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Tattooed Luna

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30

Chapter 0030 “Ms. Kris! Its been awhile!” The hostess smiled as I walked in. “Too long!” I laughed. “Con, I got a table for you two.” “Thanks, Ira!” “Anytime!” She waved as she walked away. I hated sitting withback to the door but I guess the alphal in 2 Alec made it so he needed that seat. Sighing. I sat down. “Chere a lot?” Alec lifted his eyebrow at me. “Occasionally.” He tried to handa menu did I shook my head. “Creature of habit. I like what I like.” “Alpha Alec. Its good to see you again. How are you?” A waitress that I hadn’t seen before put her hand on his shoulder. Completely ignoring me. “Brittany,” Alecs tone said he was less than impressed. Moving her hand off him, he asked. “When did you

start working here?” “I just turned 18 and cto visit my grandma. They wantedto do to sbirthday party next Friday for sspoiled Alphas kids. Apparently, I need to find my mate.” My eyebrow raised at this. I decided to have sfun. “Birthday party? I heard about that. Do you know who they are?” Leaning back, I faked seeming interested. Brittany finally realized I was here. Pushing Alec over, she sl*pped in. “No idea. I hear there is two of them. Twins. A girl and a guy. The girl is rumored to have genius IQ but have quite the bit chy personality.

The guy is rumored to be f ucking hot and a ladies man.” Sounds about right. “Bi tchy attitude?” “Yeah, I guess she beat up sgirls in the bathroom. They caught her flirting with her man and when they went to ask her to stop, she fl*pped out. Loose cannon. Though, I heard she is ugly so it may not matter. There was a challenge issues and the one girl said she plans on cheating to win.” That surprised me. “How can someone cheat in a challenge?” long. She has a target on her back.” I looked at Alec and I could see his demeanor change. Brittany was clueless. “What else have you heard? This is juicy stuff.” “That’s about it. Oh! I heard she also has a fling with the future Beta. Rumor is, he’s been stepping out and h ooking up with other girls behind her back!” Brittany made a face like this was juicy information. One, I do n;t believe that rumor and two, I didn’t really care if he did. “Interesting. Where do you get this stuff from?” I leaned forward like I was actually interested. “I can’t reveal my sources!” Brittany laughed Ira walked over to us, looking really nervously at me. “Um, Brittany?” “What do you want?” Her tone changed to a pretty ugly one. “Do you realize who she is?” “Just swannabe girl that stands no chance now I’m back in town!” She gavea fake smile. Reaching out my hand, I smiled in a b itchy way. “Hello, my nis Kristen. The female twin and the chick who’s birthday is Friday. I assyou are in Alec’s pack and I think he will agree withwhen I tell you to be at Alpha Marcs office first thing tomorrow morning. They will want to have a word with you.”

Brittany face dropped. It took a second but she finally reached out a shaky hand. “I-I’m so sorry…” “Save it. I really could care less about what you said. Not all of it is true, however I would love to place an order.” “I think I’ll take over from here.” Ira said. Brittany walked off with her head hung. “S hit.” Alec muttered. “I’m so sorry, Kris!” Ira looked nervous. “Don’t sweat it. She actually gave us sinformation.” “Your usual?” Her voice was still shaking with nerves. “Yes, please! Tea with lemon today though.” “Perfect, and you, Alpha Alec?” “I’ll have the brisket special. Water.” He was trying to control his anger. “I’ll bring that right out.” Ira walked away to whom I assumed was the manager. Her hands were in her hips, glaring at Brittany. “You have girls everywhere.” Shaking my head, I crossed my arms over my chest.