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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 119: Residents in the woods
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Hagrid led them to the edge of the forbidden forest, pointed a path hidden in the forest, and said to them: "Since you are curious about what's in the forest... then go!"

Albert and several people looked into the forest one after another. In their vision was a dead forest. A cold wind blew from the forest, causing the four of them to shiver and shiver.

"Hagrid, don't you prepare?" Albert asked aloud. He thought that Hagrid would take a weapon and enter the forbidden forest with his bare hands.

"Ready?" Hagrid tilted his head, as if thinking about what Albert meant. For a moment, he patted his chest with the big palm of his fan and believed: "As long as you are with me, no creatures in the forbidden forest will hurt you."

Albert gave Hagrid a thumbs up and praised: "It seems that not everyone can be a hunting ground keeper."

"That's natural."

Hagrid walked ahead, and Albert and the others quickly followed.

There was a dead silence in the woods, thick snow accumulated on the ground, and the movement of the short-legged people was greatly hindered, making it particularly difficult to walk.

"It's a shame that you want to catch rabbits in this environment." Albert pulled his boots out of the snow, and he could feel the snow pouring into the boots.

"Catch a rabbit?" Hagrid stopped and turned to look at Albert and his party. "Catch what rabbit."

"Nothing. The last time we came here, we found a hare." George muttered, "We are going to go fishing in the Black Lake recently."

"Hagrid, where are you taking us?" Fred glared at George and asked, turning the subject away.

"Take you around and learn about the forbidden forest." Hagrid pointed to the surrounding snowfields. "It's always been like this, you know."

"I heard that there are giant monsters in the Forbidden Forest." Li Qiaodan asked suddenly, "Is this true?"

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"Forest monsters? They are in the depths of the forbidden forest. It may take a few days to walk." Hagrid said confidently. "Even if you encounter giant monsters, you don't have to worry. I can defeat them with my bare hands. ."

"Is there really a troll here?" Albert said in surprise.

In fact, Albert didn't doubt whether Hagrid could ever fight a giant monster. After all, the blood of a giant belonged to a figure who could walk sideways in the forbidden forest.

"There used to be, and there are many more. After Dumbledore took over as the principal, he decided to drive the trolls far away from Hogwarts. He didn't like those stupid ones." Hagrid explained, "Giant It's stupid and dangerous to most students."

"I think the principal knew that there would be students who were curious to enter the woods, so he drove away all the dangers nearby to avoid students from accidents." Fred guessed.

"It makes sense." Several people agreed.

"What I am more curious about is, how can there be a road here?" Albert pointed to the fork in the road ahead, "It's not like a beast path."

"Most of the roads here are mine." Hagrid said proudly. "Of course, some of them were actually animal trails."

For the next period of time, Hagrid kept taking them around in the forest without encountering any danger or seeing any magical creatures.

There are no so-called fierce beasts in the woods, and there are no curious and interesting things, and some are just falling into the cold and dead silence of winter.

It reminds Albert of the adventures he has seen before. Behind the thrilling adventures, there are often boring journeys day and night.

In the dense bushes, there is a rare open space, and the sun shines from among the branches, reflecting a golden area on the open space.

Albert's gaze fell under an old pine oak, where there was an unnatural uplift. He walked over, pushed aside the snow layer, and dug a mushroom out of it?

No, it's not like a mushroom, this thing should be called a mushroom.

"Hagrid, do you think this thing can be eaten?" Albert handed Hagrid to find the mushroom.

"This? What are you doing with this thing?" Hagrid couldn't help but scratched his head, but he nodded and explained, "Yes, it tastes okay, but I don't eat this thing. It is usually only available in winter, and in quantity. It's relatively rare, and it's very hard to dig."

Don't eat this stuff?

Albert's mouth twitched, staring at the thing on his hand, he thought it was a bit like...

"What are you digging for?" George asked curiously.

"Nothing. I heard that this thing is delicious to bake." Albert gave a light cough, bent down and sculpted a smaller one in the snow. He directly used his wand to turn a branch into a bag, threw the dug into the bag, and stuffed it back into the robe pocket.

"Bake, delicious?" Hagrid raised his eyebrows. "I haven't tried it."

"Ahem." Albert changed the subject. "Hagrid, did you take us around the forest?"

"The Forbidden Forest is so big that I can't walk for a few days." The embarrassment on Hagrid's face was hidden under his beard, and no one else could see it.

After walking for a while, Albert heard the sound of gurgling water in the distance. There is a stream nearby, and it hasn't been frozen?

Hagrid suddenly stopped and raised his hand to signal the people behind him to stop. He stared at the figure not far away and shouted, "Who is there, come out."

"Hagrid? Why are you here?" The one who spoke was a witch who seemed to know Hagrid.

"Are you?" Hagrid was a little embarrassed on his face, apparently forgot the other's name.

Albert looked at the visitor curiously. This was a witch with short gray hair and a protruding jaw.

"Wilmina Grapland." The witch introduced herself: "We have met several times."

"Oh, hello, Grapland." Hagrid patted his head awkwardly. He had seen each other several times where Professor Keitelber was. Grapland was also an expert in magical biology and occasionally communicated with each other. .

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"Hagrid, what are you doing here?" The witch Grapland's eyes fell on the four students behind Hagrid. "They are students at Hogwarts!"

"This..." Hagrid was embarrassed and didn't know what to say. He obviously didn't comply with the rules when taking Albert into the woods.

"Ahem, ma'am, actually Hagrid brought us here to dig matsutake mushrooms." Albert took out what he had just dug out of his pocket, "By the way, satisfy our curiosity."

"Matsutake?" Grapland's gaze fell on the mushroom in Albert's hand, and he looked at Hagrid suspiciously.

The latter nodded awkwardly, pretending that it was like this.

Grapland did not continue to ask. She was not a professor at Hogwarts, and she didn't have much to say in this regard. After chatting with Hagrid for a few moments, she left and was ready to visit Professor Kettlebo.

"What is that lady doing here?" George asked curiously.

"In order to visit Professor Kettlebo, they are experts in magical creatures. I have met Professor Kettlebo several times." Hagrid scratched his head and said, "I heard that Professor Kettlebo's bird The snake eggs have hatched, and I am going to give her a few."

"By the way, you guy can really squeeze a lie casually?" Fred looked at Albert angrily, "It seems that I can't believe your nonsense in the future."

"My name is wit~www.mtl.com~ understand?" Albert repeatedly emphasized. "Do you know what wit is?"

"Also, we did dug matsutake. It is said that it tastes good when grilled on charcoal, if you can dig some." Albert has never tasted the taste of matsutake. He is a little curious that grilled matsutake is as good as the rumors. .

"Ahem, that's not the point. Why is that witch going to visit Professor Keitelberg?" Fred said curiously. "Does the conservation magical biology professor live in the forest?"

"Professor Kettlebo is indeed temporarily living in the forest." Hagrid gave a dry cough and reminded: "However, I think we should go back."

"Didn't it mean that the forbidden forest is dangerous?" Lee Jordan asked rhetorically.

"Professor Keitelberg lives on the outskirts of the forest. The magical creatures he raises need empty space for activity." Hagrid coughed lightly, "Well, I think we should go back."

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