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Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 148 - Cold Blooded Killer...Prince!!
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On the other side, Su Yan was dragged inside a hotel room by two burly men and was pushed on the bed.

As soon as the room door was closed, Rong You Yue walked out from a dark corner

"As you had ordered, we have brought the girl here," one of the burly men said

"What about the other things that I had asked you to do," Rong You Yue asked

"No worries, we have already bribed a hotel staff to delete all the CCTV footage. The elevators have also been taken care of. Now if anyone wants to repair it's going to take at least half an hour and using the stairs is also of no use as it also requires more than half an hour to read our floor. So for now no one can interrupt us, this girls life is done for"

"What about the waitress who drugged her glass?"

"My men have already taken care of her...you don't have to worry about anyone leaking the news"

"Good job" nodding her head, Rong You Yue walked towards the intoxicated Su Yan and looked at her with a sneer

"Look at whom do we have, the star of the night, the lucky princes from the Su's, Su Yan....haha" Rong You Yue laughed viciously

Because Su Yan was drugged she could barely open her eyes but she could still hear the other person's words.

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Trying her best to keep her eyes open, Su Yan asked in a hoarse voice "W-Who are you?"

"Me? Haha...I'm an angel who is here to show you the hell" Rong You Yue laughed viciously

"W-why...why are you do-doing this to me?" Su Yan asked while clenching her fist until her nails penetrated the skin just so she could stay awake with the help of pain

"Hehe...why? Because you're a thorn....a thorn who is constructing my goal, my ambition, my life. If I don't clear this thorn, I can never reach the level I want so today...I'm going to pull out this thorn and make it disappear from my life"

Seeing Su Yan struggle to keep herself conscious, Rong You Yue laughed in satisfaction and said "Try as much as you want but you're deemed to suffer" thinking of something, Rong You Yue smiled viciously and said "don't worry, you will not be the only one who is going to suffer. After you, your friends will also join you. First, it's going to be you, then that little bitch An Ran then that commoner and at last the ugly looking bitch Sia, all of you....are going to die a shameful death...haha" Rong You Yue laughed in madness

Hearing Rong You Yue's words, Su Yan felt rage build inside her heart. Mustering all the strength she got, she slapped Rong You Yue hard, almost causing her to fall off the bed.

Stabilizing herself, Rong You Yue held her swollen cheek and looked at Su Yan in disbelief.

Feeling humiliated, Rong You Yue jumped on Su Yan and slapped her cheeks simultaneously and yelled "You bitch, you whore...how dare you to slap me huh....see if I don't teach you a lesson"

Wiping off the blood from the corner of her lips, Rong You Yue got off the bed and looked at Su Yan with a smile and said "Little bitch, initially I just wanted to humiliate you with these two men but after your slap, I have changed my mind. If I don't teach you a proper lesson how can I show my face to your friends..heh" turning to the two burly men, Rong You Yue ordered "ask the other two to come inside and let the rest guard outside"

"Yes miss"

Glancing one last time at Su Yan, Rong You Yue sneered "Adios little bitch...have a great time with the men" waving her hand, Rong You Yue walked out of the room leaving Su Yan in the hands of for men.

After sending off Rong You Yue, they locked the door and looked at Su Yan with lustful gaze.

Rubbing their wrist, they walked towards Su Yan and said in a hoarse voice "little girl, don't worry...big brother will take good care of you. You just need to stay there and enjoy our special treatment"

On the other side...even after searching everywhere, they could not find Su Yan anywhere around.

Each passing second made the few animals feel heavy and nervous.

Sia had constantly tried to find clues about Su Yan but until now she could not find even a single clue and upon that the bad feeling in her heart was further intensifying making Sia anxious.

A while ago when she asked Yun Xia to hack the hotel's security system, she learned that all the footage was deleted and would take some time to recover. Even though it was an emergency, Sia could do nothing instead, she could only pray that nothing would happen to Su Yan.

On the other side, Mu Jun's hacker team was also facing the same problem as Yun Xia but because they were not as capable as Yun Xia, they were unable to restore the CCTV footage in the shortest time.

Just as the two sides were anxious, Sis finally received a piece of good news from Yun Xia "I found her....she has been taken to the seventeenth floor, to room no 1723"

"Okay...help me pass the message to John," Sia said before rushing towards the elevator

"Okay" Yun Xia answered before hanging up the call

Just as Sia thought she could reach Su Yan, another obstacle appeared in her path.

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When Sia reached the elevator she found that it was not working.

Cursing the goddamn elevator, Sia looked around and thankfully found emergency stairs at the right corner. Without wasting a second Sia rushed towards the emergency stairs.

Looking at the long stairs that looked endlessly, Sia closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath. The next moment when she opened her eyes, determination flashed in her eyes. Taking if her high heels, she discarded it randomly and rushed towards the stairs.

Thankfully the stairs had railings and were not too high from the one below.

At the moment Sia was quite advantageous since she had trained herself running on stress with her little black from a young age. Hence jumping from one railing to another was an easy matter to Sia.

Grabbing hold of the iron railing, Sia used force and pushed herself upwards and grabbed the railing of the second floor, and paused for a second before pushing herself again and grabbed the third railing. Following the same steps, Sia climbed until the seventeenth floor.

Because she had to exert too much force and had to jump higher, Sia had to deplete a lot of energy. Even though she felt tired, Sia did not dare to stop as she was afraid of wasting even a single second. Mustering up all her energy, ignoring her swollen foot, and her aching hand, Sia hurried upstairs.

Even though Sia had climbed up at the fastest speed she still took ten minutes to reach upstairs.

As soon as she was on the seventeenth floor, she pushed the door open and ran to the corridor barefooted.

After looking around, she finally saw room 1723. Two burly men were guarding the door while a few were resting in the next room.

Gritting her teeth, Sia ran towards the two burly men with a whoosh and kicked them away from her path, and kicked the door open.

As soon as Sia walked inside a faint smell of blood startled her. Without a second thought, she barged inside but as soon as she saw the scene inside her heart turned cold and murderous rage surfaced in her eyes.

At this moment, Sia was no longer the easygoing young girl instead she was the cold-blooded killer.....Prince!!