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Tattooed Luna

Chapter 256
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Chapter 256

Chapter 0256

“Everyone who surrendered are cuffed and being brought here for processing and will be placed in a cell. Alpha Colt or Alpha Alec will decide when they get here.”

The last part annoyedbut I let it go. “I assJudd was killed.”

“Yes, Luna. He was found dead and is being transferred with everyone else that died.”

“No, pull his b*dy and place by himself. He was not a traitor.”

“Luna?” Peter looked atconfused.

“For the last tPeter, do as I ask or you will not like what happens next.” I was getting a headache and did not appreciate being


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“Yes, Luna.”

“Also, I want a man named Zac brought up to me.”

Peter looked taken aback by this. “Zac?”

“That is correct. If he is here, which I doubt but if he is, I want him brought to me.” I had a hunch.

“I don’t-”

“Asked around Peter, use your brain, figure it out!” I knew my wolf was coming to the surface by this point.

“Yes, Luna.” Peter bowed before walking over to the prisoners.

Three helicopters were racing as they rounded the tree-line. As they got closer, the wind picked up, blowing my hair around my face. The tent sides were whipping anyone who got close but it wasn’t until the

tubes down his throat and out of his arms. His chest had this

massive tube sticking out with blood dripping down to the dirt below. All three of the medical team was covered from the waist down with the sticky red stuff. There was enough blood that madewonder if there was any left in Jasper’s b*dy.

As the three helicopters touched down, the medical team ran towards more medical personnel as they got out. Handing him off, the

helicopter with Jasper took off. I kept watching as more medical people got out but it was the two men that jumped out and starting running towardsthat caused my front to start to crumble.

My legs weren’t moving. As much as I wanted to run to them, I was frozen. Colt hung back as Alec raced on, without breaking eye contact. The only tI finally moved was when Alec reachedand scoopedup. Wrapping myself around him, he huggedtightly. My legs and arms wrapped around him, holding on with everything I had left in me.

“I’m so sorry.” Alec declared in my ear. He pulled back enough to k*sshard before squeezing me tightly again.

“Don’t be. I told them to take me. I’m okay.” I felt a little hysterical feelings start to cup but it was too easy to push them down. That was no who I was and it was not who I wanted to be. Those

feelings would not win. I am stronger than that.

“Did he hurt you?” Alec setdown and pulled the blanket away. His eyes darkened when he realized I was wearing Peter’s shirt.

“I’m fine. My wolf has already been healing me. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”

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“Kristen.” I heard Colt say. Looking over, he looked like he aged thirty




a hug. I could feel the

relief flow through him as he heldclose.

“Why the f uck did you go with them?” Colt letgo and turned angry out of love.

“Because that is what a Luna does for her men. If the roles were

reversed, you would have went without hesitation to save Penny.” Pl Placing my hand on his face, his eyes closed as he nodded.

StStill, don’t do that again.” Colt said.

AlAlec grabbed my arm and forcedto look at him. “I’d rather die hethen watch that again. Do you hear me?”

LoLook at my boys thinking they can control me!” I smiled before giving ihim a little k*ss on the l*ps. “Con, I have so much to tell you.”

GrGrabbing Alec’s hand, I went to walk to somewhere private but I heard mymy nget called out. “LUNA!”