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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 111: Exchange secrets
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In the early morning, Albert had just woke up from his light sleep, and his surroundings were dark. He could not determine what time it was, but he could clearly feel the shallow breathing of other roommates around him.

Albert got off the bed quietly, preparing to change his clothes, when a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"We thought you would sleep till dawn."

"So, George, you lost." Fred sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his twin brother with a smile. "I said long ago that Albert will wake up."

"Well, you won." George was a little depressed and nodded.

"Good evening." Albert put a sweater on himself, looked at the two roommates and asked, "Together?"

"of course."

"Unfortunately, Lee Jordan really fell asleep!"

"What should I do, do you want to wake him up?"

The two lit their wands, raised them to the other bed, looked at the roommate who was breathing evenly, and shook their heads together: "Give up, I can't wake up!"

"Then don't wake him up." Albert was putting thick clothes on himself, wrapping the towel Nya gave him around his neck, and reminded him: "It's very cold at night, dress well. Clothes, lest you catch a cold!"

"We were prepared." This is not the first time for the twins to travel at night. They have more experience than Albert.

The three quietly went downstairs, Gryffindor’s common room was empty, and the fire had long gone out.

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"I will use the phantom spell for you now?" Albert adjusted his winter cloak briefly, then raised his wand and said to the twins beside him: "Wait a minute, stay close when you go out, don't lose it. Up."

"Where are you going?" Fred asked curiously, "No books area?"

"Yes, I am going to borrow some books there." Albert did not deny his peeping into the forbidden book area, lowered his voice, "The Book of Spells, and... "Powerful Potion", or other potions books , I’m actually very interested in Fu Ling Ji. Relevant records can definitely be found in the banned book area."

"Are you going to boil good luck?" The twins looked at each other and said in unison.

"It's still a bit difficult now, but it will definitely be possible in the future. I have confidence in my potion level." Albert has a skill panel, so he is naturally confident.

Fu Ling Ji is a good thing, he will not give up easily.

"Could it be that you plan to make a fortune by selling blessing potions in the future?" The twins looked at each other, "I dare to say that they will sell well. When that happens, remember to pick up us and make a fortune together."

"This is a good idea. You can sell it for 20 gallons or even higher in a small bite." Albert murmured, "The potions of both of you are in a mess. It is estimated that you can only get poison."

"one small mouth!"

"Twenty gallons!"

The twins' tone of voice rose instantly, as if they had heard something unbelievable, completely ignoring the second half of Albert.

"The value of the blessing potion is indeed very high, but it is also very difficult to make, and the process is very complicated. It is said that only advanced potions masters can make it. There is a market and it is priceless. After all, most people need "lucky" "At the time." Albert reminded, "However, it is very complicated to boil it. Once it is mistaken, the consequences will be unimaginable. Even a master cannot guarantee that it will succeed. Failure means three months of hard work. It's freaking out."

In fact, Albert knew that the elixir could not bring real "good luck", but he needed the effect of the elixir, and drinking it was equivalent to adding a powerful buff to himself.

To a certain extent, everything goes well as a kind of "good luck."

The most important thing is that he has a skill panel and a pool of experience. He has mastered the skills first. When necessary, he can change his body and instantly become an expert in making blessings.

The blessing potion undoubtedly aroused the interest of the twins, a potion that can make people lucky, and it can also be sold for a large amount of money. If they really master it, it means making a fortune. Although they do not deliberately pursue wealth, they are also very clear. What is it like to be poor.

If you can have money, no one wants to be poor.

"Okay, I'm going to use the phantom spell." Albert looked at the two and asked, "Who will come first."

"No, you don't need to use the phantom spell, we have a better way."

"A better way?" Albert naturally knows what they mean by better way, but this time he should pretend that he doesn't know anything.

"Use this." The twins conjured an old piece of parchment from their pockets and shook them in front of Albert like a treasure.

"What is this?" Albert lowered his voice, deliberately making his tone sound suspicious, lest he reveal any flaws, he didn't know about the map.

In fact, the surroundings are very dim, and Fred and George would not notice the expression on Albert's face.

"Map, do you remember the good things we both got from Filch's "confiscated supplies, highly dangerous" drawer?" Fred reminded.

"Oh, this is what you got from Filch, a piece of old parchment?" Albert lifted his wand and moved to the old parchment. There was nothing on it.

"Invisible magic or invisible ink?"

"This is a map. The map of Hogwarts. It requires a special password to use. But you are right. It can hide the information inside." George raised his wand and clicked on the map, muttering: "I am solemn Swear that I did nothing good."

"I didn't do a good thing?" Albert felt a little wanting to laugh, but he nodded seriously, "I really didn't do a good thing."

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Changes soon appeared on the map, and countless inks and interlaced lines outlined a map of the castle.

"It's really a wonderful map. It's not difficult to see the good intentions of the maker." Albert whispered, "There is also a very advanced tracking magic on it."

"What magic?" George asked puzzled.

"Tracking magic." Albert explained. "The maker used tracking magic on the map, and his accomplishments are not low."

"Yes, he will mark the location of everyone in the castle." Fred blinked at Albert and said, "Just after twelve o'clock, Filch really got up and patrolled around, trying to catch It’s a pity to live with you...You weren't awake at the time, so he ran for nothing."

"So... you know that the locations of those secret passages are also related to this map?" Albert asked, narrowing his eyes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Yes, it is indeed known from the live spot map." The twin brothers whispered: "Don't tell Lee Jordan about this for now."

"I know." Albert expressed his understanding. "However, I think there are some secrets in the school. You definitely don't know."

"What's the secret?" the twins said in unison.

"The broom cabinet you were looking for earlier." Albert said mysteriously.

"Have you found the broom cabinet?"

"That's not the broom cabinet, come with me." Albert smiled mysteriously, "You will be surprised later."


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