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Tattooed Luna

Chapter 323
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Chapter 323

Chapter 0323 “Are you trying to make us later?” Colt asked as he squeezed my as s. “Just trying to make you in a good mood.” “I’m in skind of mood. I might have to keep you pregnant if this is what I get.” Ignoring that comment, I whispered in his ear as we turned the corner. There was a large crowd gathered in front already. “I’m not wearing panties.” Sitting back in my seat, Colt fought with himself to keep his eyes from turning black as he pulled up. We were already so late. My door opened as a warrior held out his hand for me. “Luna.” He nodded.

Feeling rather flirty and proud of myself, I held my head high with confidence as I walked up to the rest of the gang. “Cutting it close, aren’t we?” Kristen looked disapproving at he ch before looking at Colt. “Not the time, Kristen.” Apparently, I was unsuccessful in getting in a good mood. Kristen raised an eyebrow at her. Her face was said all it needed to about how she felt about that answer. Alec put a hand on her back, keeping her from speaking again. “Colt! Are you ready to proceed? I can only stall for so long.” The new reporter cover. She was fluffing her hair and smiling too big for my liking. “Yes, we are ready to get started.” I said as I walked in front of him. She lookedup and down before smirking. “Good. Get in line. Colt 13 “She will stand beside me.” Colt said and pulledbeside him. Kristen was thoroughly enjoying the show and Alec walked up behind her. Jasper and Emmy stood slightly behind Kristen and Jacob and Sherry stood slightly behind us. “Little crowded but hey, if you want it to look weird…” She turned her back around and the camera man held up his fingers..

3.2.1. Go! “Good evening. We are here for the grand re-opening of Fang Licks. We have owners, Colt Jeffrey and Kristen Andrews. After closing due to unknown causes, they have decided to reopen!” She turned and looked at Colt. “Can you tell us why you decided to close the club? It was rumored there was structural issues.” “Actually, we had a death in the family and even though the new reports false information, we are where to open things back up. Family is everything to us. We appreciate all the support we have received and will continue to only provide high quality services.” didn’t wait for the reporter to say another word before he grabbed th scissors and cut the red ribbon. A round of applause echoed down the street. “I think we are done here. Thanks for coming.” Kristen said firmly and a little b itchy. The reporter opened her mouth to say something but Kristen got their first. “Goodbye.” Turning, Kristen walked into the club. Jasper and Jacob were holding the doors at this point for us to slip in. As soon as we were in, they allowed the staff to cin and then firmly closed the doors again. “Thank you all for coming. As you can see, we have renovated it. Please get accustom to the changes. Doors open to the public in a few hours.” Colt said with a big fake smile on his face. All this The staff all went off into their separate directions and we headed to the office area. I hung back a little and checked all the decor. The dance floor was a polished wood but I had a scuffed wood flooring. placed everywhere else. Part ofwanted to put carpet down but with all the spilled drinks, I wanted to avoid any smells, stains or growth of bacteria. Plus, men peed everywhere. This way, it was easier for them to get mopped everything night. The employee room. was looking amazing with their own fridge and tables. Lockers with locks and there was a list of cleaning duties out for people to do. Part ofleft like this wasn’t my place. Colt and Kristen always handled all this, mainly Colt but seeing as he has been too occupied, I took it over. Life still goes on, even if you are fighting to save your sister. I think that is why Kristen and I always made such a great team. She worried about the big pictures and I remembered all the small details that needed to not get forgotten.