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Talent Swallowing Hero

Chapter 290 [Live Bearing]
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‘The egg is shining, which means it’s about to hatch.’

Leo became slightly surprised when looking at the multi-coloured egg in the Moonlight Unicorn’s second pair of wings.

“Master, since you are not in the city, I temporarily stopped nurturing this egg. However, even without my nurturing, it is about to hatch.”

The Moonlight Unicorn placed the egg on the ground while explaining, “Since master is here, I think it is a good time for the egg to hatch.”

Before Leo entered the Devil Goliath World, he asked the Moonlight Unicorn to use its skill [Moonlight Nurturer] to speed up the incubation period of the multi-coloured spider egg.

However, the Moonlight Unicorn thought it wouldn’t be good if the hatched spiderling didn’t see Leo after coming out from the egg.

Therefore, after four days of nurturing, it stopped nurturing the egg and waited for Leo to arrive.

In the end, the hatchling completed its incubation period and was about to come out. But, to her surprise, the Moonlight Unicorn sensed Leo’s presence and hurriedly brought the shining egg to him.

“Good work.”

Leo caressed the smooth mane of the Moonlight Unicorn and looked at the shining egg.

‘According to the system, the spiderling that comes out of the egg will be a supreme-ranked beast. I wonder what type of skills and talents it will have.’

Since Leo already knew what type of beast was inside the egg, he was curious about the talents and skills.


Soon, cracks started appearing on the shining egg, and a small blade-like leg pierced through the egg shell before a tiny spider crawled out of the egg.

‘Tik tik’

The tiny spider was around the size of a child’s fist and pitch-black in colour. However, three thick stripes of red, blue and green were on its back.

The first thing it did after coming out of the egg was to look at the egg shells.

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However, it didn’t bother to eat them and curiously checked its surroundings before rushing towards Leo.

‘Since I drop my blood on the egg, it would obviously be connected to me.’

Leo was not surprised and checked the information on it.


Hero assessment

Name: Rainbow Spider (Spiderling).

Strength: Level 1 supreme beast hero.

Talent: [Spiderling Protection], [Live Bearing] (Locked).

[Spiderling Protection]: The spiderling will be protected by all energy attacks and physical attacks below Legend-Grade until it becomes an Adult Spider.

[Live Bearing]: The Spider can bear an egg at the start of the day and hatch it by the end of the day. The strength of the hatchlings from those eggs varied from rank 1 to the strength of the Rainbow Spider.

Note: It will be unlocked when the Spiderling becomes an adult Spider.

Skills: None

Bloodline: Royal Spider Queen (Passive).

[Royal Spider Queen]: 1) There is a 50 percent chance that the spider-type beasts and monsters will become loyal to it.

2) The spider-type beasts and monsters will be suppressed by 25 percent. Limited to only normal spiders.

Soon, the complete information about the spiderling soon appeared in front of him, making Leo frown.

‘Only two talents and among which one is locked, and when it is unlocked, the other talent will disappear.’

Since the system mentioned that the spiderling would be a supreme-grade beast, Leo expected it to have some attack-type talents and skills.

However, there were no attack-type talents, and as for the skills, it was even more terrible as there were none.

‘Nevermind, with its [Live-bearing] talent, it could create its own army. At that time, even if it had no attack-type talent, her army would protect her.’

Even though Leo had great expectations of using the Supreme-ranked spider, after seeing there were no attack-type talents or skills, Leo was not much disappointed.

Unlike when he got this supreme-ranked egg, he got a few supreme-ranked followers. So, he didn’t think much about the strength of the Rainbow spider.

Since her army will become his army anyway.

‘However, it is considered the native of this world. Is it because it was born in this world?’

Leo was surprised to see that the system categorized the spiderling as a native; instead of a Monster.

“I wonder how I can grow it into an adult spider in the shortest time possible.”

Looking at the spiderling that settled in his pocket, Leo muttered about it.

“Master, I can use my [Moonlight Nurturer] skill to fasten its growth.”

The Moonlight Unicorn was still standing in his room, and after hearing his words, she suggested using the [Moonlight Nurturer] skill.

“Hm…what about your child? You don’t want to nurture him?”

Leo liked the idea of the Moonlight Unicorn fastening the growth of the spiderling; however, he felt a little bad about her child, who also hatched a couple of weeks back.

“It’s alright, master. He is playful and wants to go out of the city to fight with his pitiful strength. If I nurture him and make him stronger, he would definitely not listen to me anymore.”

The Moonlight Unicorn shook her head and said, “I don’t want him to start fighting so soon and lose him like his father.”

The Moonlight Unicorn had her own share of troubles in this god-forsaken world and wanted her son to avoid the dangers.


Since the Moonlight Unicorn didn’t have any plans to nurture her child, Leo decided to use her [Moonlight Nurturer] skill to fasten the growth of the Spiderling.

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“From now onwards, your name will be Rain.”

Taking the spiderling out of his pocket, Leo gave it a name before saying, “Grow up fast and create your own army before this world’s assessment starts.”

“Tik tik”

The spiderling looked at Leo with confusion in its eight eyes for a moment before nodding.

“What does that mean? Did you understand what I said?”

Leo was surprised to see that the spiderling understood his words.

Previously when the Moonlight Unicorn pony came out of the egg, it had an intelligent look in its eyes; however, it didn’t understand his words.

However, the spiderling clearly understood his words, making Leo remember that it was not a normal spiderling but a supreme-ranked spiderling.

‘No wonder the Spider Queen of the Beastnet wanted to use this spiderling to fight the Flaming Lion King. It seems quite intelligent, and I wonder how powerful it would become when it becomes an adult spider.’

With the ability to give birth to a spiderling daily that might have strength ranging from rank 1 to Spider mother’s strength along with the intelligence, Leo could tell the spiderling might rival the Flaming Lion King if given enough time.

‘Anyway, the Spider Mother in the Beastnet has some crazy nurturing skills to speed up the Rainbow spider’s growth.’

Leo suddenly had a crazy idea, ‘I can kill the Spider Queen and swallow its nurturing skill; I can fasten the growth of the rainbow spider, right?’

Nevertheless, he rejected that idea because he didn’t know when he could enter the Beastnet and even if he entered, he should kill the Spider Queen without help from his followers or summons.

‘Otherwise, I can’t use my [Talent Swallowing Ability] to swallow its talents.’

Leo shook his head as he didn’t have the strength to kill the Spider Queen alone.

<Humans of this gradeless world, listen carefully >

Suddenly, Leo heard a familiar voice from the sky and muttered, ‘Unknown Entity?’


Next Bonus Chapter’s target:

1) An Inspiration Capsule, (or)

2) 700 Golden Tickets (670 / 700).