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Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 332 - Oh God, How Did I End Up With Such A Lazy Bug?
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There was still a month and a half for the Overseas competition and everyone was preparing for the competition very eagerly. As the school would welcome a busy period after the competition, the chairman decided to prepone the Cultural eve and held it in the following month, as a result, the students became busier preparing for the competition and the cultural eve.

Initially, cultural eve played a special role in earning credits for the student which would then be included in their final grade but because of the Overseas competition, the chairman decided to exclude the students who were preparing for overseas competition from participating in the cultural eve. As a result, those participating in overseas competitions had the choice to participate or ignore the cultural eve.

Emperor high's Cultural eve would usually be held for seven days. The first two days the school would hold several competitions, the third and fourth day would be the talent show where students could show their talents. The fifth day is the musical day where students could show off their talents in music. The sixth day would be the group participation where students would present stage play or group dance. On the same day, the school would also hold prize distribution. Students who won the competitions would be awarded on the stage in the presence of a special guest and parents. Even if not for credit, these students would usually participate in such competition to earn glory.

With a fighting spirit, students would fight to showcase their best and earn these honors.

Since this year there were certain exceptions, students preparing for the competition didn't have to worry for credits or honor but there were still a few who wanted to join in the fun, and one of them was Xiao Li and the other was...Sia.

In order to avoid the cunning fox Shen Yi, Xiao Li forced herself to participate in the culture eve. But as she did not want to participate alone, she dragged the foodie Sia along with her.

Initially, Sia was happily enjoying her noodles in the canteen when she was dragged along by Xiao Li. With a dark face, Sia followed Xiao Li to their classroom.

As soon as Sia and Xiao Li entered the class, the initial bustling class suddenly quietened.

As soon as the Class representative's eyes fell on Sia, his eyes sparkled with delight.

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Stepping forward, he looked at Sia with his bright eyes and asked eagerly "Sia, are you also joining our play?"

"Uhmm...yeah I guess" Sia responded awkwardly

"That's great. Come in, we were just about to decide the role, you guys came at the right time" said the CR excitedly

Surprised, Sia asked, "Oh, have you guys already decided what to act?"

"Yeah, the teacher suggested us to act Snow White so we were just preparing to allot the role"

Sia's lips slightly twitched when she heard that it was their homeroom teacher's idea. Sure enough, you could not expect anything good from this old man who was inexperienced at romance.

"Sia? Sia?"

"uh....oh sorry did you say something?" returning to her sense Sia asked

"We are about to pick the role, why don't you both join us?"

"Oh...no need, I have already decided my role," Sia said

Stunned everyone looked at Sia with a mixed expression. Everyone thought that Sia had picked a lead role for herself and were quite dissatisfied with Sia's attitude.

The CR also had the same thought but unlike others, he did not come to a conclusion himself instead he choose to ask Sia's opinion before making a conclusion.

"Uhm, may I ask what role do you want to play?" The CR asked with some uncertainty

"I want to play the tree" Sia responded with a wide grin

"huh? What?" the CR asked thinking that he had misheard

"I want to play the role of a tree. Aren't you going to put some trees in the background?" Sia asked when she saw CR's awkward expression

"..." not only was the CR in disbelief, but everyone else were also equally stunned when they saw Sia volunteering to be a background character.

infact if Sia had asked to play the lead role, even if they were dissatisfied they would grant her the role firstly because she was soo beautiful that she could easily attract people's attention and she was perfectly fit to play the role of snow white and secondly because of her backbone. Who in their right sense would dare to mess with the first young master's girlfriend? What if Sia ran to her boyfriend and complained about them? They did not dare to offend Mu Jun even they were given tons of guts.

Hence everyone had internally prepared to give up the role of Snow white when they heard Sia say that she had already decided her role.

But reality hit their face severely. Unlike their expectation, Sia actually wanted to be a tree rather than snow white. For a while, none of them could understand what was running in Sia's head.

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Glancing at Xiao Li who was equally stunned, the CR turned to Sia and asked with some uncertainty "Uhm Sia, are you sure you want to act a tree instead of Snow-white or her evil stepmother?"

Nodding her head, Sia replied with certainty "I'm sure"

"Uhm Sia may I know why? Infact you suit the role of snow white the best" the CR suggested to which even Xiao Li nodded her head readily

Shaking her head in disgust, Sia said "Nah Nah, Snowwhite doesn't suit me at all. Snow white is too weak and she gets bullied easily. I'm not such a weakling. Also, there are too many dialogues for snow-white, instead, I feel the role of a tree is comfortable. I don't have to dress up exaggeratedly nor do I have to practice lengthy dialogues. I can just stand idle and watch the drama comfortably" thinking of something Sia clapped her hands and said excitedly "Don't you think this is the best outcome. I can watch them act in a better position than the judges and guests"


Seeing Sia's excited expression, Xiao Li slapped her forehead and thought inwardly 'How exactly does her brain work?' looking up Xiao Li thought 'Oh God, how did I end up with such a lazy bug?'

In the end, excluding Sia's special role, the rest of the roles were written on the chit and placed inside the box. One by one everyone went forward to pick the chit.

When it was Xiao Li's turn, Sia volunteered to pick her role.

Rolling her eyes at Sia's childishness, Xiao Li stood at the side and let Sia pick the chit.

Infact Sia stepped forward to pick the chit for Xiao Li not because she wanted to help Xiao Li but instead to take revenge against Xiao Li.

Earlier when the CR was writing the roles in the chit, Sia had secretly left a mark on the lead role while helping out the CR to fold. Others might not have noticed but Sia had long back set her sight on the lead role for Xiao Li.