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Tattooed Luna

Chapter 356
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Chapter 356

Chapter 0356 Colt POV “You look like you haven’t slept these last two days.” Just looking at Jacob, his eyes were sunken, he was quick to anger and he was even fidgety. “I think you mean three days.” Jacob rolled his eyes at me. It was in fact Thursday. The last three days have been a bust. There was no direction to go on so we have been mapping out sections and going through them with a fine tooth comb. My warriors were searching as well but still, we have cup short Ice’s luna ceremony was in two days, so Penny has been working around the clock to make sure everything is perfect for her. This was a different view on things. Growing up, I knew Ice had assistants and I saw how much she worked to get things done. However, I never once thought about all the work Penny put into it. Now, the front row seat to her craziness has shownexactly how hard she truly works. Never once does Penny complain. Exactly the opposite, she does it without even thinking about it. She never is tired or complained once. Lately, I’ve struggled with the idea of wanting her to slow down and relax more but she seems to enjoy this. On minimal, I will have a talk with Ice about doing the sfor Penny’s ceremony. “I’m surprised you even knew the difference.” I tried joking with him. Jacob just looked atlike I was st upid.

“What do you wantto say?” Jacob sighed and faced the woods but I don’t think he saw anything. “The truth. How are you handling things? I know that was a blow but like Penny said, we don’t think it was meant to hurt you.” We both truly believed that. Did she omit things… yes. Did she lie to us and because she is hiding something to help them… no. +25 BONUS “I don’t know. Like, I knew she wasn’t a virgin and it honestly tooka long tto get her to relax around me. Even to comfortably hold my hand was a struggle. I completely understood and never once did I push it. We both had to learn to adapt to what the other person needed but I thought she told me

everything. I thought she spilled all her secrets toin private.” “Jacob, have you even spilled all your secrets to her?” I gave him a look. I was ready to call b ulls hit on anything but no. “That’s not the same. I never had a mate before her.” Jacob bent down and picked up what looked like a T.V. remote but it was covered -in mud. “She couldn’t help what the Moon Goddess gave her. Probably why she was so scared when she found you at the party and Darin cout. He knew she was once mated to his gamm a and then she got another ga mma at his rival. He would have never allowed her to be given to us if she knew anything.” Trying to reason with him might be futile but I was going to try. “Or he thought she would never say anything because of fear.” “Regardless, you can’t live on what if. Has she started therapy?” I didn’t want to push but I needed my beta back. “I made her start the next day. They have had two, two hour sessions.” Jacob nodded his head as he kicked around sleaves. “ALPHA!” I heard one of my warriors yell out from my right. “Con.” Slapping him on the chest, we jogged over to where my warrior was standing. He was looking at an old Victorian style home. Wooden boards covered the windows, paint was almost completely gone and the entire house looked like it was leaning, slightly to the +25 BONUS “Everyone stay here. It looks unstable.” I commanded as Jacob and I walked up to his. First, we walked around the entire house. A basement window was broke but I doubt even Penny could fit through it. Inanimate objects were sc attered around the yard to the point it could pass for an actual junk yard but with trash. A chair here and a broken bedfrthere. Everything had a covering of vines that toldit had been awhile. since anything here was placed. +25 BONUS