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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 107: Christmas
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The Anderson family’s original skiing plan for the Christmas holiday is cancelled. Luke and Sansa will come over to spend Christmas together. No one in the family complains about this. They are not too enthusiastic about skiing itself.

On Christmas Eve, Albert saw Herb wandering outside Nia's room and seemed to be considering whether to put the gift on his daughter's bedside table.

"Santa Claus is out of fashion now." Albert motioned to Herb to put the Christmas present next to the Christmas tree downstairs.

"I told him about it." Daisy in her pajamas looked helplessly at the two people in the hallway, and shook her head to remind, "You also hurry back to sleep, don't stay up late, you have to get up in the morning to open Christmas Gifts."

The next day, Albert was awakened by Nia early in the morning.

No way, Tom's cat face was leaning against his face, and Albert was completely sleepy.

"I didn't find the Christmas gift you gave." Niya asked for it.

"Here, I haven't had time to put it beside the Christmas tree." Albert reached out and pushed Tom's face away. After doing it, he took out a well-packed box from the drawer and handed it to Nia.

"Where is mine?" he asked. The two siblings would give each other Christmas gifts long ago.

"Next to the Christmas tree downstairs." Niya opened the package, picked up the badge and asked, "It's beautiful, by the way, what kind of bird is this?"

"Phoenix, you can also call it a fire bird or a phoenix. It is said that Principal Dumbledore raised one. However, I did not see the phoenix." Albert took out a small dried fish from the drawer and handed it to Tom said in front of him, "And your Christmas present."

As he said, he tore open the wrapping paper, pulled out a small dried fish from it, shook it in front of Tom, and easily attracted his attention.

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However, when Albert was about to put the dried fish in his mouth, Tom's face came closer and he made an anxious meow.

"This guy is too bad, Tom, we won't play with him anymore." Niya put the badge in her pocket, reached out and picked up the cat, took the bag of dried fish and went downstairs, leaving Albert alone. , Holding a small dried fish alone.

"White Christmas!" Albert got out of bed and came to the window, stretched out his hand to open the curtains, and looked at the snow falling outside, with emotion.

When he went downstairs, Albert couldn't help but look under the Christmas tree, where there were still a bunch of small packages. Niya is already sitting at the table and unpacking her own package, so...the rest is all hers?

Albert walked under the Christmas tree and started unpacking:

A few books, a few greeting cards, and a Quidditch poster. Well, it was from the Weasley brothers. Although Albert didn’t know who the group of guys in this poster were, he planned to take it back to school. Posted in the dormitory, the poster should be the team supported by the twin brothers. Albert took a look at a small bag of sweets. It was given by Shanna and thanked him for his help at the beginning of school. Lee Jordan gave him a box of Bibi Duo beans.

There is also a Metamorphosis Today, but it is a past issue. Albert looked at the sender and it was actually sent by Professor McGonagall.

Albert is curious, Professor McGonagall will give himself Christmas gifts?

Then a scarf?

"How?" Niya asked nervously, "I picked this color."

"It's beautiful." Albert wrapped the scarf directly around his neck, it was warm, off-white children's style, okay! He is only twelve years old and a child, so he has nothing to complain about.

The rest was either candy or books. Albert was not surprised to receive the books. It was like this before.

The breakfast was very rich, but the Andersons did not eat immediately. Instead, they waited until Luke and Sansa came over. At about 10:30, the family of six had breakfast with Christmas songs. After eating, they lay down on the sofa while watching TV. The show, while chatting about some relaxing topics.

Niya originally hoped that Albert could perform magic, but Albert did not agree after considering it.

To be honest, he still doesn't know how the traces of the Ministry of Magic is going. Although they have asked other people, they are not quite clear about the principle of traces.

Under normal circumstances, it should be before the summer vacation for the first grade to receive the notice that magic is prohibited outside the school.

However, Albert did not want to take risks. It is undoubtedly unwise to rush into legal loopholes without preparation.

Although you don’t use magic, you can do a lot of things, play wizard chess, or talk about interesting things.

However, in terms of wizard chess, it is clear that no one is Albert's opponent.

After Herb lost another game, he temporarily gave up playing wizard chess with his son.

Fortunately, Daisy brought out a large bowl of freshly fried French fries from the kitchen, giving him a good excuse to end the game.

"Tom, don't tease Xuela, be careful of being pecked." When Albert went to wash his hands, he took the shorthair cat away from the owl by the way, still muttering in his mouth: "Did I take the wrong name, it It should be called Jerry, Tom and Jerry, what a great combination."

"Shera sounds better." Niya couldn't help but reminded.

After Albert came back from washing his hands, he heard a scream, and Tom, who had cheap paws, was finally pecked by the owl.

Sheryl obviously didn't intend to let Tom go, and chased him with a fierce peck. With full combat effectiveness, Tom was embarrassed and could only hide under the sofa.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

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Sansa pulled some owl food for Snow, then bent down, picked up Tom under the sofa, and soothed his injured heart with dried fish.

"Tom is getting fatter." Niya took out the birthday present Albert gave herself and showed it to others.

"It's nice for a cat to be fat." Sansa smiled and scratched Tom's chin. "You said it's Tom."

"When will it fly?" Niya raised her hand and poked the Griffin, "And, does our world really have such a creature?"

"Yes. But they are said to be in unknown places." Albert was putting the fries dipped in tomato sauce into his mouth.

"That group of people in the wizarding world are like this~www.mtl.com~ Why should they hide like mice?" Daisy sat next to Herb, the two leaned together.

"After all, the number of wizards is small, and most ordinary people are afraid of more power than they know." It was Luke who opened the mouth to answer.

In fact, many people fear magic while admiring others possessing magic. Then, for various reasons, they treat magical people as monsters and find reasons to persecute them. Humans are such creatures.

Tom was lying on the table, staring at the toy with its wings spread, and fiddled with it with his claws.

"Albert, have you read the book I picked for you?" Daisy asked suddenly.

"I have finished reading, a very good book." Albert headed up, "It's a pity that the book is only from the book after all."


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