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Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 281 281-A Bargain
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Chapter 281 281-A Bargain

Flandre appeared in poor spirits, her eyes seemingly marked by the trails of tears.

The initial exchange between the two was filled with polite small talk, though Howard dared not inquire about Flandre's recent wellbeing.

Flandre soon revealed her purpose for visiting: she had come on behalf of Kaido.

Howard felt a conflict within himself as Flandre took his hand and explained, "Living with Kaido, I am not exactly oppressed, but I do wish for a harmonious relationship with him. He is upset with you for not granting him a title and has been unpleasant with me. Please, listen to me and bestow an additional title upon Kaido."

Howard had anticipated this conversation and had prepared strategies accordingly.

However, seeing Flandre's distress, he began to regret his prior decisions.

Annoyed, Howard criticized Kaido, "When I met Kaido, I thought he was a man of knightly virtue. But now it seems he's nothing more than a petty person who uses familial relationships to extort favors! You are his wife, a lawful couple! Does our strained relationship justify his taking out his frustrations on you? He lacks responsibility!"

Flandre remained silent, feeling torn between Kaido and Howard.

She asked Howard why he was so cold towards Kaido, to which Howard candidly shared the facts.

Although Flandre was well aware of Kaido's numerous family-trained light cavalry, a thought struck her.

She said to Howard, "It's true that Kaido is at fault, but now that I am married to him, the more titles he has, the more prestigious it is for me. Please, for my sake, grant Kaido a title."

With Flandre's words reaching this point, Howard understood clearly that she was determined to secure a title for her husband, no matter what.

Resigned, Howard assured Flandre that the grant would be forthcoming and advised her not to worry.

After all, he felt obliged to maintain her dignity, but his disappointment in Kaido was unmistakable.

Upon hearing Howard's assurance, Flandre's demeanor settled, and she gradually regained her composure.

Howard suggested that Flandre stay at Fernsouth Castle for a while, but she declined.

Without even staying for lunch, she left the castle.

Nora later remarked to Howard that Flandre's heart was entirely with Kaido.

Howard responded pragmatically, "After all, she is married to him. She has to think for herself too."

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Nora inquired, "So, what are you planning next? Will you give Kenfa Village or Pitz Village to Kaido?"

Howard shook his head, "Neither."

Nora stepped closer and asked, "Then, are you planning to bestow Nok or Fernsouth on Kaido?"

Howard replied that wasn't the case either.

Nora understood.

Howard wouldn't cut from his own to feed others. As for the land to be granted, it would likely be sourced from another vassal.

With this realization, she left the room.

The scene shifts to Gokasu Castle, where Bosiden, standing outside the castle, presents his diplomatic credentials before entering.

Upon seeing Bosiden, Hof immediately launches into a tirade, accusing Howard of planning to strip him of his title, and defiantly declares that he won't give it up without a fight.

Bosiden, with a smile, produces the document given to him by Howard and begins to read.

Hof, initially smirking in disbelief, gradually realizes that the message is not an order to revoke his title but rather a reassignment of a vassal to him, effectively granting him an additional title.

Even Hof, typically unflappable, shows a face full of surprise.

After Bosiden finishes reading, Hof, pointing at himself, asks incredulously, "Me? A new title for me, not a revocation?"

Bosiden nods, his face alight with amusement.

Hof's jaw drops, his head tilts in disbelief, still struggling to accept the reality.

He muses aloud, "Could it be that Lord Howard appreciated my leniency in the last war and, instead of reprimanding me, has decided to reward me covertly?"

Bosiden, raising his thumb in approval, praises Hof, "Baron, your insight is indeed keen. This is precisely the intention of my lord."

Convinced and overjoyed, Hof eagerly inquires about the identity of the vassal being reassigned to him.

Bosiden reports truthfully, further elevating Hof's spirits.

Known as the 'Viper', Hof's mind already starts to scheme against Knight Mibo.

While internally plotting his next move, Hof orders his servants to prepare a lavish banquet to properly host the emissary of Lord Howard.

Bosiden, aware of Hof's underlying intentions but remaining silent, observes as Hof blissfully falls into the trap, unaware of his own entanglement.

During the banquet, Hof incessantly inquired about Howard, to which Bosiden provided ambiguous responses, leaving Hof with a mix of accurate and misleading information.

The lavishness of the feast made Bosiden question where Hof had acquired such wealth.

Previously, Hof had borrowed an amount equivalent to three years of tax revenue from Gokasu Barony from lenders, nearly driving him to bankruptcy.

Observing the abundance of goose, beef, and lamb at the banquet, Bosiden sincerely asked, "Baron, has fortune finally favored you? Have your debt issues been resolved?"

Hof's eyes darted around before he responded, "That need not concern you, emissary. I will handle it myself."

Internally, Bosiden cursed Hof as an old fox, sensing that Hof's nickname as the 'Viper' might not be unearned.

Hof insisted that Bosiden stay the night, offering him a well-arranged room.

Throughout the evening, Bosiden inwardly chuckled at Hof's seeming thoroughness, yet he knew that Hof was no match for Lord Howard.

Once the trap was sprung, Hof, with only his baronial title, would soon find himself reduced to a commoner.

The next morning, Bosiden, despite Hof's insistent persuasion, set off for his return to Fernsouth Castle.

About five minutes after Bosiden's departure, Hof hastily summoned his confidants to the lord's hall for an urgent discussion.

As a baron, Hof's subordinates included nobles of the knight class.

He had five knights under his command, but ever since his failed assault on Fernsouth Castle, only one remained unswervingly loyal - Mambaton.

Mambaton was a tall man with slightly dark skin.

While others showed a facade of loyalty to Hof but harbored different sentiments, Mambaton's allegiance was simple and uncomplicated.

It stemmed from his personality - a staunch loyalty.

When others' fidelity fluctuated and was negotiated in secrecy, his remained as steadfast and unchangeable as his preference in clothing.

In the meeting, attended only by Mambaton, Hof laid out his plans.

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The other four knights, although summoned, did not show up.

Since it wasn't a time of war, they felt no obligation to heed Hof's call.

Rubbing his hands together with anticipation, Hof revealed his scheme to Mambaton, "A knight will soon be reassigned to me, and that knight is none other than our former lord, Mibo. He's been stripped of his earldom and now holds only a knight's title. But I won't let him off easily. I plan to concoct a plot, accusing him of attempting to murder me. This will allow me to seize his title. Mambaton, I need your help."

Mambaton, known for his high loyalty but average morals, agreed without hesitation, "Alright, I'll be part of it."

Before Bosiden's return, Howard paid a visit to the newly transferred prisoners in Fernsouth Castle's dungeon - Mibo and his son Ivan.

Mibo sat against the wall, while Ivan lay in a corner.

Upon seeing Howard, Mibo remained composed.

Over the past few days, he had reflected deeply and adjusted his state of mind, now regaining a level of rational thought.

Ivan, upon laying eyes on Howard, snorted derisively and taunted, "Well, well, look at the grandeur of the new Earl. Your velvet red robe certainly makes you look the part of a noble, quite a leap from someone who could barely afford black bread."

Howard, unfazed, simply told Ivan, "Be quiet."

Turning to Mibo, Howard crouched down and inquired, "How long do you think I'll keep you here?"

Mibo replied calmly, "That depends entirely on your grace's wishes."

Howard was pleased with the former lord's submissive tone.

Deciding not to beat around the bush, he informed Mibo about the reassignment of Seasalt Village and the impending release.

Mibo, who had been speaking with half-closed eyes, now opened them fully.

Despite his age, there was still a glint of sharpness in his gaze.

Mibo spoke, "Howard, even if you're reassigning a vassal, there's no rule stating that this vassal must be free. You could continue to imprison me and yet reassign me to Hof."

Howard responded candidly, "Let's speak frankly. Since you've been so honest, I won't hide my intentions. I'm releasing you to ensure you and Hof inflict mutual damage upon each other. Hof is a petty man, and given your past conflicts, he will surely seek to harm you once you're in his grasp."

Mibo's expression relaxed as he proposed, "My lord, would you consider making a deal with me?"

Howard, despite Mibo's current status as a knight, still held the Ferret family name in high regard.

The prestige of their lineage was undeniable.