over to Cain's group.

Neither Cain, Kali, nor Amber made any movements. They felt a pang of intrigue.

Huang Dai was as blunt as possible when they near close to them. "You two are becoming more and more terrifying whenever we see you. Divine Mortals are really out of the realm of common sense."

"Still, your performances are quite enlightening." Huang Xun genuinely praised. "I believe the three of us should-"

Before Huang Xun could finish, the sound of other footsteps coming close interrupted her.

They all looked over to see Huang Zilong and Linlong slowly walking over.

The Crown Prince and the second strongest genius of the royal descendants.

Normally what would be a frightening combination to anyone else wasn't much in either Cain, Kali, or Amber's eyes. There wasn't a single waver of emotions within their gazes.

Although, for Huang Dai and Xun, they knitted their brows seeing these two approach. Only ominous sensations arouse within them.

Huang Zilong and Linlong's main focus was on Cain's group.

Huang Linlong nodded with genuine respect while Zilong lightly smiled as he took out a contact ring while saying, "You two indeed surpass all expectations possible. We're more than aware of our complicated pasts with you two. But we still have to take the chance. Would it be alright if we gave you our contact ring?"

Towards his question, Cain took notice of Kali and Amber. But their expressions only showcased plain indifference bordering on uncaring.

For himself, Cain didn't even feel a primal negative sensation like he did with Huang Dulong.

These short moments got Cain to make a judgment.

Evidently, the Crown Prince and Huang Linlong stayed mostly neutral compared to their other royal siblings.

Some curiosity arouses within Cain, causing him to nod toward Huang Zilong.

A radiant smile blossomed on Huang Zilong's face as he tossed over the contact ring at Cain. "We both will be looking forward to any talks."

Huang Zilong's demeanor as an elegant crown prince was on full display. His tone was full of etiquette, while his words were simple yet straightforward.

It wouldn't be strange for people to get caught in his momentum. But he and Linlong were doomed to be a bit disappointed as Cain's group showcased zero change in reaction.

It was to be expected considering Cain's group's current position but still a bit disheartening to see when Huang Zilong compared it to their previous interactions with other people.

Still, neither Huang Zilong nor Linlong lingers a moment longer, quickly leaving the room after a lost nod of respect.

Left all alone, Huang Dai didn't waste a second speaking out his honest feelings. "As a fair warning, I would not get involved with either Zilong or Linlong. They both have admirable refined elegance. But they're also incredibly devious. I don't trust them at all."

Huang Xun promptly nodded, backing his statement up with, "They are both wildly ambitious. Even against each other, they would scheme to gain the most benefits. I'm not surprised to see those two change tunes so quickly. Their ambitions most likely extend beyond our family and to the whole Thunderous Collision realm. They have a genuine desire to dominate."

"Hoh?" Kali suddenly spoke up, finally finding something of her interest. Her smile was still mocking, but her eyes did hold slight anticipation. "So those two want to be some kind of overloads, right? I'm betting they want to surpass the Divine Ruler realm despite having talent that is pitifully limited."

Pitiful limited?

Huang Dai and Xun could only inwardly sigh at Kali's arrogant description. In the eyes of a Divine Mortal, this would genuinely be far too limited. Almost a waste even.

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Ignoring her own stirring of emotions, Huang Xun told them, "That's exactly right. They have extravagant hopes of reaching the Holy King realm. From the time they started their cultivation journey, it's been around 29 years. And Zilong is already at the 5thfall stage, and Linlong is at the 4thfall stage. Moreover, their combat prowess allows them to fight one minor boundary above. Even as Zilong was beaten by the Phoenix Sect genius, he and Linlong are still geniuses that are up to standards even in High Realms."

"29 years and only at the 5thfall stage?" Cain curled his brows in curiosity.

The standards of God Galaxies geniuses have never been properly explained to him by Shi Wei. There simply wasn't much time to do so.

All that he's aware of is how even the most top-tier Heavenly Great World geniuses can use several hundreds of years to reach the Holy King realm.

Such a long concept of time was still lost on Cain. He, after all, came from a homeland where the most one can live is around 150s years in age.

And even then, towards old age, the human body will inevitably break down and decay no matter how previously healthy one is.

It was the natural course of nature.

But in this universe, increasing lifespan comes in the form of Martial cultivation.

At a young age, people from a good enough Sect can obtain cheap means to increase their cultivation, thereby increasing their lifespans.

With this massive lifespan, it was no wonder that many Martial cultivators are ferociously ambitious, astute, and sometimes even viciously devious. Their mental state continually evolves with each new stage of cultivation.

Through understanding the principle of Heaven and Earth, grasping powers that are unfathomable to any mortals would naturally cause many Martial cultivators to be unwilling towards death, unwilling to stay suppressed by those higher than them.

Cain may have tremendous powers now. But even he still shudders at the thought of eventually facing genuine freaks who lived for hundreds or thousands of years.

That moment when that Ink Rain Sect Elder nearly killed them from his various tactics still emerges from his mind from time to time. His lifespan definitely exceeded the past several hundreds of years, and he was still so crafty.

Thus, Cain wanted to honestly know the aged standard across the God Galaxies. He asked, "Just what is the age limit to be counted as still in the younger generation? I'm sure those older than us are still counted in the younger generation."

Huang Dai was the one to reply, "Ah, it's a bit hard to tell, actually. Unless you have a special time path means to develop the Inner World or Spiritual Sea, cultivation is a long and hardworking process. I've heard that below the Divine Ruler realm, a skeletal age of 50 years old is still very young. For Martial competitions, I personally witnessed people with skeletal age of 70 years still being counted in the younger generation. And I had heard one time from grandmother that if one can reach half-step Primal Sovereign within ten thousand years is astonishing speed."

"Moreover, none of us ambitious Martial cultivators have the leisure to simply go into close door cultivation for numerous years. We're all practically forced to go outside and venture if we want to continue to nurture our Inner World." Huang Xun suddenly paused before deciding to take a chance.

She chose her words as carefully as possible when saying, "A word of advice for the future, even as you two are Divine Mortals, it is crucial to always nurture your Inner World. For nearly 99% of the God Galaxies, failing to do so will decay our combat prowess to the bottom tier of cultivators. Plus, our cultivation will become stagnant, preventing any future breakthroughs."

To Huang Xun and Dai's relief, Cain and Kali calmly took in this news. They were more so expecting Kali to blow them off since her pride is seemingly high as the skies.

Truthfully, Cain, Kali, and Amber do have great intrigue about the development of the Inner World.

After all, it won't be soon at all before they reach that high point.