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Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 236 236-Preparing for Battle
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Chapter 236 236-Preparing for Battle

After enduring numerous hardships, the group finally made it into the city.

There was no rush to implement their plan; certain aspects still required careful deliberation.

Before that, they needed to rest and recuperate, especially after traveling for so many consecutive days and reaching the brink of exhaustion.

In facing an adversary like Kaedwyn of the Black Hawk Mercenaries, haste could lead to recklessness.

Black Hawk Mercenaries were far more renowned than Frostwolf Mercenaries, and Kaedwyn's strength was well-known within the Empire.

Even the Empire had to be cautious in dealing with him, let alone Howard.

Howard temporarily separated from Kellman and Tina, each attending to their own tasks, and planned to reconvene the next morning.

According to the letter they had left for Kaedwyn, Howard had arranged a meeting with him the following afternoon, three miles north of Holy Light City.

There, Howard would hand over the treasure, and in exchange, Kaedwyn would release his father.

Howard's immediate task was to convert the treasures they had acquired into the Empire's common currency, gold coins.

This wasn't a difficult task.

Before parting ways with Kellman, he had already exchanged his share and now had a total of three hundred thousand gold coins – a substantial sum that could fund the formation of thirty Frostwolf Mercenaries.

Howard's fortune was largely due to luck, or perhaps Tina's good eye in selecting the treasures.

When choosing which items to take, Howard, unsure of their value, had relied on Tina's assistance.

This decision had paid off handsomely.

Kellman, on the other hand, wasn't as fortunate.

After exchanging his treasures, he ended up with only five thousand gold coins.

Tina fared even worse.

Whether she had given the more valuable items to Howard or simply made poor choices was unclear, but her treasures amounted to less than a thousand gold coins.

Seeing Kellman and Tina's disappointment, Howard initially wanted to share some of his wealth with them, but they staunchly refused.

Their refusal stemmed from both the pride of being mercenaries and the deep bond forged through their recent life-and-death experiences.

Reluctantly, Howard decided to keep the money, planning to use it against Kaedwyn.

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In this region, an average citizen's annual income barely amounted to a single gold coin.

With the wealth at his disposal, Howard could accomplish a great deal.

He first purchased a modest house in the northern part of the city, choosing a location that was unobtrusive for safety reasons.

Even though his newfound wealth could afford a luxurious mansion, his current status didn't allow for such a flamboyant display.

Buying a lavish residence would attract local powers' attention.

Suddenly introducing a wealthy individual into the community would inevitably lead to scrutiny.

If investigations revealed Howard's lack of backing, it would put him in danger.

Additionally, given his status as an outsider and effectively unregistered citizen, drawing attention from the Empire's authorities could be disastrous.

He could end up being stripped of all his wealth and thrown into prison.

Howard urgently needed to address this issue of obtaining a legitimate identity, which was proving to be a headache.

For the time being, he had to exercise caution, especially in unfamiliar territory.

Once the situation with Kaedwyn was resolved, he planned to consult Tina and Kellman for advice, hoping they might know a way to help him.

Fortunately, the current state of affairs, with the Empire and most noble factions preoccupied with the Night Demons and the increasingly chaotic situation, provided a bit of leeway for Howard to navigate his predicament.

Having no access to magic, Howard recognized the importance of quality equipment for survival.

He visited a weapon store and purchased a single-handed sword, a shield, and sturdy armor, spending a hefty sum of ten thousand gold coins.

This amount equaled the cost of Kellman's entire budget for setting up the Frostwolf Mercenaries.

However, Howard did not regret it, realizing the equipment was well worth the price.

With this new gear, his combat abilities significantly improved, giving him confidence even if he were to face Kaedwyn.

But enhancing his personal combat capability was not enough; Howard also needed to build his own force.

Initially, he considered hiring skilled mercenaries to temporarily handle the situation with Kaedwyn.

However, upon learning that Holy Light City had a slave market, he decided to explore that option.

Compared to hiring mercenaries, who might not be entirely loyal and could be tempted by Kaedwyn's substantial treasure, owning slaves seemed more fitting for the current circumstances.

Slaves would be more likely to follow orders without question.

Arriving at the slave market, Howard found it exceptionally chaotic.

The unstable times had forced many into slavery, and simultaneously, numerous nobles were urgently acquiring slaves.

With the current situation, all factions needed to bolster their strength, and they understood that instead of sitting on their wealth, it was more beneficial to invest in slaves to train a compliant private army.

This was far more cost-effective than direct recruitment.

The Empire typically prohibited most nobles from maintaining private armies, but the current weakened state of the Empire meant it no longer had the power to enforce such restrictions.

Howard met with the overseer of the slave market in a lavish reception room.

"My lord, I hear you seek exceptionally powerful slaves," the overseer remarked, eyeing Howard's valuable armor and distinguished appearance, surmising he might be a person of importance.

"Correct. Show me the most powerful slaves you have here," Howard stated, his expression stoic as he fixed his gaze on the man seated opposite him, his sharp eyes betraying a hint of cunning.

The overseer chuckled nervously, "Well, sir, our most powerful slave comes at a price of two hundred and fifty thousand gold coins."

He watched Howard closely, gauging his reaction to assess his financial capability.

Even among the nobility, few could afford such a sum, so his apprehension was not unwarranted.

Howard didn't even blink.

"What are their capabilities?" he inquired.

Seeing Howard's confidence, the overseer immediately adopted a more obsequious tone.

"She is a formidable warrior, comparable in strength to fifty Empire Knights. And she has... certain specialties."

"Specialties?" Howard raised an eyebrow.

"You'll understand once you meet her," the overseer said, his smile carrying a hint of mystery.

Howard frowned, pondering.

If this slave's strength was indeed on par with fifty well-equipped Empire Knights, as he had experienced firsthand, the price might be justified.

"How does her strength compare to Kaedwyn?" Howard further inquired.

"Kaedwyn? The former leader of the Black Hawk Mercenaries?" 

The overseer was surprised, unsure why Howard would mention him.

He had heard that Kaedwyn had recently defied the Empire, attacking one of its stations.

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The Empire had dispatched over a hundred knights in response, and the outcome was still unknown.

The overseer wasn't sure about Kaedwyn's exact strength, but as a merchant, he naturally tended to exaggerate the qualities of his merchandise.

"Rest assured, my lord. Our slave's strength is unmatched by nearly anyone in Holy Light City. As for Kaedwyn, he's merely a leader of a mercenary group. Just this month alone, several such groups have been annihilated."

Pausing for effect, he added, "I assure you, her strength is at least equivalent to three Kaedwyns."

"Take me to see her," Howard replied, aware that the overseer's claims might be inflated.

He decided the best way to ascertain the truth was to see for himself.

Rather than training an entire army, Howard preferred to buy a few powerful individuals for ease of management.

Too many average fighters could become a burden; he needed elites.

"Certainly, sir." The overseer led Howard to the dungeon where the slaves were kept.

The dungeon was dark and damp, lit only by the faint glow of torches along the corridor.

The stench was overpowering, and Howard covered his nose in disgust.

"You may wait outside if you prefer," the overseer quickly offered.

Howard nodded, stepping back outside.

lightsnοvεl Despite his varied experiences, the foul smell was too much for him, far worse than a pigsty.

It was clear that the people here didn't regard slaves as human beings but as mere livestock.

After some time, the overseer returned, leading a frail-looking young girl.

She cast a brief glance at Howard before her gaze dimmed and she lowered her head.

Howard's eyebrows immediately furrowed in suspicion.

Could this really be the formidable warrior he was promised? She appeared weak and undernourished, almost skeletal, far from the robust figure he had expected.

Observing Howard's doubt, the overseer hastily spoke up, "Honored sir, this is indeed our most powerful slave.

She possesses a rare orcish bloodline, bestowing her with immense strength.

Please, do not be deceived by her outward appearance."

Howard carefully examined the girl, unwilling to simply accept the overseer's word.

He needed to verify for himself whether she was truly worth the hefty price tag of two hundred and fifty thousand gold coins.

"I need to test her strength myself," he stated firmly.

The overseer's face grew uncomfortable, revealing his reluctance as he replied, "Sir, if you're in doubt, I can arrange for her to demonstrate her capabilities against our staff. There's no need for you to personally engage. Any injury on your part would be a responsibility we cannot bear."