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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 314 Unease Of The Past
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The bone-chilling didn't alleviate at all for Huang Tan; it only dropped to the depths of a frozen tundra for him.

Huang Tan's pupils heavily contracted. Fear nearly took him over.

The prowess of this Ice Law was far too terrifying!

He wanted to quickly make even a greater distance from Kali.

However, the moment he even thought of retreating, Kali raised two of her fingers.

Ice Law essence streamed from her dantian and perfectly assimilated all throughout her internal body.

Within the Ice Law essence stream were faint Ice Law Marks, each of them violently pulsating with an abundance of power.

A ruthless expression flashed across Kali's face as she snapped her two Ice coated fingers, shouting out, "Ice Domain!"

Icy Blue thread lines discharged out of Kali's body and instantly infused right into the atmosphere.

All around Kali and Huang Tan, the scenery quickly changed.

Visible crystal blue frost formed from thin air itself!

Waves of chilling frost energy engulfed the space between Kali and Huang Tan, creating a unique battlefield space.

Witnessing the creation of the Ice Domain, nobody was able to stay still. They all recognized just what exactly were the icy blue threads were.

"She can actually control her Ice Laws to this degree?! She's actually using Ice Law Marks in the real world!!"

Indeed, Huang Tan was currently surrounded by Kali's most powerful Ice Law Marks.

Because her attainment level in Source Law surpasses Cain's, the power she can draw from it also far surpasses him!

Huang Tan could barely breathe. The frost energy shattered right through his protective Divine aura, drilled into his internal body, and unleashed Kali's chaotic Ice Law essence.

Just to suppress the foreign energy, Huang Tan needed to use a massive sum of his energies reserves capacity! His forehead near-instantly became wet with cold sweat.

Huang Tan only saw one solution to escape this predicament. His eyes flashed a blinding green glow as he roared out, "Sweeping Flowers!"

Divine Qi and Grass Law essence spread out and mixed together, rapidly forming into hundreds of Divine green flowers.

Each Divine flower contained a massive amount of Huang Tan's power.

Any other top-tier 1stfall expert would be immensely hard-pressed by the sheer volume of numbers.

However, under Kali's Ice Domain, the hundreds of Divine flowers quickly froze into ice cubes before shattering into particles of icy lights.

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Kali's smile turned mocking. Any and all attempts to attack will prove useless in her Ice Domain.

The moment the Divine flowers shattered, Kali pushed her arm forward, opening her palm as a clump of Ice Law essence converged into the shape of a small ball.

'Law release!'

The Ice Law ball blasted forward at lightning-like speeds. It crossed nearly a mile in an instant, rapidly reaching Huang Tan's bewildered face.

A greater sense of crisis exuded from this small, icy ball!

Similar to Kali's Qi release moves, Law release gatherers a tremendous of essence into a singular point, completely compressing it until it amplifies into a greater attack beyond what Kali's peak state allows.

The split second before the crash, Huang Tan hastily formed a Divine Flower wall.

But, with barely any energy into this defense, how could it possibly fair against Kali's full power attack?


Huang Tan hacked up blood as the icy ball exploded onto his Divine Flower wall, instantly destroying it and sending him flying back like a ragdoll.

From the essence shockwaves, small icicles stabbed into Huang Tan's flying body, penetrating right through his Divine bodily defenses.

More blood splashed out, Ice Law essence causing even more damage to Huang Tan's internal body.

At that moment, Kali's eyes shined with a cruel light. She rapidly flapped her Draconic Ice Wings, shooting forward in a luminous stream of icy blue light.

She reached just a few short meters from Huang Tan within moments.

And just when Kali was about to smack her palm down at him, Huang Tan suddenly shielded his face, abruptly stopping his soaring momentum.

His grass energy aura intensified to blinding degrees. Within his internal body and Inner World, his Grass Law Marks trembled as if they were on the verge of breaking apart!

'Divine Flower Dome!"

As Huang Tan's Divine aura suddenly increased, a massive Divine Flower erupted from under him, shooting miles high into the skies.

It completely engulfed him and Kali.

Within the Divine Flower Dome, Kali had to stop, feeling a small sense of prowess. Her vision was filled with green from both the glow of the Flower Dome and the grass aura radiating from Huang Tan's body.

She instantly analyzed, 'I can sense a growing of power from this guy. With this, he probably expects me not to break it within time and fall into some kind of trap. Heh. Too hopeful.' Kali indifferently sneered.

Her right palm clenched into a fist, pulled back, and was engulfed by a mix of Sage Qi and Ice Law essence.

The energies transformed her arm into a huge Ice Draconinc Palm!

Swiping her arm right towards the Divine Flower Dome, the Ice Draconinc Palm soared at speeds naked to any peak Mortal cultivator's eyes.


The Divine Flower Dome completely froze over before rapidly shattering into particles of icy lights!

Revealing back to the audience, all were shocked to see Huang Tan kneeling on the floor, continually bleeding out.

But Kali wasn't done.

She could sense another rise of energy from within Huang Tan.

Putting a stop to it, Kali waved her right palm and sent it down, causing the remaining particles of icy light to stab into Huang Tan.

Huang Tan could barely move at this moment; he had zeroes ways to resist.

The particles of icy light tore into his flesh without mercy. And moments later, the Ice Law essence overpowered his energies reserves, causing him to become briefly engulfed in a frozen ice cube.

,m Before his life aura completely slipped away, Kali waved her hand once again and shattered the ice cube.

Huang Tan's eyes were devoid of consciousness. He collapsed over onto the metal stage like a broken doll.

His body hit the ground with a soft thud, the noise of it striking the whole audience to their very cores.

Kali recalled her powers, basking in the suffocating silence, genuinely smiling that she caused such a stifling scene.

Moments later, however, the audience erupted like an earth-shaking volcano!

"The sixth princess is an absolute master with Ice Laws! She has skills I don't even see in Great Divine Sea experts!!"

"A genius Ice Divine Mortal! Our Huang Dragon is on an unprecedented rise that can storm through the whole God Galaxies!"

"The sixth princess is an Ice Dragon. While the seventh prince is a Lightning Dragon. They're a perfect duo. Hahahaha!! I like to see those Phoenxies suppress us now!"

Wild laughter erupted, cheers were thrown, all was becoming increasingly fervent.

The concept of two Divine Mortals was mind-shocking, world-breaking, a miracle that should be impossible!

Yet right before everyone's eyes, two Divine Mortals geniuses took the world by storm.

In the coming history, these two battles will be impossible to forget for numerous generations.

Nearly the whole atmosphere was bustling with hope and joy.

However, at the royal descendent section, a curious somber atmosphere gradually engulfed them all.

Complex emotions whirled in their eyes as they gazed down at Kali's proudly tall form.

Feelings that didn't sit well with them arose from their souls.

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It was a bit puzzling.

With Cain, they only felt admiration, respect, and a wild surge of ambition. They felt as if not all paths were sealed off concerning him.

But Kali?

A strange sense of invisible suffocation grasps their thoughts.

It was as if an invisible hand was breathing down their necks. At that moment, one vivid memory streaked through each of their minds.

Huang Zilong's eyes slowly widened, muttering loud enough so the other royal descendants could hear,  "That's right… that's right! The grievances with Kali are as high as Mt. Tai! What she can't forget, what Cain can't forget, what we all can't forget…that meeting with my father and Elder Laolong…"

The royal descendants went into a slight daze.


Years ago, in the Imperial Chamber, the royal descendants and the Crown Prince needed to and still attend a cultivation allocation meeting.

In here, Dragon Emperor Huang Dilong and Saint Dragon Elder Huang Laolong would delegate the appropriate Inner World resources to the royal descendants.

Naturally, these resources are superior to what any of the royal descendants can possibly gather.

But there was only a select pool Huang Dilong and Laolong could choose from. Meaning that not everyone can gain the highest quality Inner World resource.

Only they have the authority for this task since both Huang Dilong and Laolong's statuses are incomparably special, being the children of Ancient Dragon Emperor Wulong and Ancient Dragon Empress Shi Wei.

What decided who could obtain the highest quality resource would be the number of contribution points they had gathered throughout the course of months.

Contribution points could be gathered through completing missions in Yellow Dragon City or within the imperial palace.

Other methods include finding rare cultivation manuals, other unique resources or forming political connections with various forces throughout their god planet.

This made for fierce competition among the royal descendants, and naturally, factions had formed between each other.

In one such meeting, everyone had gathered for the usual process.

But there was one addition to the meeting, a young Cain and Kali had shown up to the meeting chamber.

Because of the Dragon Rules, Cain and Kali had no choice but to go when they reached a certain age.

It didn't matter what their cultivation level was; gaining contributions points was supposed to be a showcase of their intelligence and other various skills.

But without even a semblance of a foundation to do really anything, how could either Cain or Kali gain even one contribution point?

Thus, when walking into the meeting, Cain and Kali already had gloomy expressions. They were unwilling, inwardly cursing some rigid rules that didn't have any exception.

But the moment they set foot through the door, two prominent figures blocked their paths.

These two people caused a large portion of their nightmares and gave them a sense of stifling suffocation.

Of course, it could only be Huang Dulong and Jaolong.