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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 112: Who is here
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The three pushed away the portrait of the fat lady and crawled out of the hole.

"Who is it, I'm still going out at this time." The fat lady opened her dim eyes, scanned three leaving shadows, and muttered dissatisfiedly.

The three of Albert did not say a word, and walked quickly in the corridor, toward the corridor where the tapestry where the giant stick beat Barnabas was.

"Is the place you talking about here?" George looked at the wall opposite the tapestry and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, right here, you need to concentrate on thinking about the venue you need, and walk across the wall three times, and a door will appear on the wall." Albert motioned for the twins to stand aside, and then began to concentrate and prepare. Open the entrance of the responsive house.

However, when he passed the wall three times, he found no door appeared on the wall.

"No door?" Fred and George both looked at Albert with doubts.

Albert looked at the wall opposite the tapestry and fell into a brief silence. Before the twins could speak again, he stretched out his hand and gave them a push to signal everyone to leave here quickly.

"what happened?"

After the three of them walked forward for some distance, Fred stopped and asked puzzledly, "Are you..."

"There are people inside, and there are people in the room upon request." Albert said affirmatively, "We can't open the door from outside unless you can guess the room where the person inside is."

"Are you sure it's not the way you opened it." George asked suspiciously.

"Impossible, I have been in several times." Albert shook his head, "And, I don't have to deceive you, it's meaningless to do so."

The twins looked at each other and thought that Albert didn't need to make a joke at this time, and the other side didn't seem to be joking.

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"Who do you think is inside?" George asked curiously.

"I don't know, it's probably a couple. After all, it's a great place for couples to date, and no one will bother." Albert casually said, "However, there should be very few people who know this place."

"Why?" Fred asked puzzledly.

"Will you be willing to share secrets with too many people?" George couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"That's right." Albert said, "The House of All Requests is a magical place. What kind of place you need, it will provide you with a place."

"Is it so magical?" the two said in unison.

"Otherwise?" Albert whispered. "Try another time. Of course, if you don't believe me, then I'm lying to you."

"Why don't you believe it?" Fred said, "there will be our secret base from now on."

"Have you figured out how to use it?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"No." George thought for a while, "At least, when we go out at night, we don't need to worry about being left in the lounge overnight."

"Look, you're so promising." Fred despised.

"What about you?" Albert asked rhetorically.

"I... haven't figured it out yet." Fred muttered.

"You are ashamed to say me." George despised.

"What about you?" The two looked at Albert together.

"Me?" Albert paused. "In the future, you can make potions, practice magic, find a quiet place to do your homework, or make something. You can come here."

"You can find a urinal here when you are holding back urine."

"It's okay for a date."

"Say, do you have a girl you like, ready to drop George." Albert asked righteously.

"Why do you say that I am abandoned?" George looked speechless.

"Don't make trouble." Fred couldn't help rolling his eyes and turning away from the subject: "Let's take you to other places first. We know many hidden secrets. Let's go to the library later!"

"Okay, that's a good idea." Albert Tau agreed with the twins' proposal and could take the opportunity to improve the progress of exploring Hogwarts.

As for who is using the Room on Demand, Albert does not think it is a certain couple. Although this possibility cannot be ruled out, he has other ideas in his mind.

Who is the most suspicious of Hogwarts?

The answer is undoubtedly Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Although Bud Brod left a good impression on Albert, who made every Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts professor suspicious:

From Voldemort's minions, writers part-time liar, werewolves, fake former Aurors, true undercover agents, Ministry of Magic toads who deliberately look for things, Mr. Double Agents, to the last Death Eaters siblings.

In fact, Albert would doubt Professor Browder because they had encountered Professor Browder here.

Could it be Voldemort's minions again?

Albert started to think about things, but quickly got rid of this thought.

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If they were Death Eaters, few would be willing to talk to a Muggle wizard. After all, it is an indisputable fact that Death Eaters hate Muggle wizards.

"This way..." Fred led the way. The three stopped in front of the knight statue, and the two showed Albert how to use the password to open the secret passage.

For most of the rest of the time, the three had been wandering around the castle. Albert was very satisfied with the current progress of the exploration. After George showed him the secret passage leading to the castle, he couldn't help wondering whether Sirius Black sneaked into the castle through this secret passage a few years later.

"Pippi is on the third floor. You said we should use it to wake Filch." When Fred stopped to check the map, he suddenly proposed, "It must be interesting to let Filch get up and look around for us. , He should have just slept not long."

The two looked at Albert together, waiting for his opinion.

"Okay, but where are you going to hide? Don't tell me, you are going to hide and seek with Filch in the castle." Albert agreed.

"We can make some trouble for Filch, and there is your phantom spell, he must not catch us." Fred took out a bag of dung bullets from his pocket and blinked at Albert. , It seems that this guy is here prepared.

"Well, what are you going to do."

"You will be invisible first, then look at me." Fred disappeared as soon as he slipped.

"Come on!" Albert raised his wand and tapped George's head lightly. The latter trembled, and was surprised to find that his body merged with his surroundings.

"It's so cool." George checked his body with the help of a glowing curse, and said excitedly, "I dare say that even if he is standing under Filch's nose, he will definitely not be able to catch me."

"It's better not to take the risk~www.mtl.com~ My phantom spell is not too smart." Albert reminded him after using the phantom spell to himself, "If Filch can identify it carefully, he can still find it."

As soon as the two said a few words, they heard Pippi’s roar from the other side of the corridor, “Students don’t sleep, they wander around in the middle of the night.”

"Last time, when we were out at night, we met Pepy Ghost. That guy did just that." George blinked at Albert. However, he forgot that he had a phantom spell on his body, and other people couldn't see the expression on his face at all.

Soon, Fred ran over here in a hurry, was grabbed by George's hand, and dragged into the secret tunnel behind the portrait.

"It's so cool, I didn't even find you." Fred looked at the bodies of the two of them, and said excitedly, "Albert, hurry up and use the Illusion Charm on me."


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