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The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 435
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Chapter 435: 435

"Young master, Miss Shi is here . The first lady asked me to call you down . "

Lin Jiage’s indifference "um" means that she knows .

Then, he absently prepared to go out of the bedroom and go downstairs . As a result, as soon as he stepped forward, what the servant had just said suddenly flashed in his mind again .

Miss Shi When Shi Yao Soft buns Recently, he frequently sent text messages saying that he wanted to terminate his engagement?!

With the change of these nicknames, Lin Jiage’s heart flashed one by one . The next second, he went back to the room and threw the door on the servant’s face .

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The servant standing at the door, staring at the suddenly closed door in front of him, was stunned for a long time . Then he raised his head and knocked on the door: "young master? Young master

The servant called several times, but there was no response . Helpless, she had to turn around and go downstairs to ask for instructions from the first lady .


In the bedroom, Lin Jiage locked the door one second before and walked around the room one second later .

How did she come to his house What’s she doing here? Is it because he didn’t reply to her text message and came to ask him in person when he was going to break his engagement with her?

Do you want to be in such a hurry? As the saying goes, he and she are not husband and wife, but the unmarried couple are half husband and wife, not to mention six and a half years I don’t know the kindness of hundreds of days . Why did she force her so hard?

No, no, he can’t see her

With this idea, just emerged in Lin Jiage’s mind, the door of his bedroom was knocked again .

This time, it was no longer the servant’s voice, but Lin Jiayi’s elegant voice: "Jiage? Lin Jiage

Just as she called him twice, she became impatient: "Lin Jiage, I warn you, don’t challenge my patience . I see that you’ve come to my uncle’s face, and now you’re not angry . I count three . If you don’t roll out for me, I’ll use unusual means . . . "

"Three . . . "

It’s not always said that the elder sister loves the younger brother, and the elder brother loves the younger sister Why didn’t he feel pain and love on Lin Jiayi?

Lin Jiage heard that Lin Jiayi had been counting outside . He looked left and right for two seconds . Then he went into the dressing room and quickly changed into a new suit .

"Two . . . "

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Two wool, two, I think you are a capital two Lin Jiage thought, and put his cell phone and wallet into his pocket .

"One . . . " With the completion of this number, Lin Jiayi followed closely and said: "Yao Yao, you come up, Lin Jiage said, he has something to tell you . . . "

Because the door of the bedroom was closed after going up and down the stairs, Lin Jiage couldn’t hear the voice of Shiyao, but then he heard Lin Jiayi lower her voice and get to the front of the door with a proud voice: "if you have the ability, Yao Yao is coming, don’t open the door . "

Does he look like one of those incompetent people? Lin Jiayi, which eye did she see that he was incompetent?

Lin Jiage disdained twice in the bottom of his heart, and then went to the dressing room .

Along the way, he quickly calculated in his mind that the height of his window to the ground is about four meters . If he jumps down on the balcony, it will be equal to two meters . According to the calculation of free landing Acceleration Landing impact It seems that they are all within the acceptable range

[young man, what is this to do? There are still three hours to go before Monday, and there are still ten thousand votes to recommend, so the number of votes this week is more than 70W .

the number of votes in this week’s election is more than 70W